Thursday 9 August 2018

Is Europe Ruled by Feudal Lords?

When Herbert W. Armstrong, the editor in chief of the Trumpet’s parent magazine, the Plain Truth, met with Habsburg in 1983, the Austro-Hungarian aristocrat expressed disappointment that European unification was proceeding so slowly. But he speculated that a crisis could push the panic button in Europe, causing the Continent to finally unite.
Bible prophecy reveals that this will happen.
In Revelation 17-18, God describes the German-led, Vatican-influenced empire that is emerging in Europe. This empire is actually the prophesied seventh resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, and its economy is being led by many of the same families who led it in the past. The European Union is espousing a type of crony capitalism that emulates the structure of Europe’s old feudal system.
The world is so ignorant of the Holy Roman Empire that even most Europeans don’t see what is happening, much less how it poses a deadly threat to the world. To understand, read our free booklet Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?, by Herbert W. Armstrong.

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