“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord…”
Friday, 31 August 2018
Germany Plans America’s SWIFT Destruction
Almost every day Germany and other European Union nations announce new projects to aid their break from the United States. One of the most important projects involves the global interbank payment system—SWIFT. America has the authority to ban nations from this payment system, giving it huge financial power. Earlier this week, Germany announced it was working on its own European version of SWIFT. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer explains how this could be the end of the dollar’s position as the global reserve currency, which would be devastating to the U.S. economy.
Almost every day Germany and other European Union nations announce new projects to aid their break from the United States. One of the most important projects involves the global interbank payment system—SWIFT. America has the authority to ban nations from this payment system, giving it huge financial power. Earlier this week, Germany announced it was working on its own European version of SWIFT. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer explains how this could be the end of the dollar’s position as the global reserve currency, which would be devastating to the U.S. economy.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Germany Riots, Scandal at the Vatican, and America’s Corrupt Criminal Justice System
On today’s program, violent protests in East Germany bring the migrant crisis back to center stage and will possibly push Angela Merkel to the brink, the Catholic Church sex scandal reaches the Vatican, and China may have stolen thousands of e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.
On today’s program, violent protests in East Germany bring the migrant crisis back to center stage and will possibly push Angela Merkel to the brink, the Catholic Church sex scandal reaches the Vatican, and China may have stolen thousands of e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
The Most Blessed Nation in the World
Was America ever great? Many young people in the United States today would probably argue that America was never great. But history and the Bible provide a different answer. On the second half of today’s program, I talk about how America became the most blessed nation in history!
Was America ever great? Many young people in the United States today would probably argue that America was never great. But history and the Bible provide a different answer. On the second half of today’s program, I talk about how America became the most blessed nation in history!
Monday, 27 August 2018
Is God's Plan Fair?
During the Millennium, God will bestow upon obedient Israel great material and spiritual blessings. And the whole will be blessed!
During the Millennium, God will bestow upon obedient Israel great material and spiritual blessings. And the whole will be blessed!
Vatican Accused of Sex Abuse Cover-up and Germany Continues Opposing America
Yesterday the former Vatican ambassador to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, said that he personally told Pope Francis about a prominent priest accused of sexual abuse. The pope, he said, did nothing. On today’s show, I talk about the recent sex-abuse scandals that are rocking the Catholic Church, as well as other stories like the deterioration of the U.S.-German alliance, U.S. President Donald Trump’s battle against the media, and more on the situation in South Africa.
Yesterday the former Vatican ambassador to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, said that he personally told Pope Francis about a prominent priest accused of sexual abuse. The pope, he said, did nothing. On today’s show, I talk about the recent sex-abuse scandals that are rocking the Catholic Church, as well as other stories like the deterioration of the U.S.-German alliance, U.S. President Donald Trump’s battle against the media, and more on the situation in South Africa.
Saturday, 25 August 2018
The Prince of the Power of the Air
The recent mass murderer in Washington, D.C., who killed 13 people including himself, said that he was hearing voices. He also said he was led to do it by radio waves. A scripture in the New Testament helps us understand the motive in this mass shooting.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Mystery of the Ages—Part 1
In this episode, host Grant Turgeon dives into the late theologian Herbert W. Armstrong’s magnum opus: Mystery of the Ages. Follow along as he covers the introductory material and chapter 1, titled “Who and What Is God?” Learn how God miraculously called Mr. Armstrong into the truth. Understand the nature and the character of the Almighty God—Creator of the universe, ever-living Ruler of the God Kingdom, dazzling and perfect Spirit Being, and Father of a soon-to-be endless spiritual Family. Request your free copy of Mystery of the Ages, or start reading it online right now, at
In this episode, host Grant Turgeon dives into the late theologian Herbert W. Armstrong’s magnum opus: Mystery of the Ages. Follow along as he covers the introductory material and chapter 1, titled “Who and What Is God?” Learn how God miraculously called Mr. Armstrong into the truth. Understand the nature and the character of the Almighty God—Creator of the universe, ever-living Ruler of the God Kingdom, dazzling and perfect Spirit Being, and Father of a soon-to-be endless spiritual Family. Request your free copy of Mystery of the Ages, or start reading it online right now, at
South Africa’s History Didn’t Begin When Whites Showed Up
South Africa is in a state of turmoil. The government is seizing land from white farmers without compensation. Some argue the land grab is justified as a way to reconcile centuries-old injustices. To really grasp the issue, we have to look at the history of South Africa—even before it was colonized.
