Friday 28 April 2017

The Unknown Prophet


The Bible describes an end-time spokesman for God known as “That Prophet.”

The Key of David and the Open Door - The Trumpet Daily


Herbert W. Armstrong was one of the most prominent religious figures
of the 20th century. He was a pioneer in religious broadcasting. He
was the world’s leading televangelist of his day. Millions of people
read his writing, listened to him on the radio, and watched him on
television. Even President Ronald Reagan commented on his ministry.
After he died, President Reagan said, “Mr. Armstrong contributed to
sharing the Word of the Lord with his community and with people
throughout the nation. You can take pride in his legacy.”

During Mr. Armstrong’s ministry, God’s message went out around the
world with real power! On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we will
explain what that message is and how God opened doors for that message
to go around the world.
Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio. 

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Germany’s Arrogance Problem

“One country’s moral evangelism is the rest of the world’s intolerable smugness,” an opinion writer for Foreign Policy wrote this week. Germany believes that it alone knows best. After World War II, Germany—Western Germany, in particular—was humbled and subordinate to Western alliances. But Germany today is shunning that postwar posture. Where is this leading? Find out on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Son of Nazi War Criminal: Don’t Trust Germany

Hans Frank was the Nazi governor-general of occupied Poland during World War II. He is responsible for the deaths of millions of people. His son, Niklas Frank, despises what his father did. Today, he travels around Germany giving speeches about his notorious father and the shameful legacy of Nazi Germany. In a recent interview with the BBC, he warned the world about placing its trust in Germany. There is still something in the German people, Niklas said, that “makes me fear them.” On today’s program, we examine the unique insights of one of Germany’s own—and review what Bible prophecy says about Germany and the last resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

The 4-Minute Prayer ‘Challenge’

Many people believe they are religious, but few actually take the time to learn what it is that makes one a Christian. A recent study found that while many Americans are fond of the Bible, few of them actually study it. It’s the same with prayer. One Christian website recently “challenged” its followers to pray 4 minutes each day for four weeks! What does God have to say about Bible study and prayer? Listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show to understand what it really means to put God first in our lives.

Many people believe they are religious, but few actually take the time to learn what it is that makes one a Christian. A recent study found that while many Americans are fond of the Bible, few of them actually study it. It’s the same with prayer. One Christian website recently “challenged” its followers to pray 4 minutes each day for four weeks! What does God have to say about Bible study and prayer? Listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show to understand what it really means to put God first in our lives.

Why the Long Decay of the U.S. Military Will Persist

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump promised that, if elected, he would reverse the decay of the United States military. After just three months in office, President Trump’s administration is realizing this is a task easier said than done. U.S. military equipment has been decaying over the past three decades, and it is falling behind in technical capabilities to nations like Russia and China. Simply undoing Barack Obama’s military budget cuts alone is likely to be an insurmountable task. Is the U.S. military beyond repair? On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show we examine how America’s military got to this point and why Bible prophecy says it’s not going to be fixed.

America Once Fed the World—Now It’s Being Overtaken by ‘New Powers’

The United States was the leading food producer of the world for decades. Just 30 years ago, American soybean exports made up 70 percent of the world’s supply. That number has fallen to 40 percent, putting the U.S. behind Brazil. It’s the same with wheat and corn, where Russia has been increasing its output substantially while America’s continues to dwindle. Bible prophecy explains why America is losing its status as the world’s greatest food producer. To find out why, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Mystery of the Kingdom of God


Is the Kingdom of God in the hearts of men? Is it comprised of all Christian denominations? Traditional Christianity offers numerous definitions for the Kingdom of God. Learn about the message Jesus Christ preached on Earth, a message about the coming kingdom. Understand its plan, purpose and potential, and see what the Kingdom of God really is—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

The Kingdom of God is man’s only hope. The advance good news of the wonderful world tomorrow is as sure as the rising of the sun tomorrow morning. Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s free book The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like to understand how the world will change after the return of Jesus Christ. God’s Kingdom is a literal and specific government. Your Bible guarantees it will be established on Earth in the near future.
Discover why human beings can’t solve our problems. After Christ returns, mankind will be forced to be happy, to enjoy world peace, and to reap universal abundance. The Kingdom of God will mark the end of the dark age of man, and the beginning of a glorious eternal future under God. Read The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like to find out how this spectacular miracle will occur.

