Saturday 22 April 2017

Mystery of the Kingdom of God


Is the Kingdom of God in the hearts of men? Is it comprised of all Christian denominations? Traditional Christianity offers numerous definitions for the Kingdom of God. Learn about the message Jesus Christ preached on Earth, a message about the coming kingdom. Understand its plan, purpose and potential, and see what the Kingdom of God really is—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

The Kingdom of God is man’s only hope. The advance good news of the wonderful world tomorrow is as sure as the rising of the sun tomorrow morning. Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s free book The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like to understand how the world will change after the return of Jesus Christ. God’s Kingdom is a literal and specific government. Your Bible guarantees it will be established on Earth in the near future.
Discover why human beings can’t solve our problems. After Christ returns, mankind will be forced to be happy, to enjoy world peace, and to reap universal abundance. The Kingdom of God will mark the end of the dark age of man, and the beginning of a glorious eternal future under God. Read The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like to find out how this spectacular miracle will occur.

Jesus Christ preached a powerful message while on Earth. Request your free copy of the reprint article “What Is the True Gospel?” to prove what Christ taught about the coming Kingdom of God. Traditional Christianity today teaches a false gospel about Christ, instead of focusing on Christ’s message. Learn how the true gospel will have an effect on every human being who has ever lived.

You will also receive a DVD of all seven Key of David programs in the Mystery of the Ages series. Discover the answers to life’s most important questions about God, angels and evil spirits, man, civilization, Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom of God.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like, “What

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