South Africa is in a state of turmoil. The government is seizing land from white farmers without compensation. Some argue the land grab is justified as a way to reconcile centuries-old injustices. To really grasp the issue, we have to look at the history of South Africa—even before it was colonized.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Is Our World Getting Better and Better?
We have made some undeniable progress. So why does it feel like the world is getting worse and worse?
How the Seals of Isaiah and Hezekiah Speak
One of the greatest king-prophet relationships holds an inspiring message of hope.
Europe and America: They’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
A relationship forged in the aftermath of World War ii has hit hard times. Is it over?
Did the Trump-Kim Summit Prevent World War III?
The current situation is hard to read, but biblical prophecy reveals the ultimate answer.
Why Is Target Accommodating Peeping Toms?
A small number of zealous ‘social justice’ advocates are bullying the silent majority of Americans into submission.
Dining Through the Decades: 70 Years of American Food
What we are eating now is not the food it once was.
China to Participate in Russia’s Largest Military Exercise Since Cold War More than 100,000
There was one man back in the 20th century who predicted this cooperation between these previously ill-disposed nations that had experienced significant conflicts with each other in 1868, the 1870s, 1899, 1904, the 1920s, the 1960s, 1979 and the 1980s. That man was Herbert W. Armstrong, editor in chief of the Trumpet’s predecessor, the Plain Truth. As early as the mid-1930s, Mr. Armstrong wrote in the Plain Truth that Russia would rise up on the world scene “with her allies … possibly China or Japan.” In 1959, when Russia and China were still bitterly opposed, he wrote, “Russia’s program … calls first for the seizure of Asia. … China’s … constant dream for centuries has been ultimate world conquest! … China knows, however, that in this highly industrialized age she can accomplish this dream only as an ally of Russia. … China is now ready to begin devouring the rest of Asia with Russia’s secret military backing.”
Today, we are seeing Mr. Armstrong’s predictions coming true exactly as he said! How could he have dogmatically proposed such a counterintuitive outcome? He got his information from the Bible.
The Bible speaks of the “kings of the east” (Revelation 16:12). Mr. Armstrong identified these “kings” as the rising powers in Asia, led by Russia, primarily, and China. Mr. Armstrong also pointed to the prophecy in Revelation 9:16 about a future army comprised of 200 million men. That is far larger than any military in human history. Even today, such an army can only be formed by a coalition of populous Asian nations.
Russia’s and China’s developing alliance is leading toward a time of terrible warfare. We are seeing this come to fruition right before our eyes as these two powers participate in Russia’s largest war games since the height of the Cold War.
Our free booklet Russia and China in Prophecy will give you the context and insight you need in order to understand where this Asian relationship is leading. You can also read our article “Why the Trumpet Watches Russia Allying With China” for a history of the Trumpet’s predictions concerning this alliance.
Europe’s Presence in Cuba Is a Dangerous Threat to America
What Does the Bible Say?
Dozens of biblical verses promise blessings to Israel for obedience to God’s laws and warn of curses for disobedience. Plain Truth editor in chief Herbert W. Armstrong explained in his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy that these verses apply primarily to the U.S. and Britain.
In one prophecy, God likens Israel to a hedged vineyard, protected on all sides. The United States has been hedged, north, south, east and west by nonthreatening nations and geographic fortifications. But because of the sins of the people, God warns, “I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down” (Isaiah 5:5).
In 1979, the Trumpet’s parent magazine, the Plain Truth, identified Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution in Cuba as the first breach in America’s protective hedge. In light of Bible prophecy and how valuable Cuba has been to America’s enemies in the past, you need to watch what is happening in Cuba.
