Saturday 31 March 2018

Times of the Gentiles

Your Bible warns of the “times of the Gentiles.” You are living during this dangerous period! Learn how world events prove this is now the “times of the Gentiles”—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: Bribes, assassinations, nuclear weapons development—nations like China, Russia and Iran have become increasingly aggressive in recent years. They will stop at nothing to achieve their common goal of dominating the world. Request our free reprint article “The Times of the Gentiles” to learn what your Bible has to say about this alarming trend. As Gentile powers rapidly push toward global takeover, the Western world sleeps. America, Britain and the Jewish nation, in particular, have proven unwilling to confront these formidable enemies. Consumed by crippling internal division, social unrest, debt, moral decline, terrorism, lawlessness and other sins, they have failed to check the advances of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and a German-led European Union. Gentile nations are swarming like sharks in bloody water, yet the modern descendants of ancient Israel haven’t even noticed. The same is true of God’s Church. Ninety-five percent of God’s people abandoned the Church after Herbert W. Armstrong died in 1986. They stopped watching and praying that world events would fulfill God’s will. They stopped warning the world about the times of the Gentiles. They fell asleep at the most urgent time in human history. As punishment, God has removed His protection from them. They will be at the mercy of Gentile armies—armies that have no mercy. You will also receive a copy of Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Prophesy Again. The world today is more chaotic and deadly than ever before. It is during this nuclear age that God gives His Church a vital mission: to prophesy again. Mr. Armstrong did this job in a general way. Read Prophesy Again to learn about the tiny, loyal remnant that specifically fulfills this commission. Only one group is delivering a warning message about the rise of Gentile powers. The commission that God has given to His Church in this age may be beyond what our human minds can fully comprehend! The mystery of God has to be declared today. But this Work is also to teach all humanity that the mystery must be declared to every person ever created. They must be taught not just the mystery, but taught to teach it. Why? Is it possible that God will keep expanding His Family throughout the universe forever? All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request “The Times of the Gentiles” and Prophesy Again. Order now!

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Your Incredible Human Mind

Scientists today continue to grapple with the mysteries of the human mind that the late educator Herbert W. Armstrong unlocked decades ago. You can read about it in his booklet What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind.
Quoting from Job 32:8, Mr. Armstrong explained back in 1981:
There is a spirit in man. You can’t find any place were the Bible says there is a spirit in animals—in a cow or a turkey or an elephant. But there is a spirit in man, and that spirit empowers the physical brain with materialist intellect; and I say “materialistic intellect” because that’s all it does. That’s all it does.
Man is made in the image, the form and shape, of God; and man is made with a mind, which an animal doesn’t have. That is the way in which man is different from an animal. He has a mind like God. He’s in the form and shape of God. He has hands, for example, which an animal does not have. Man was made to have a relationship with God; but he was also made to have a relationship with his fellows, with his neighbors, with his children and other people’s children as the Earth became populated.
Do you know why you were given such impressive brainpower? Do you know why mankind is utterly unique? Why the vast difference between man and animal? If you would like the answer to these questions, please request your free copies of The Incredible Human Potential and Mystery of the Ages.
I discuss this subject at length on my Trumpet Daily Radio Show, which you can listen to below.

Monday 26 March 2018

Prelude to Peace
On this day in 1979, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty in Washington, D.C., with U.S. President Jimmy Carter. The treaty ended 30 years of fighting between Egypt and Israel. Sadat said it was one of the happiest moments of his life. His pursuit of peace with Israel was unprecedented in the approximately 30 years since Israel’s founding—he proved that he was devoted to peace and made significant sacrifices along the way. Herbert W. Armstrong, who met with Anwar Sadat on several occasions, said Sadat’s peace effort was genuine and served as a prelude to soon-coming world peace. On the second half of today’s show, I talk about Sadat’s unusual devotion to seeking peace in a region that has been fraught with tension and war for decades.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Let God Fight Your Battles

