Friday 2 March 2018

China’s Great Leap Toward One-Man Rule Should Alarm Us All

Xi, China and Bible Prophecy

The Trumpet watches Xi’s tightening grip on power because Bible prophecy reveals that as America’s influence on the global stage diminishes, two power blocs will emerge to fill the space: one, a European bloc functioning in the tradition of the Holy Roman Empire; the other, an Asian entity called in Scripture “the kings of the east,” headed by Russia, with China in a secondary leadership position. The Bible makes plain—in such chapters as Jeremiah 50 and 51, Daniel 11 and 12, Revelation 16 and Matthew 24—that a clash between this European power and this Russo-Chinese-led bloc will end in the most violent conflict in human history.
The fact that Xi can now rule for as long as he lives is deeply significant. His ongoing rise and increasing control over China’s military and foreign policy is vital to watch, as it indicates how the Chinese president could fall in line with his fellow strongman in Russia and how China will be brought on to its biblically prophesied collision course with Europe. The February 25 announcement about scrapping term limits also indicates how near this future clash could be.
Although this points to a dark time in the near term, that time will be closely followed by the brightest imaginable future!
As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry writes in his booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’: “This immense war between European and Asian forces will end in the return of Jesus Christ! … The conclusion of that battle will mark the beginning of a peaceful and prosperous new age for the entire Earth!”

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