Saturday 1 April 2017

The Mystery of Civilization


Human civilization is more advanced today than at any time in history. Yet man’s problems are multiplying at an alarming rate. What is the cause of this confounding paradox? Learn why human civilization is on a crash course for disaster—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

During his ministry, the late Herbert W. Armstrong spoke frequently about the two trees: the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Death. 

Request our free booklet Mystery of the Two Trees to discover the theme of the entire Bible: God opening the Tree of Life to mankind. God opens and closes the Bible by talking about the Tree of Life. But human civilization was founded on the Tree of Death. Expose the evil being who led mankind astray. Understand how God will lead mankind back to the Tree of Life—the only way to lasting peace, abundance and joy. To uncover the foundational truth that has been unknown to man for 6,000 years, read Mystery of the Two Trees.

You will also receive Lesson 29 of the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course. This free Bible course is now available online or in print. Request to enroll in this course to discover the solutions to world problems—from personal and family relationships to national economics and foreign policy. The Bible was written for this generation. No book is as up-to-date. It reveals the events that will shake the world in the coming years. Yet this incredible book is the least understood of all books. Study Lesson 29 to understand more about the two trees and man’s catastrophic choice. Request to enroll in the whole course to begin to understand the entire Bible—mankind’s instruction manual.
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Mystery of the Two Trees and Lesson 29 of the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course. You may also request to enroll in the entire course. Order now!

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