We all face problems and challenges in everyday life. Learn about the power available to you that will help you rise above any obstacle—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: https: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: King Hezekiah was the greatest king of Israel other than David. He let God fight his battles. A huge part of his success was his reliance on God’s prophet, Isaiah. Your Bible prophesies of a specific prophet who would be on the scene in this end time. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Who Is ‘That Prophet’? to prove the identity of this man. Jesus Christ said, “You shall know them by their fruits.” You will not know a prophet by how many followers he has, or how much property he purchases. You will know him by the prophecies God reveals to him. God will also give him a powerful Work to deliver those prophecies. The Bible refers to “that prophet” declaring a warning message just before Christ returns. He is prominently mentioned in the former prophets, all of the major and minor prophets, plus Lamentations, Daniel and Revelation! Can we prove who he is? Only by asking God for a humble, childlike attitude. Prayerfully study Who Is ‘That Prophet’? to learn where God is working today. Also request a copy of Gerald Flurry’s free book The Former Prophets. The former prophets section of the Old Testament is comprised of the biblical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. These books are full of powerful examples of faith, courage, strength, obedience and vision. Understand how men like Joshua, David, Zadok, Elijah and Elisha won stunning military and individual victories by letting God fight their battles . You will also receive a free digital copy of this Key of David program, “Let God Fight Your Battles.” Review the stories of Kings Hezekiah and Jehosaphat, and discover how their experiences are relevant to you. Great leaders for God always face hard tests of their faith. Sometimes they fail, but usually they rise to the challenge. When they fall short, they learn from their mistakes and avoid making them again. You too can walk by faith. It will change your life. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Who Is ‘That Prophet’? The Former Prophets, and “Let God Fight Your Battles.” Order now!

The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives released its $1.3 trillion budget on Wednesday. The 2,232-page bill was approved just 16 hours later by a vote of 256-167. Democrats like Sen. Chuck Schumer seemed more excited about the bill than many Republicans! America’s debt addiction is out of control, but neither Democrats nor Republicans are concerned. At this rate, according to some estimates, America’s debt will be in the neighborhood of $38 trillion in just 10 years! On today’s program, I talk about the new budget and why the American ship is sinking faster than ever.

Friday 23 March 2018


The New American Morality

Morality has always featured heavily in America’s history. But the morals being promoted and preached today are unlike any the nation has ever seen.



The Beautiful Truth That Would Solve the Sex Scandals
Why did God make sex? His purposes are far deeper and more beautiful than most people realize.

The Tangled Stepfamily Tree
American family trees are becoming overgrown with new growth as divorces and stepfamilies multiply.
Europe’s ‘Underground’ Army
To many, Europe today is a military weakling. It has looked this way before—only to shock the world with its strength.
How to Avoid (or Recover From) Diabetes
Keep this worldwide epidemic from affecting your life.
Broken Arrows: Will the World’s Lost Nuclear Weapons Trigger World War III?
In the wrong hands, even just one lost nuclear weapon could be disastrous.
Did God Create Evolution?
The natural world itself answers the question.


Defying Evolution

Your Mysterious Awesome Universe
A lighthearted voyage through time and space
Hidden Universe Powers
The Turkish Betrayal
Turkey is forming and breaking alliances—and fulfilling Bible prophecy.
Turkey’s Strongman Grows Stronger



Enriching Friendships
The Bible gives invaluable advice on relationships.


The Most Important Meal of Your Day
The benefits are beyond measuring!


‘Breakfast With Dads’
An inspiring incident in a Dallas middle school shows the need for fathers.

Thursday 22 March 2018

The World’s Descent Into Tyranny
Dictators and tyrants head up some of the world’s strongest nations. Nuclear-armed Russia, China and North Korea each have leaders-for-life who aren’t afraid of provoking the West. A religious madman leads Iran in its quest for a nuclear bomb. Strongmen are also emerging all around Europe. Meanwhile, America’s news cycle is populated with things like name calling, adult film stars, offensive tweets, and of course, collusion. America is ignoring a dangerous trend around the world at its peril. On today’s program, I talk about the world’s descent into tyranny.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

The California Exodus, a Word on Humility, and 333 Years of Bach
On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show I cover a range of stories in the news from the Cambridge Analitica “scandal” to California’s outrageous cost of living. Today also marks the 333-year anniversary of Johann Sebastian Bach’s birth. At the end of the show I talk about some lessons from Bach’s life and play a couple of his most popular compositions.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

What Will Putin Do With Six More Years of Power?

