Thursday 16 August 2018

The Dark History of the European Union

European Union in Bible Prophecy

The Bible also describes a vision of a European empire that is repeatedly resurrected. Revelation 17 describes a “beast,” a biblical symbol for a powerful empire. This beast, it says, would be led by “seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come” (verse 10). This means that these kings rule consecutively. At the time this prophecy was revealed, five were gone, one was on the scene, and one more was to come.
The start of Revelation 17 makes clear this beast is led by a woman, which is the biblical symbol for a church.
This prophecy perfectly matches the history of Europe. Europe has seen a succession of empires, all sharing the same vision and all led by a church. Hitler led the sixth of these. The seventh will rise out of the European Union.
This is why this history is critical. These empires in Europe are all connected. By learning about the ones that have come before, we can learn about the empire that is coming next.
This history is critical. The empires in Europe are all connected. By learning about the ones that have come before, we can learn about the empire that is coming next.
The Bible also makes clear that economics plays a huge role in the union. When the seventh empire finally falls, “the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her” because they “were made rich by her” (Revelation 18:11, 15).
The Old Testament often refers to this empire as “Tyre.” This was the greatest trading center of the Middle East at the time that these Bible prophecies were written. Some of the prophecies about Tyre have not yet been fulfilled, because they refer not to this ancient city—but to a future economic empire.
Isaiah 23 describes this modern Tyre forming a “mart of nations” with powers in the East: China and Japan (referred to by their ancient names of Chittim and Tarshish). God calls this modern Tyre “a merchant of the people for many isles” and describes it as doing business with merchants around the world (Ezekiel 27).
But it is not all economics. The Zollverein was not the only factor in uniting Germany. Nationalism was another key force. The Germans felt that even though they were divided into different kingdoms, they were still one people and should form one nation.
Europe lacks the motivation to unify. This is why economic union has only taken it so far. But the Bible informs us of the institution that will provide the sense of common purpose and identity to Europe, performing the role that German nationalism played in the 19th century: It will be the Catholic Church, pictured by the woman in Revelation 17.
In fact, the Catholic Church has helped power all of the past six resurrections of the European dream. This is why the Holy Roman Empire is called “holy.”
And just as Germany needed a crisis to lock in its national union, so too will Europe use a crisis to lock in its empire.
When Prussia united Germany, it changed the world. Suddenly, it had a power that could outcompete Britain economically. It was militarily superior to every nation in Europe. It used its power, it destabilized the world, and it ultimately instigated two world wars.
This history shows that today’s Europe shares the same goal of ultimate unity. This achievement would destabilize the world far more severely than Prussia did. It would create a major competitor to the United States, and to Russia and China.
The Bible confirms this forecast. It prophesies that this will be both an economic and military superpower. And it adds one more crucial detail—one that is truly inspiring when you understand it.
Prophecy shows that this will be the last of these empires to rise in Europe. The Holy Roman Empire has risen repeatedly because God has allowed it to. But He has said that the seventh resurrection will be the last. After this economic, political, military and religious European power rises one last time, it will be destroyed—forever. Europe’s history has unfolded according to a specific plan outlined in your Bible. And God makes clear that this plan has a definite, hope-filled ending—one that is nearly here. He will lead Europe into the prosperity and peace that has eluded it so far.

One more time
To find our more what the Bible says about the last European empire, request your free copy of The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.

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