Bible study is so important to us because it affords a fascinating opportunity to enrich our lives. It will improve and enhance the quality and value of our lives.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Angela Merkel’s Big Announcement and the Media Rage at Donald Trump
German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced today that in December she will be stepping down as leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union, which she has led since 2000. This is the first step of Ms. Merkel’s departure from the office of German chancellor and marks a massive political turn of events in Germany. I discuss where this is leading on today’s radio show. In the second half, I talk about the deepening division in America after the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced today that in December she will be stepping down as leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union, which she has led since 2000. This is the first step of Ms. Merkel’s departure from the office of German chancellor and marks a massive political turn of events in Germany. I discuss where this is leading on today’s radio show. In the second half, I talk about the deepening division in America after the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre.
Saturday, 27 October 2018
The Measure of Music
Good music is proven to provide many benefits for your mind, body and spirit. Learn how music is central to God’s plan—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
It is often said that humans are musical beings. No matter your background, age, class or social standing, music appeals to you. But which kinds of music are best for your physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health? Why is the great God of the universe so interested in music? In what ways can good music make you more like God? How important is music in the grand scope of history, prophecy and God’s plan for mankind? Request our new free booklet The Measure of Music to explore music’s importance as revealed in Scripture. Learn why God used so much space in the Bible for specific descriptions of godly music and dance. Understand why God prefers some kinds of music but condemns others. Investigate the Bible’s various references to music—its history before man, its journey through Old Testament Israel and the New Testament Church, its modern manifestations, as well as its future as described in Bible prophecy. Discover how music—as a component of godly culture—is actually an essential part of your personal enrichment. Learn how to use music to improve your relationship with God. Read The Measure of Music to unlock the answers to foundational historical questions in music: Where did music come from? Which ancient civilization was most responsible for cultivating and developing it? How advanced were melody and harmony in the ancient world? Was it a steady evolution, with mankind stumbling along from one serendipitous discovery to the next until we finally reached the musical “advancement” of today? What is God’s view on the many genres of music in our world? The Holy Bible records the answers to all these questions. More than a fascinating view of history, our new booklet The Measure of Music represents essential knowledge in the worship of the true God. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request our new booklet The Measure of Music. Order now!
The Lion Has Roared
The Lion Has Roared
The Prophet Amos wrote a lot of black, gloomy poetry. One Bible commentary calls his message a “book of doom.” Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers Philadelphia Church of God Pastor General Gerald Flurry’s booklet The Lion Has Roared. There is no stronger prophetic message in the Bible. Get a copy of the booklet at
The Lion Has Roared
The Prophet Amos wrote a lot of black, gloomy poetry. One Bible commentary calls his message a “book of doom.” Follow along as host Grant Turgeon covers Philadelphia Church of God Pastor General Gerald Flurry’s booklet The Lion Has Roared. There is no stronger prophetic message in the Bible. Get a copy of the booklet at
The Coming Civil War
On today’s show, I draw attention to an article my father wrote after the election of Donald Trump in November 2016: “America’s Coming Civil War.” As shocking as it was to see Donald Trump win in 2016, as my father wrote, the “shocks for America aren’t going to go away.” So true! Besides this important flashback, I also discuss a valuable lesson we can learn from one of America’s founders: John Adams.
On today’s show, I draw attention to an article my father wrote after the election of Donald Trump in November 2016: “America’s Coming Civil War.” As shocking as it was to see Donald Trump win in 2016, as my father wrote, the “shocks for America aren’t going to go away.” So true! Besides this important flashback, I also discuss a valuable lesson we can learn from one of America’s founders: John Adams.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Media Blame Donald Trump for the American Mail Bomber
It wasn’t long after news broke about pipe bombs being sent to prominent Democrats that the mainstream media blamed President Donald Trump. Despite knowing virtually nothing about the bombs or the bomber(s), the media rushed to judgment, accusing the president of inciting violence with his verbal “attacks” on the media. The Washington Post ran the headline “Amid Incendiary Rhetoric, Targets of Trump’s Word Become Targets of Bombs.” Is the media without blame, though? What about all the ways the media has incited violence, like the New York Times running fictional stories about assassinating the president, or commentators comparing Mr. Trump to Adolf Hitler, or comedians holding a decapitated head of the president? I talk about this story on the first half of today’s show, and then follow up with more letters from the Personal Appearance Campaign in London.
It wasn’t long after news broke about pipe bombs being sent to prominent Democrats that the mainstream media blamed President Donald Trump. Despite knowing virtually nothing about the bombs or the bomber(s), the media rushed to judgment, accusing the president of inciting violence with his verbal “attacks” on the media. The Washington Post ran the headline “Amid Incendiary Rhetoric, Targets of Trump’s Word Become Targets of Bombs.” Is the media without blame, though? What about all the ways the media has incited violence, like the New York Times running fictional stories about assassinating the president, or commentators comparing Mr. Trump to Adolf Hitler, or comedians holding a decapitated head of the president? I talk about this story on the first half of today’s show, and then follow up with more letters from the Personal Appearance Campaign in London.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
The Religious Doctrines of the Radical Left
Not that long ago, all prominent Democrats were campaigning for tighter border security and for lawful immigration. Today, these same politicians say it is immoral to prevent illegal immigration by securing the border. The radical left now has a stranglehold on the Democrat party and the left-wing media. On today’s program, I talk about the doctrines of the radical left. In the second half of the program, I discuss one simple technique that will make you more thankful and positive.