An Army of 200 Million

The Bible warns people in the end time to expect a great power to rise from the East. Scripture calls this power “the kings of the east” (Revelation 16:12). In Revelation 9:16, the Apostle John recorded a stunning prophecy about this Eastern power bloc: “And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand.”
This Asian military bloc will have an army of 200 million men!
The Bible provides many vital details about this largest army ever assembled. Daniel 11:44, 12:1 and Matthew 24:21-22 make clear that this force will be one of the main players in a nuclear World War iii.
A passage in Ezekiel tells which specific countries will contribute soldiers to this mega-army, and shows that it will be led by one nation—and one man.

The ‘Prince of Russia’

“[S]on of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him” (Ezekiel 38:1-2).
Bible scholars generally agree that “Gog” refers to Russia and “the land of Magog” includes the vast area where modern-day China is located.
Meshech is a group of people whose name appears throughout history in several variations: Musku, Muski, Mushki. These are related to the modern Russian spelling of Moscow: Москва.
Tubal refers to another region of Russia. To the east of Russia’s Ural Mountains lies the city of Tobolsk, a name derived from the ancient name Tubal. Tobolsk formerly functioned essentially as the capital of Russia’s central and eastern Asian region.
Yet another name for all of Russia lies somewhat hidden in this passage. There is disagreement over how the Hebrew word rosh should be translated into English in this verse. The King James Version quoted above renders it as the adjective “chief.” But the correct translation renders it not as an adjective, but a proper noun: Rosh.
Properly translated, the verse reads: “the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.”
Rosh was an ancient name for the people who became known as Rus—Russia. So the identity of this “prince” of Russia, Moscow and Tobolsk begins to take clear shape: The list of all three names confirms that this is one individual ruling over all the various peoples across Russia—from west to east.
The mention of Magog shows that this man’s leadership extends beyond the borders of Russia and into China. Ezekiel 38:5-6 mention ancient names for the peoples of such nations as India, Japan and the Koreas, saying these will also lend their military might to this bloc, led by Russia. Russia is already building a powerful alliance with China and laying the groundwork for close relationships with many of these other nations. (Order your free copy of our booklet Russia and China in Prophecy.)
When these Bible passages are examined alongside current events in Moscow, the identity of this “prince of Russia” becomes clear. In the September 2014 issue of the Trumpet,Mr. Flurry wrote:
I strongly believe Vladimir Putin is going to lead the 200 million-man army. Just look at the power he already has. Can you think of any other Russian politician who could become so powerful and have the will to lead Russia into the crisis of crises? I see nobody else on the horizon who could do that. … I believe there is not enough time for a competitor to arise and challenge him. Over 80 percent of his people support his leadership.
This much is absolutely certain: The restoring of Russia’s power by Vladimir Putin—the prince of Russia—was prophesied!

Europe’s Response

As Putin begins his fourth term, he does so with astonishing political, economic and military power—and proven determination to use it. Many Europeans—particularly in the eastern part of the Continent—are alarmed by Putin’s increasing aggression.
In 2014, shortly after Russia annexed Crimea, Mr. Flurry explained the significance of this move in terms of Bible prophecy: “We have been prophesying for around 70 years that Eastern Europe would become a vital part of a new European superpower—a resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. This prophecy is directly related to the Crimean crisis! The fear you see in Europe because of events in Crimea is going to cause 10 leaders in Europe to unite in a sudden and dramatic way—and in precise accordance with the Bible’s description of that European empire! … Europe’s new fear of Russia is going to play a major role in hastening the fulfillment of that prophecy!”
The Europeans have not forgotten what Putin has done to Georgia and Ukraine. They see Russia’s increasingly provocative involvement in the Middle East and its bellicose nuclear threats. Many Europeans are fearful enough to more urgently seek European unification. Within a politically, economically and militarily unified European bloc, the Europeans can better stand up to the rising Russian threat.