Jesus Christ preached a powerful message while on Earth. Request your free copy of the reprint article “What Is the True Gospel?” to prove what Christ taught about the coming Kingdom of God. Traditional Christianity today teaches a false gospel about Christ, instead of focusing on Christ’s message. Learn how the true gospel will have an effect on every human being who has ever lived.

You will also receive a DVD of all seven Key of David programs in the Mystery of the Ages series. Discover the answers to life’s most important questions about God, angels and evil spirits, man, civilization, Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom of God.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like, “What

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Will the Latest Attack on Paris Influence the Outcome of Sunday’s Election?

An Islamist terrorist armed with a Kalashnikov rifle opened fire yesterday on one of Paris’s busiest streets. He killed a police officer and wounded two others. With French presidential elections just days away, we examine how this latest attack will impact the election and what it means in broader terms for the future of the European Union.

After MOAB, We Ask: Is America Back?

Last week, America dropped the “Mother of All Bombs” on Islamic State targets in Afghanistan. The week before, 59 cruise missiles struck a Syrian airstrip belonging to Bashar Assad. While these plot a different course for the United States compared with eight years of inaction, are they a sign that America is back? Charles Krauthammer thinks so. As does Mark Styn. On today’s program, Middle East correspondent Brent Nagtegaal analyzes the recent actions in light of the question, “Is America back?”

The Invisible Superpower and the World’s Most Dangerous Rogue State

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump called the Iran nuclear deal disastrous and catastrophic. He said one of his top priorities if he became president would be to dismantle the agreement. This week, however, his administration was happy to announce that Iran was complying with the terms of the agreement. President Trump’s administration has come out strong against North Korea and Syria, but hasn’t moved beyond pinprick sanctions when it comes to confronting Iran. On today’s program we discuss why Iran is the rogue state we should be concerned about the most.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Turkey’s Constitution: Change at the Crossroads of the World

Turks voted to change their country’s constitution on Sunday, according to official election results. The vote is described as the death of Turkish democracy and the end of Turkey’s period as a secular state. What is behind these massive changes in Turkey? And where are they leading? Turkey sits at the crossroads of the world; events there have a profound impact on the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer examines what the future holds for Turkey—and how it will affect you.

Most Powerful Weapon

Consequences of Lawlessness

After 150 years of indoctrination in evolutionary theory, almost every sector of Western society has accepted the premise that there is no absolute truth. People protest and riot in the streets over whether or not the concept of gender is a biological reality, whether or not a mother has the right to kill her child, and whether or not the unemployed have a right to use the government to forcibly extract wealth from others.
The fact of the matter in all human controversies is this: If humanity evolved from primordial ooze, no one can say what is “right” or “wrong” because there is no such thing. There is only the strong and the weak.
“Both our practical morality and our emotional lives are adjusted to a world that no longer exists,” wrote Joseph Krutch shortly after he accepted evolution. “In so far as we adhere to a code of conduct, we do so largely because certain habits still persist, not because we can give any logical reason for preferring them ….”
Abortion, assisted suicide, sexual promiscuity, drug use and numerous other practices that were once condemned are now socially acceptable. We live in a different social universe than we did a century ago, a universe where the laws of morality are turned upside down. The whole world is in the midst of a moral crisis.
Nearly 40 years after Herbert Armstrong warned about the danger of evolution, he further elaborated on the moral crisis precipitated by Moral Darwinism. “The world crisis had already started prior to World War i,” he wrote on Nov. 24, 1967. “Only most of the peoples of the world were not yet aware of it. But men like Karl Marx and Nikolai Lenin knew. This world crisis resulted from the impact of science and technology—and the injection of godless ‘German rationalism’ into education. World wars are the military expression of that crisis. Worldwide depressions are the economic expression. The so-called ‘New Morality’ is the moral expression—plummeting morals into the cesspool. Universal desperation is the spiritual expression. This has spawned the beatniks and the hippies—the riots—the marches—the ‘civil disobedience’—the breakdown of law and order” (Plain Truth subscriber letter).
The “German rationalism” Mr. Armstrong referred to was the “rationalism” Whittaker Chambers referenced. It is the atheist-inspired philosophy that proposed that “human reason” is the only source and only judge of all kinds of knowledge. In other words, if there is no God, whatever seems reasonable to you is right.
This is the line of thinking that leads to family breakdown, welfare addiction, drug addiction, gang membership, racial problems, looting, rioting and anarchy. The moral law revealed in the Holy Bible says that such behavior naturally leads to a condition where cities are “laid waste, without an inhabitant” (Jeremiah 4:7; also Jeremiah 2:15; Ezekiel 6:6).
The blast radius of a Soviet rds-220 hydrogen bomb is 45 miles, but the destruction unleashed by moral lawlessness, the logical conclusion of the evolutionary theory, has become entrenched in most of modern civilization. This makes moral relativism over a thousand times more destructive than the Tsar Bomba!
“When Satan destroys belief in creation—when the devil succeeds in convincing men that this Earth was not created by an all-powerful creating God, but that it came … ‘by continuous progressive change, by natural causes, according to fixed laws, brought about only through resident forces’—then has Satan destroyed the proof of God,” Mr. Armstrong explained in 1928. This is why “evolution is the devil’s most powerful weapon.”
Until humanity accepts God’s inexorable spiritual law as static, stationary, eternal and unchanging, we stand in great danger. Unless the Creator, whose existence evolutioninsts so adamantly deny, intervenes to save this world’s sick society, the moral relativism and evolutionary progressivism radiating throughout society will poison all humanity, leading to the extinction of all life on Earth (Matthew 24:22).
Thankfully, the Bible records a definitive promise that God will intervene to save human beings from ourselves as soon as we prove this lesson.

