Wednesday 7 March 2018

Surveillance State: A Preview of Your Future?

‘The Mark of the Beast’

History and an understanding of human nature tell us that these techniques could be used anywhere. But biblical prophecy gives a more specific warning.
It tells of a time coming when no man can “buy or sell” without the approval of a central government (Revelation 13:17).
The Bible calls this stamp of approval “the mark of the beast.” It is a mark of religious observance—compliance with the state-approved religion.
It is easy to see how a China-style surveillance state could enforce such a policy. Refuse this mark, and you appear on the list of people not permitted to hold a job and unable to buy goods or food at the shops.
Man has never invented a surveillance technique that governments have not used.
Herbert W. Armstrong wrote, “In this scriptural usage, the expression ‘buy or sell’ more literally indicates being able to buy—not that stores or those from whom one might make purchases of the necessities of life would refuse to accept the money, but that the one refusing the ‘mark’ would not be able to buy, would not be able to earn a living, to earn a wage or salary, or to engage himself in business” (Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?). So this prophecy could be fulfilled without a surveillance state. But mass surveillance would make it much easier. And when you see how European powers have acted throughout history, a surveillance state is likely.
History is full of religions using surveillance to enforce their beliefs. The bbc even noted in its history of government spying, “In the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church was more powerful than most governments—and it had a powerful surveillance network to match” (Nov. 1, 2013).
Nothing brings out a government’s passion to control what people say and think like religion does.
In A History of Christianity, Paul Johnson describes the Catholic Church’s dogged pursuit of “thought crimes”—another term popularized by Orwell. In this pursuit, the church violated “town charters, written and customary laws, and virtually every aspect of established jurisprudence,” he writes.
What would such an organization do with modern surveillance technology?
Mr. Armstrong proved in his booklet Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?that this “mark” refers to Sunday observance. The religious power in Europe will require everyone to keep Sunday.
Imagine, then, this scenario. Cameras outside of churches record all who attend. Miss a service and you can expect to explain yourself to the authorities. The government monitors mobile phone signals: Too many in an office could mean that some are breaking the law and working on Sunday. Dashcams automatically record anyone spotted working outside.
Get caught, and your bank account is nullified. You lose your job. You cannot buy or sell. Try to get around this and the police will track you down. With cameras everywhere, there is nowhere to hide.
Phone signals are monitored every other day of the week. At large gatherings, the police can remotely turn on the microphone and listen to all that is said. If it’s an illegal religious service, the police are there within minutes.
Does all this sound like a dystopian nightmare? Again, today’s technology makes all of this possible already.

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