Saturday 17 June 2017

Was an Image of Jesus Discovered in Rome’s Catacombs?

The Bible describes Jesus Christ very differently than he is depicted in modern art and ancient frescoes. As a human being, Jesus was a Jew (Hebrews 7:14). He looked like a normal Jewish man of His time (Isaiah 53:2; Matthew 26:48-50). He was also a carpenter (Mark 6:3). This means He would have worked outdoors in all kinds of weather. He would have been tanned in the summer and wind-burnt in the winter. He would have had a healthy, weathered look about Him. Since carpenters at the time of Christ were also familiar with stone masonry, Christ would have been muscular enough to carry and place large stones in homes and buildings. He was not weak or sickly looking.
God the Father has not inspired any pictures, paintings or films visually portraying Himself or Jesus Christ. This is because He wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). Yet God inspired a written description of what Christ looked like as a human, so we would have a perfect example of a masculine leader. Together with steel-like traits of vibrant health, intelligence, decisive leadership, righteous indignation and powerful persuasiveness, Jesus also exhibited many velvet qualities. Above all, He was humble. Pharisees criticized Him for spending time with sinners, but He knew that the sick are the ones who need the physician (Luke 5:31-32). The Lord and Master of the disciples instituted an ordinance of humility at His final Passover, and He washed their feet (John 13:13-14).
All the paintings, statues and movies utterly fail to depict the appearance and character of Jesus Christ. For a more complete description of how Christ exemplified true masculinity, download our free e-book Biblical Manhood.

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