Saturday 15 April 2017

The Mystery of the Church


Jesus Christ established God’s true Church almost 2,000 years ago. Discover the purpose for God’s true Church. Learn what sets it apart from the rest—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

When Jesus Christ founded the New Testament Church, He said the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He prophesied of seven successive eras of the Church before His Second Coming, and even foretold the predominant character of each. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The True History of God’s True Church to learn more about each Church era. Understand why God has given His Church the responsibility to proclaim to the world the good news of His coming kingdom. Discover how Satan suppressed this vital gospel message for 1,800 years.

History shows that God’s true Church has survived for 20 centuries despite vicious attacks from Satan-inspired false religion. Now, on the cusp of Christ’s return, this dramatic and miraculous story can be fully told! Read this inspiring account in The True History of God’s True Church.

Before Jesus Christ could preach the gospel message and establish the true Church, He waged a titanic battle for world domination against Satan the devil. He won that battle. So can you. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet How to Be an Overcomer to learn how. Understand how Christ, a mortal man, lived for more than 30 years without committing a single sin. Receive practical lessons for how to win your war against sin just like Christ did. The reward for doing so is spectacular.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The True History of God’s True Church and How to Be an Overcomer. Order now!

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

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Doers of the Word—Not Forgetful Hearers


Many people like what they read in the Bible. However, the Bible says that simply hearing or reading is not enough! “But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed,” James wrote in his epistle (James 1:15).

In scripture after scripture, we are admonished to take God’s instruction and put it into practice in our daily lives. God requires action! We must apply what God teaches us.

On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we will learn why it is so crucial for us to be doers of the Word—and not hearers only.

Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio.

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How to Know When World War III Will Begin

Events in Syria and North Korea have led many, over the past few days, to Google “World War III.” Many people see what is happening and are worried that World War III is beginning. This is a legitimate fear. In today’s program, guest presenter Brad Macdonald provides a summary of the events Bible prophecy says will trigger World War III.

