Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Spirit of Charlemagne Is Alive in Europe From the November-December 2016 Trumpet Prin


The Bible foretells that one more resurrection of this empire is ahead of us. And events in Europe are dovetailing with that prophecy very closely! Western Europe, a supposed modern bastion of democracy and secularism, is about to once again become a unified empire led by a strongman and influenced by the Catholic Church!
And what spirit will that leader have? The same spirit embraced by Hitler, by Napoleon, by Charlemagne.
If you want to know what spirit leads the Holy Roman Empire, look to the same source that—as a fact of history—accurately forecasted its six resurrections over a period of many centuries. That source is the Bible, and it says that this ferocious, constantly reviving, beastly, potently religious power is led by “the dragon” (Revelation 13:2-11).
The facts of history show that this has been true time after time after time over the past 1,400 years. Each of these empires has been an unholy union between the Vatican and worldly European rulers and their armies. Each of these empires has spilled rivers of blood in the name of God. Each of these has been afalse religion and a bloody iteration of an evil empire.
The spirit of this empire is the spirit of Satan the devil!
Many people reject the Bible and reject the existence of the devil. But compare what the Bible says to the documented facts of history and ask yourself, Was the Bible right? And if so, could it be right about the existence of the devil? Could it be right that he will lead one more empire to come?
Prove the truth for yourself. And closely watch the spirit of Charlemagne. 

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