Saturday 18 August 2018

Germany and Russia’s Secret War Against America

A Seething Pot

The biblical book of Jeremiah is full of prophecy that is focused on the end time. You can see this plainly in Jeremiah 30. Historically, Jeremiah gave his warning message directly to the nation of Judah only. Yet so many of the prophecies in his book are directed to Israel, which was already in captivity at the time. That is because these prophecies were aimed mainly at the modern descendants of Israel, which, we can prove to you, are America and Britain today. (Request my free booklet Jeremiah and the Greatest Vision in the Bible for a full explanation.)
Today these nations are deeply divided. Their peoples are divided among themselves, their leaders are splintered by bitter disagreement and political warfare—and these two former allies are even alienated from one another! Divided Britain! Divided America!
Don’t you think Russian and German leaders are going to exploit this division? They will do what they have almost always done throughout history when they have power over weak, divided enemies and take full advantage of the situation.
Jeremiah 1:13 records God showing the prophet a vision of “a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the north.” This symbolic language is describing modern Germany.Beneath the surface, that nation is full of simmering dissatisfaction with the current world order. Germans are angry at the U.S., and especially furious with President Trump. The imperialistic ambition that prompted Germany to start both world wars is alive and well. It is “seething”!
Verses 14-15 continue: “Then the Lord said unto me, Out of the north an evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land. For, lo, I will call all the families of the kingdoms of the north, saith the Lord; and they shall come, and they shall set every one his throne at the entering of the gates of Jerusalem, and against all the walls thereof round about, and against all the cities of Judah.”
Don’t you think Russian and German leaders are going to exploit this division? They will do what they have almost always done throughout history when they have power over weak, divided enemies and take full advantage of the situation.
America, Britain, the Jewish nation (biblical “Judah”) and others should be alarmed by what is happening in Europe. Cooperation between Germany and Russia is setting the scene for a huge “seething pot” to spill over onto these nations! This boiling cauldron will scald everybody in America and Britain! This is prophesied to be the worst suffering ever known to man! And it will occur by God’s hand because of His extreme wrath over the sins of these peoples.
Repeatedly God asked Jeremiah, “What do you see?” God is asking people today: What do you see? He doesn’t say, What do you read about this? Or, What do you hear about this? God says, What do you SEE about this boiling cauldron?
Do you really see what is happening in Europe? Do you see the stage being set for a world war like never before? Do you understand it?
God spells it out for us, and we can see events lining up with His prophecies. And anyone who sees it—and heeds the warning and obeys God—can be protected and lead a happy, stable and fulfilled life!

Great Cause for Hope

On the surface, this news about Germany and Russia may seem depressing. But if you view it through the lens of Bible prophecy, you clearly see that it is closely tied to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:21-22 that if He didn’t return, “there should no flesh be saved [alive]”! That is what Christ Himself said when He was on this Earth! It is written in red letters in your Bible. He knew what was coming.
Do you really think men can solve all of these problems you see multiplying in this world today, many of which revolve around nuclear-armed nations?
Russia and America possess 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons. France and Britain have nuclear bombs, too, and other nations of Europe have American nuclear bombs deployed on their territory. Germany could become a great nuclear power very rapidly if it wanted to—practically overnight!
There is no way mankind is going to solve these problems. As Isaiah 59:8 says, “the way of peace they know not.”
Men are going to continue in their futile attempts at forging peace. They will have to suffer until Jesus Christ returns. The suffering will get far more intense just before He returns. But His return is tied to this German rising power and this Russian rising power. He says He will return before war has ended all human life! (Matthew 24:22). The rising military powers in Russia and Europe are a big part of what will make it necessaryfor Christ to return.
God wants us to respond to Him. He says He will help us in any way we need if we will just obey Him. “[W]hy will you die, O Israel?” God asks in Ezekiel 18:31. He doesn’t want any of us to have to suffer! He is eager to spare us from the coming cataclysmic violence and to bless us.
We need to understand these Bible prophecies. They are preparing the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to this Earth. That means all the bad news is about to end. He is going to bring peace, joy and happiness to this world forever.

To learn more of the accurate forecasting of Herbert W. Armstrong, request a free copy of He Was Right.

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