A Sign of Great Hope

In his booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia,’ Mr. Flurry thoroughly examines the role that Putin plays in end-time Bible prophecy. He writes that the fact that this “prince of Russia” is on the scene proves that the most hope-filled event in mankind’s history is now near: “Vladimir Putin is a sign, literally a sign,that Jesus Christ is about to return!” he writes. “This is one of the most inspiring messages in the Bible.”
Mr. Flurry continues: “What we are seeing in Russia ultimately leads to the transition from man ruling man to Godruling man! And it is almost here! It is just a few short years away. … Russia’s resurgence—which we see reported in headlines often—shows that end-time Bible prophecies are rapidly being fulfilled!”
In the near term, the fact that Putin has secured six more years at the helm of a resurgent Russia is a harbinger of terrible global tumult. But this development is intimately tied to the best imaginable news: Jesus Christ will return to Earth and usher in an age of peace for the peoples of Russia and all the world!
To better understand what is ahead for Putin’s Russia, and to prove for yourself that this was prophesied in your Bible, read online or order a free copy of Mr. Flurry’s booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’

Vladimir Putin: Friend or Foe?

Set Your Face Against Him

Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Ezekiel forecast the arrival of Vladimir Putin on the world scene. “And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him”(Ezekiel 38:1-2). Gog and Magog refer to Russia and China today. Chief princeshould read prince of Rosh, or Russia.This end-time leader rules, among other cities, Meshech (Moscow, the capital) and Tubal (Tobolsk, in eastern Russia). (Request my free booklets Russia and China in Prophecy and The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’ for extensive proof of this man’s identity.) It is easy to prove who he is.
God tells His end-time messenger to prophesy against the prince of Russia! You’re reading part of that message right now.
Where else is a warning message being proclaimed to the nations of Israel? Do you see any other place where this message is being thundered to America over and over again? My Key of Davidtelevision program is on the air all over America, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand. God says that the people in these nations will hear the warning. It’s just a matter of them heeding.
Our people need to find God. As America gets further and further from our Maker, it gets closer and closer to rabid predators like Vladimir Putin. That’s why we must sound the trumpet(Hosea 8:1).
Our people continue to rely on themselves. “For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof” (verse 14). They trust in their own ingenuity for protection. That will only lead them into a devouring fire!
There are real consequences for getting close to a monster like Vladimir Putin.
“They are all hot as an oven, and have devoured their judges; all their kings are fallen: there is none among them that calleth unto me. Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned” (Hosea 7:7-8). Hosea is an end-time book. Ephraim refers to the British peoples and also Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. (Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy to prove the identity of these nations in Bible prophecy.)
God says that Britain today is hot as an oven, or steeped in corruption. They are a cake not turned: They look good on the exterior, but they are burned to the core by sin and ready to collapse! If America doesn’t learn some sobering lessons then it will crumble the same way!
Foreign nations like Russia, China, Iran and Germany are devouring Israel’s strength, but Israel doesn’t realize the severity of its condition! (verse 9). What happens when we get closer and closer to Putin? We get further and further away from God! That’s deadly dangerous!
“And the pride of Israel testifieth to his face: and they do not return to the Lord their God, nor seek him for all this” (verse 10). God condemns Israel for foolishly seeking alliances with Gentiles instead of with Him. He calls America, Britain and the Jews in the Middle East a silly dove! (verse 11). We have forsaken God. Woe unto us! (verse 13). Only He can save us in these horrifying times.
God will have to teach America a stern lesson through unthinkable trials and tests. “When they shall go, I will spread my net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of the heaven; I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard” (verse 12).
When Americans finally wake up to the danger staring them in the face, it will be too late. “They have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath is upon all the multitude thereof” (Ezekiel 7:14). Cyberattacks will cripple our infrastructure, including our military technology, making it impossible to go to war. That is a frightening scenario to think about!
There is good news in the midst of so much gloom. The prophesied prince of Russia and all of these savage Gentile powers are prophesied to lead directly to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! No longer will these armies terrorize the world!