To learn about Cuba’s role in Bible prophecy, read “The Deadly Dangerous U.S.-Cuba Deal” by editor in chief Gerald Flurry.
Why Is Physical Life Temporary?
As mortal beings, made of the dust of the
ground, humans are destined to die. Only by receiving God’s Spirit can a person hope to live forever.
As mortal beings, made of the dust of the
ground, humans are destined to die. Only by receiving God’s Spirit can a person hope to live forever.
Upside-down World: Trump Is the Racist, Ramaphosa Inspires Hope
The South African government has decided to start seizing land from white farmers without compensation. The new government policy, initiated by President Cyril Ramaphosa and approved by an overwhelming majority in Parliament, has inspired more attacks on white farmers; some have been robbed and others tortured and murdered. A leader of one popular party in South Africa said his party wouldn’t rule out a white genocide. On today’s show, I talk about the shocking events going on in South Africa and the continued assault on the rule of law.
The South African government has decided to start seizing land from white farmers without compensation. The new government policy, initiated by President Cyril Ramaphosa and approved by an overwhelming majority in Parliament, has inspired more attacks on white farmers; some have been robbed and others tortured and murdered. A leader of one popular party in South Africa said his party wouldn’t rule out a white genocide. On today’s show, I talk about the shocking events going on in South Africa and the continued assault on the rule of law.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Donald Trump Is the Target—Not Manafort, Cohen or the Russians
Both Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen have pled guilty to crimes that have nothing to do with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. In the case of Cohen, he changed his story in order to make a deal with prosecutors. On today’s program, I talk about the two standards of justice in America today. I also remind listeners of the real target behind these investigations and prosecutorial actions—President Donald J. Trump.
Both Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen have pled guilty to crimes that have nothing to do with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. In the case of Cohen, he changed his story in order to make a deal with prosecutors. On today’s program, I talk about the two standards of justice in America today. I also remind listeners of the real target behind these investigations and prosecutorial actions—President Donald J. Trump.
A Socialist Nightmare in Venezuela
Everyone in Venezuela is a millionaire—and living in poverty. A million bolivars won’t even buy a loaf of bread. It wasn’t long ago that Venezuela was held up as the poster nation for the socialist dream. Today, the disastrous results of this socialist experiment are on full display. Food shortages, rioting and hyperinflation are plunging the country into the abyss. The average Venezuelan loses 19 pounds a year from lack of food. Despite the clear evidence against socialism, more Americans than ever are convinced that the same system can work in the United States! What is behind the rise in the socialist movement in America?
Everyone in Venezuela is a millionaire—and living in poverty. A million bolivars won’t even buy a loaf of bread. It wasn’t long ago that Venezuela was held up as the poster nation for the socialist dream. Today, the disastrous results of this socialist experiment are on full display. Food shortages, rioting and hyperinflation are plunging the country into the abyss. The average Venezuelan loses 19 pounds a year from lack of food. Despite the clear evidence against socialism, more Americans than ever are convinced that the same system can work in the United States! What is behind the rise in the socialist movement in America?
Monday, 20 August 2018
Preparing to Marry Christ
Christ’s Bride in the Millennium will forever be loyal and submissively obedient to her Husband.
China Is Setting ‘Debt Traps’ All Over the World
What happens when nations can’t pay back loans from China? We’re beginning to see! Several small islands in the Pacific, like Tonga and Palau, are quickly learning what it’s like to be at China’s mercy. In place of cash, nations are giving up strategic assets such as ports and islands. China is also using tourism as a weapon. Will these same weapons one day be used against bigger nations like the United States? On today’s show, I discuss how China’s debt traps are helping turn it into a prophesied superpower.
What happens when nations can’t pay back loans from China? We’re beginning to see! Several small islands in the Pacific, like Tonga and Palau, are quickly learning what it’s like to be at China’s mercy. In place of cash, nations are giving up strategic assets such as ports and islands. China is also using tourism as a weapon. Will these same weapons one day be used against bigger nations like the United States? On today’s show, I discuss how China’s debt traps are helping turn it into a prophesied superpower.