Germany and the Last Holy Roman Empire

Two Women

Do you know what the number one target of the Holy Roman Empire has been over the centuries? The truth of history is depicted in a spectacular way in biblical prophecy.
The book of Revelation describes the Holy Roman Empire as a union of church and state by using a powerful symbol: a woman riding a beast.
“So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns” (Revelation 17:3). Many prophecies use a woman as a symbol of a church. This woman is a “great whore” (verse 1)—a large false church that has unholy political dealings with governments all over the world.
And there is no better description of the terrible and destructive political-military machine that the Holy Roman Empire has been throughout history than a mighty beast. This empire has seven headsseven distinct periods of dominance over a span of 1,500 years. You can follow these seven heads throughout history! There is tremendous destructive power here, and the church has been guiding it and riding it. We explain all this in The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.
“And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns” (verse 7). This woman is a mystery. God reveals the depths of her evils!
This beast power will “ascend out of the bottomless pit,” or come out of hiding, shocking everyone (verse 8). This time, the Holy Roman Empire will be more lethal than it has ever been before!
Now, notice this detail in John’s prophetic description: “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration” (verse 6). This woman has been getting drunk on the blood of God’s people throughout the centuries! I strongly urge you to learn about this vital subject by requesting a free copy of my book The True History of God’s True Church—And Its 2,000-Year War With the Great False Church.
This book explains the real spiritual power behind this false church and this unholyempire: Satan the devil. He hates God’s people and comes after them most of all.
Contrast the woman in Revelation 17 with the one depicted in Revelation 12. “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars” (Revelation 12:1). This woman—also a symbol of a church—is brilliant and beautiful!
This is the true Church of God. Her crown of 12 stars is symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel. She is clothed with the sun. The sun produces more energy in just one second than the entire human species has consumed in its history! This shows the power of God behind His little Church, a remnant of loyal saints.
But see what happens to this woman: “And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads” (verses 2-3).
The devil is depicted as a dragon. In this prophecy, the symbol is actually expressed in terms of the Holy Roman Empire, which Satan inspires, controls and uses as his instrument! There are those seven heads—seven periods of that empire’s dominance—and Satan has ruled every one of them!
Here you see the Holy Roman Empire’s attack on God’s true Church in more detail: “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days” (verse 6). The “days” spoken of here are actually years in prophetic fulfillment. (You can see this “day for a year” principle of prophecy in scriptures like Ezekiel 4:6). God’s Church was forced to flee from the bloodthirsty Holy Roman Empire for 1,260 years!
This prophecy has a specific end-time counterpart. Put Revelation 17 together with other prophecies, and it is clear there is one last terrifying martyrdom coming. This Satan-inspired church-state combine is rising again, and as it has done so many times in the past, it is going to come after God’s people.
Those who are faithful to Him, God promises to protect in a place of safety. “And to the woman [the church of faithful saints] were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent” (Revelation 12:14). This period of 3½ years is elsewhere described as 42 months (Revelation 11:2; 13:5)—or 1,260 days, not years.
But sadly, in this very end time, many of God’s people have rebelled against Him—and they will end up being slaughtered! (Revelation 12:17; 13:7).

The Good News

Why would God record all these details in prophecy? It is because He wants to warn usabout what is coming—so we can take action to repent and turn to Him for protection! He wants people to avoid these indescribable nightmares. God always warns before He allows such suffering!
The window of opportunity is closing—but there is still time to heed God’s warning and repent!
The beast in Revelation 17 is the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, and it has “10 horns.” What are these horns? “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast” (Revelation 17:12-13).
Watch Europe! This last “head” of the Holy Roman Empire is going to have 10 kingsbanding together, with one as the supreme head. Even today, Europe is looking for a strong leader who can resolve the challenges of European unity and move the project forward. You can be sure that this most powerful king will be from Germany. As has been the case so many times in history, Germany will preside over and control the whole empire.
There are over 100 prophecies that back up what you have read in this article! And world events are rapidly aligning to bring them to fulfillment!
As fearsome as this empire will be, though, the good news is that its evil reign of terror will last only a short time! As it rampages through its conquests, it will run straight into a power far greater than itself!
“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful” (verse 14). Jesus Christ Himself will return and crush this destructive, perverted kingdom! Already He has an awesome, unstoppable plan in motion to replace it with His own rule on Earth! And we are very close to seeing His plan realized.
Making this prophecy even more inspiring is what it says about God’s saints—those who are “called, and chosen, and faithful” today. Christ will be “Lord of lords, and King of kings.” Who are those other “lords” and “kings” over whom Christ will rule? Revelation 1:6 says to God’s people that Christ “hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father”!
These and many other Bible passages show that when Christ establishes His Kingdom on Earth, He will have a dedicated group of kings and priests serving under Him—not human kings and priests, but individuals who have been transformed into spirit, like God! Together, these God beings will help Christ crush the Holy Roman Empire and all other world powers, and bring peacejoy and happiness to the Earth forever!
If you dedicate yourself to God’s work today, this is the tremendous reward that God promises you!