Facing Manpower Shortage, British Army Reaches Out to LGBTs and Emotional Basket Cases

Russian jets continue to buzz Britain’s coasts. Vladimir Putin’s henchmen have proved their ability to carry out chemical attacks on British soil. The island is within range of a potential North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile, yet has no plan to respond to such an attack.
The United Kingdom is about to be alone on Europe’s doorstep—a dangerous position considering World War II history.
Can Britain count on America to fulfill its NATO commitments?
While powers like China and Russia continue to arm, Britain—the nation that once ruled the seas—is facing a defense budget crisis and a politically correct campaign that is showing the world just how soft its armed forces have become.
Would Britain be able to survive another war?

Putin’s Landslide Election Victory and Operation Iraqi Freedom, 15 Years On

Saturday 17 March 2018

The Bible and the Constiution

The United States Constitution is under attack. Some Americans want to uphold and apply every word, but others want to radically change and eventually abolish this foundational document. Which side is right? Learn what makes the Constitution different from any other document in history—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
To America’s Founding Fathers, character meant everything to the success of the nation and its leadership. Where did they get that idea? What does it mean if we have strayed from that ideal today?
Request our free booklet Character in Crisis to track the sharp moral decline that now threatens to dismantle America. Abraham Lincoln said during the Civil War, “We have forsaken God.” The same is true today. What is happening to the United States of America? Why have divorce, adultery, lying and other appalling sins become a way of life? Is it possible that the American people have gone horribly off track?
Read Character in Crisis for a history lesson about the Founding Fathers’ inspiration: the Holy Bible. These brave men knew the two foundational building blocks of any successful society: religion and morality. They also knew that the people had to be willing to die to defend these biblical principles.
Would the American people shed blood to preserve religion and morality today? Does God even care how we choose to live our lives? Is he pleased with American leadership in the end time? Who is behind the tragic breakdown of family in the U.S.? Read Character in Crisis to learn the cause and the solution to America’s impending collapse.
You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet No Freedom Without Law. People everywhere fight and strive for greater freedom. At the same time, they fight against law. That shows a dangerous misunderstanding of the nature of true freedom and the need for righteous law. Without law, there is no real freedom.
America is besieged by a multitude of devastating problems. Alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual perversion, fatherless homes, childish leadership and rebellion against law all result from our freedom to choose. No nation has ever had more freedom. Paradoxically, no nation has ever been so enslaved to sin.
As America continues to reject God and the law of the land, the evils will intensify. Tragically, America will be primary proof for all time that there truly is no freedom without law.
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Character in Crisis and No Freedom Without Law. Order now!

The Battle for Control of Your Mind | The Trumpet Daily

Not even science can explain the true significance of the human mind.
Many people believe that the human mind is nothing more than physical matter, that it is just an arrangement of atoms that evolved from nothingness. So whether a human mind grows up to nurture people or save lives, or whether it abuses people or destroys lives, there is nothing more to it than physical matter.
The human brain is physical matter, but the human mind is the human brain plus something more. It is the human brain plus the human spirit. There is a spirit world, and that spirit world can influence the human spirit for good—or evil. A spiritual war is going on, and the battle is for control of your mind.

What Stephen Hawking Didn’t Know About the Universe
The late Stephen Hawking was regarded as one of the most brilliant minds on the planet. But how much did he actually know about the universe? He wasn’t even able to answer some of the most fundamental questions: How did it start? Where did it all come from? Why does it exist? What scientists don’t realize is that when they study the universe, they’re peering into the creative mind of a grand Designer. On today’s program, I discuss what the Bible says about God’s purpose for the universe!

