Saturday 22 October 2016

Drugging America for Profit

Who is more dangerous, the Sinaloa drug cartel or the United States pharmaceutical industry?

Money will not halt this epidemic as long as Americans glamorize drugs as the solution to their problems. Instead of educating people about diet, exercise, moral living and other healthy lifestyle habits, doctors and educators tout drugs (legal or illegal) as the go-to solution for sickness, pain, anxiety, depression and a myriad of other problems.
Like screen addiction, sugar addiction, gambling addiction or pornography addiction, drug addiction triggers unhealthy levels of the brain chemical dopamine. It is mainly this chemical that gives people the feelings of pleasure and exhilaration during a drug high. Addiction is about escaping.
Instead of addressing the underpinning causes of chronic pain, doctors just write a prescription for painkillers. Instead of educating people about the underpinning causes of sickness, they write a prescription for the newest antibiotic on the market. Instead of counseling people on how to overcome depression, they hand out the latest psychiatric drug. Our culture prescribes pills as a solution to almost every problem imaginable.
As the opioid crisis reveals, America’s overreliance on prescription pills is leading millions toward addiction.
There are very real causes behind the problems that drive so many people into addiction. Until people turn to God, His law and His truth—and away from fleeting, drug-induced moments of euphoria—these problems will worsen.
The long-term solution to this epidemic isn’t drug legalization or more spending to stop drug trafficking. The solution is dismantling America’s culture of escapism and turning to God’s pure, wholesome, happy way of life. 

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