Monday 5 March 2018

The King of Debt

Here is a truth of which most people are ignorant, but it can be proved: All the national prosperity and wealth that the American and British peoples have is a result of God fulfilling His promises to Abraham. (We encourage you to request a free copy of Herbert W. Armstrong’s book The United States and Britain in Prophecy for proof. We will gladly send you one.) The reason we have had unprecedented wealth in the first place was because God promised to bless Abraham’s descendants, not only to honor this righteous man, but also in hopes of creating a nation that would serve as a positive example to the world. But instead of being thankful, or even being content to live in the richest nations of all time, we have become corrupt, dishonest, selfish and insatiable. Rather than using our prosperity to give, we have turned inward and continue to seek to get.
After God fulfilled His promises (beginning around the year 1800), they became conditional upon our people’s obedience. In Deuteronomy 28, God warned the Israelites that if they disobeyed His instructions, they would fall into debt and become servant to the lender (verse 44). This warning applies to us today, and we are now experiencing these curses of indebtedness.
Sins have consequences. Mr. Armstrong believed that a worldwide financial crisis would accelerate many dire end-time prophecies. He wrote that a major banking crisis in America “could suddenly result in triggering European nations to unite as a new world power, larger than either the Soviet Union or the U.S.” (co-worker letter, July 22, 1984).
Just as Mr. Armstrong predicted, we are fast moving toward the collapse of the Western world’s financial system, which will help cause the 10 European kings of Revelation 17 and Daniel 2 to unite into what is called the Holy Roman Empire.
America’s greed, its debt and its soon-coming financial crisis will have global ramifications.

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