Friday 16 March 2018

Children Take to America’s Streets to Protest Adult Leadership, Guns and the NRA
Yesterday was the one-month anniversary of the Parkland shooting at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Tens of thousands of students across America walked out of their classrooms to protest gun violence and advocate new gun-control measures. Approximately 3,000 schools participated in the National School Walkout, waving flags and signs, marching through streets, and surrounding government buildings. On today’s radio show, we discuss how specific Bible prophecies, like Isaiah 3, are being fulfilled in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Trade War: Donald Trump vs. the Chinese Economy
Donald Trump is about to single-handedly plunge the world into trade war. That’s the general narrative in the media at least. The facts paint a very different picture. America has been under sustained economic assault for decades. The only reason there hasn’t been a trade war is that America hasn’t been fighting back. But if it hasn’t been a trade war, then it has been a trade beatdown. On today's show, Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer gives the vital context you need to understand the trade war being waged against America right now.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

The 1,150-Day Prophecy and God’s Urgent Message for Mankind
After the death of Herbert W. Armstrong on Jan. 16, 1986, the Worldwide Church of God’s disloyal successors dismantled the entire organization through a malicious agenda that did away with the true doctrines of the Bible. However, a prophecy in Daniel 8 revealed that God would restore His truth to His true Church after a period of 1,150 days—beginning March 11, 1989. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses the significance of this event and its implications for the entire world.

The Powerful Personal Effect Barack Obama Has on the Media
Barack Obama likely would not have been elected had the mainstream media been as hard on him has it has been on Donald Trump. Consider the media’s effort to conceal Obama’s relationship with figures like Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright. One author wrote that when media figures were around Obama, they lost their minds and started “behaving in ways that are juvenile and amateurish.” They swoon, he said. A former editor of the New York Times recently admitted that she carries a plastic Obama doll in her purse to help her cope with Trump’s America. These aren’t qualities of an objective, facts-first, truth-seeking media—these are characteristics of unstable children. On today’s radio show, I discuss how the Obama effect still influences the way the media cover the current administration in the White House.

Sunday 11 March 2018

The Abomination of Desolation

Your Bible describes a terrifying end-time event known as “the abomination of desolation.” Learn where and how this event will unfold. Understand what this event means for true Christians—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: Just before the return of the Messiah to Earth, a European army will surround Jerusalem. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Daniel—Unsealed at Last! to learn more about this startling prophecy. Daniel delivered his warning message thousands of years ago, but it is more relevant than ever today. Daniel battled mightily to receive God’s revelation, but he never understood the words that he recorded in his book. However, Daniel did reveal an important clue: God’s people would finally understand his message at the end of the end time. That time is now! Satan always directs His most ferocious attack against God’s people, trying to stop them from declaring the warning and from proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Read Daniel—Unsealed at Last! to discover how God’s people have a much greater power on their side to help them accomplish this important mission. When a European army surrounds Jerusalem in the near future, it is a sign that Jesus Christ is about to return. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door’ to learn about another sign of Christ’s coming. In Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, and throughout Europe, nuclear weapons are entering the hands of authoritarians and madmen. Your Bible foretells of cities without inhabitants and fields without crops. Such destruction can only be caused by nuclear weapons! Nuclear war is destined to cripple the planet very soon. But this bad news precedes the greatest event ever to occur in the universe. Read Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door’ to understand Matthew 24, Christ’s most important prophecy. It is a timeline of events that lead directly to His return as King of kings and Lord of lords! You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet A Strong German Leader Is Imminent. Germany is a crucial nation in Bible prophecy. Soon, a strong German leader will take over the country and the continent. He will lead a European army into Jerusalem, supposedly to keep the peace between the Jews and the Arabs. But this man will execute a stunning double-cross of the Jewish state. He doesn’t desire peace; he hungers for war! Only Christ Himself will be able to end his reign of terror. Read A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to uncover the most likely identity of this fierce warmonger. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Daniel—Unsealed at Last!, Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door,’ and A Strong German Leader Is Imminent. Order now!