Saturday, 18 August 2018
Germany and Russia’s Secret War Against America
A Seething Pot
The biblical book of Jeremiah is full of prophecy that is focused on the end time. You can see this plainly in Jeremiah 30. Historically, Jeremiah gave his warning message directly to the nation of Judah only. Yet so many of the prophecies in his book are directed to Israel, which was already in captivity at the time. That is because these prophecies were aimed mainly at the modern descendants of Israel, which, we can prove to you, are America and Britain today. (Request my free booklet Jeremiah and the Greatest Vision in the Bible for a full explanation.)
Today these nations are deeply divided. Their peoples are divided among themselves, their leaders are splintered by bitter disagreement and political warfare—and these two former allies are even alienated from one another! Divided Britain! Divided America!
Don’t you think Russian and German leaders are going to exploit this division? They will do what they have almost always done throughout history when they have power over weak, divided enemies and take full advantage of the situation.
Jeremiah 1:13 records God showing the prophet a vision of “a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the north.” This symbolic language is describing modern Germany.Beneath the surface, that nation is full of simmering dissatisfaction with the current world order. Germans are angry at the U.S., and especially furious with President Trump. The imperialistic ambition that prompted Germany to start both world wars is alive and well. It is “seething”!
Verses 14-15 continue: “Then the Lord said unto me, Out of the north an evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land. For, lo, I will call all the families of the kingdoms of the north, saith the Lord; and they shall come, and they shall set every one his throne at the entering of the gates of Jerusalem, and against all the walls thereof round about, and against all the cities of Judah.”
Don’t you think Russian and German leaders are going to exploit this division? They will do what they have almost always done throughout history when they have power over weak, divided enemies and take full advantage of the situation.
America, Britain, the Jewish nation (biblical “Judah”) and others should be alarmed by what is happening in Europe. Cooperation between Germany and Russia is setting the scene for a huge “seething pot” to spill over onto these nations! This boiling cauldron will scald everybody in America and Britain! This is prophesied to be the worst suffering ever known to man! And it will occur by God’s hand because of His extreme wrath over the sins of these peoples.
Repeatedly God asked Jeremiah, “What do you see?” God is asking people today: What do you see? He doesn’t say, What do you read about this? Or, What do you hear about this? God says, What do you SEE about this boiling cauldron?
Do you really see what is happening in Europe? Do you see the stage being set for a world war like never before? Do you understand it?
God spells it out for us, and we can see events lining up with His prophecies. And anyone who sees it—and heeds the warning and obeys God—can be protected and lead a happy, stable and fulfilled life!
Great Cause for Hope
On the surface, this news about Germany and Russia may seem depressing. But if you view it through the lens of Bible prophecy, you clearly see that it is closely tied to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:21-22 that if He didn’t return, “there should no flesh be saved [alive]”! That is what Christ Himself said when He was on this Earth! It is written in red letters in your Bible. He knew what was coming.
Do you really think men can solve all of these problems you see multiplying in this world today, many of which revolve around nuclear-armed nations?
Russia and America possess 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons. France and Britain have nuclear bombs, too, and other nations of Europe have American nuclear bombs deployed on their territory. Germany could become a great nuclear power very rapidly if it wanted to—practically overnight!
There is no way mankind is going to solve these problems. As Isaiah 59:8 says, “the way of peace they know not.”
Men are going to continue in their futile attempts at forging peace. They will have to suffer until Jesus Christ returns. The suffering will get far more intense just before He returns. But His return is tied to this German rising power and this Russian rising power. He says He will return before war has ended all human life! (Matthew 24:22). The rising military powers in Russia and Europe are a big part of what will make it necessaryfor Christ to return.
God wants us to respond to Him. He says He will help us in any way we need if we will just obey Him. “[W]hy will you die, O Israel?” God asks in Ezekiel 18:31. He doesn’t want any of us to have to suffer! He is eager to spare us from the coming cataclysmic violence and to bless us.
We need to understand these Bible prophecies. They are preparing the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to this Earth. That means all the bad news is about to end. He is going to bring peace, joy and happiness to this world forever.

To learn more of the accurate forecasting of Herbert W. Armstrong, request a free copy of He Was Right.
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