Tuesday 18 April 2017

Most Powerful Weapon


Consequences of Lawlessness

After 150 years of indoctrination in evolutionary theory, almost every sector of Western society has accepted the premise that there is no absolute truth. People protest and riot in the streets over whether or not the concept of gender is a biological reality, whether or not a mother has the right to kill her child, and whether or not the unemployed have a right to use the government to forcibly extract wealth from others.
The fact of the matter in all human controversies is this: If humanity evolved from primordial ooze, no one can say what is “right” or “wrong” because there is no such thing. There is only the strong and the weak.
“Both our practical morality and our emotional lives are adjusted to a world that no longer exists,” wrote Joseph Krutch shortly after he accepted evolution. “In so far as we adhere to a code of conduct, we do so largely because certain habits still persist, not because we can give any logical reason for preferring them ….”
Abortion, assisted suicide, sexual promiscuity, drug use and numerous other practices that were once condemned are now socially acceptable. We live in a different social universe than we did a century ago, a universe where the laws of morality are turned upside down. The whole world is in the midst of a moral crisis.
Nearly 40 years after Herbert Armstrong warned about the danger of evolution, he further elaborated on the moral crisis precipitated by Moral Darwinism. “The world crisis had already started prior to World War i,” he wrote on Nov. 24, 1967. “Only most of the peoples of the world were not yet aware of it. But men like Karl Marx and Nikolai Lenin knew. This world crisis resulted from the impact of science and technology—and the injection of godless ‘German rationalism’ into education. World wars are the military expression of that crisis. Worldwide depressions are the economic expression. The so-called ‘New Morality’ is the moral expression—plummeting morals into the cesspool. Universal desperation is the spiritual expression. This has spawned the beatniks and the hippies—the riots—the marches—the ‘civil disobedience’—the breakdown of law and order” (Plain Truth subscriber letter).
The “German rationalism” Mr. Armstrong referred to was the “rationalism” Whittaker Chambers referenced. It is the atheist-inspired philosophy that proposed that “human reason” is the only source and only judge of all kinds of knowledge. In other words, if there is no God, whatever seems reasonable to you is right.
This is the line of thinking that leads to family breakdown, welfare addiction, drug addiction, gang membership, racial problems, looting, rioting and anarchy. The moral law revealed in the Holy Bible says that such behavior naturally leads to a condition where cities are “laid waste, without an inhabitant” (Jeremiah 4:7; also Jeremiah 2:15; Ezekiel 6:6).
The blast radius of a Soviet rds-220 hydrogen bomb is 45 miles, but the destruction unleashed by moral lawlessness, the logical conclusion of the evolutionary theory, has become entrenched in most of modern civilization. This makes moral relativism over a thousand times more destructive than the Tsar Bomba!
“When Satan destroys belief in creation—when the devil succeeds in convincing men that this Earth was not created by an all-powerful creating God, but that it came … ‘by continuous progressive change, by natural causes, according to fixed laws, brought about only through resident forces’—then has Satan destroyed the proof of God,” Mr. Armstrong explained in 1928. This is why “evolution is the devil’s most powerful weapon.”
Until humanity accepts God’s inexorable spiritual law as static, stationary, eternal and unchanging, we stand in great danger. Unless the Creator, whose existence evolutioninsts so adamantly deny, intervenes to save this world’s sick society, the moral relativism and evolutionary progressivism radiating throughout society will poison all humanity, leading to the extinction of all life on Earth (Matthew 24:22).
Thankfully, the Bible records a definitive promise that God will intervene to save human beings from ourselves as soon as we prove this lesson.

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