Not that long ago, all prominent Democrats were campaigning for tighter border security and for lawful immigration. Today, these same politicians say it is immoral to prevent illegal immigration by securing the border. The radical left now has a stranglehold on the Democrat party and the left-wing media. On today’s program, I talk about the doctrines of the radical left. In the second half of the program, I discuss one simple technique that will make you more thankful and positive.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
The Holy Roman Empire Goes Public—Big Time!
This story should be the headline of every news media on this planet! But it’s hardly even noticed because this world is ignorant of Bible prophecy and history. That ignorance will cause them to be victims of the worst suffering ever on this Earth!
Stocking Up for World War III
Nuclear nonproliferation efforts are ending. A new arms race has begun.
Legalizing Marijuana? Oh, Canada!
‘Solve’ rising drug use by throwing out the law.
China’s Drug War—Against America
The shocking story of China’s strategy to use America’s drug addiction as a weapon against itself
Will China Rule the Waves?
As British and American maritime dominance ebbs, a new power rolls in.
‘What Shall We Do?’
Following the Apostle Peter’s stirring Pentecost message recorded in Acts 2, the prospective Church members around him asked: “What shall we do?” Many people hear God’s Word and agree with it, but very few are willing to do what God says. On today’s show, I summarize parts of the second lecture I gave at the recent Personal Appearance Campaign in London.
Following the Apostle Peter’s stirring Pentecost message recorded in Acts 2, the prospective Church members around him asked: “What shall we do?” Many people hear God’s Word and agree with it, but very few are willing to do what God says. On today’s show, I summarize parts of the second lecture I gave at the recent Personal Appearance Campaign in London.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Benefits of Bible Study
God speaks to us through His Word. As the evils in this world abound and proliferate, we need more than ever to be taught, encouraged, directed and corrected by our loving Father.
God speaks to us through His Word. As the evils in this world abound and proliferate, we need more than ever to be taught, encouraged, directed and corrected by our loving Father.
Personal Appearance Campaign Returns to London
For the first time in its 29-year history, the Philadelphia Church of God hosted a public Bible lecture in the United Kingdom. On today’s show, I talk about the first night of this exciting two-day event. I also speak about Herbert W. Armstrong’s tremendous work in Britain—specifically, his first Personal Appearance Campaign in 1954.
For the first time in its 29-year history, the Philadelphia Church of God hosted a public Bible lecture in the United Kingdom. On today’s show, I talk about the first night of this exciting two-day event. I also speak about Herbert W. Armstrong’s tremendous work in Britain—specifically, his first Personal Appearance Campaign in 1954.
Monday, 22 October 2018
Joshua's Dual Crown
In all of history, only one human has possessed the authority of both a king and a priest. You need to know who this man is. He is a sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Learn more about this sign—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
The Prophet Zechariah wrote about Joshua’s dual crown. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Zechariah—The Sign of Christ’s Imminent Return to learn about two end-time churches of God. Learn about the one true Church that is doing God’s Work. God has placed a king-priest with a dual crown in the midst of this loyal remnant of saints.
This Church has built a majestic physical house for God, a symbol of fulfilled prophecy, which proves that God’s master plan always prevails. That royal house is a symbol of endless hope. God’s government rules within His Church and is about to rule all mankind and bring joy to the universe forever.
But Zechariah also wrote about another church that has failed to do God’s Work. Understand the cause of its failure. Discover the one key difference between the loyal Church and the rebellious church.
God gives his loyal Church today a physical type of the king-priest positions they will fill for all eternity. Request our free booklet Just What Do You Mean… Born Again? to understand your purpose here on Earth. Discover the true value of your physical existence.
Realize how you can become a king-priest in embryo, about to inherit a spiritual position of limitless power. The Bible tells of a spiritual nation soon to be born in an instant. Learn what must be done to be a part of that awesome nation.
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Zechariah—The Sign of Christ’s Imminent Return and Just What Do You Mean… Born Again? Order now!
Sunday, 21 October 2018
What if the Philadelphia Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong College and Armstrong Auditorium didn’t exist? Follow along as host Grant Turgeon summarizes PCG Pastor General Gerald Flurry’s Habakkuk booklet, which reveals the high stakes of the Church’s six-year court battle with the Worldwide Church of God. Learn about the life-or-death spiritual struggle between a righteous man and an evil man. Understand the staggering miracles that God performed to preserve His Work. Get your free copy of the Habakkuk booklet at
What if the Philadelphia Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong College and Armstrong Auditorium didn’t exist? Follow along as host Grant Turgeon summarizes PCG Pastor General Gerald Flurry’s Habakkuk booklet, which reveals the high stakes of the Church’s six-year court battle with the Worldwide Church of God. Learn about the life-or-death spiritual struggle between a righteous man and an evil man. Understand the staggering miracles that God performed to preserve His Work. Get your free copy of the Habakkuk booklet at
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Elizabeth Warren’s Truth
For decades Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has defended her minority status as a Native American. Yesterday, she announced the results of her DNA test, which proved she has less Indian heritage than the average white American. To the mainstream media, though, the test proved conclusively that Warren is a Native American and that President Donald Trump is absolutely wrong for doubting her. We’re living in an age where facts are flexible and truth is relative. On today’s show, I talk about why we must be grounded in the truth.
For decades Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has defended her minority status as a Native American. Yesterday, she announced the results of her DNA test, which proved she has less Indian heritage than the average white American. To the mainstream media, though, the test proved conclusively that Warren is a Native American and that President Donald Trump is absolutely wrong for doubting her. We’re living in an age where facts are flexible and truth is relative. On today’s show, I talk about why we must be grounded in the truth.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Why The Bible Is Misunderstood
Though inspired by God, the Bible is the most misunderstood book in history—the most twisted, distorted, misrepresented, maligned and lied about. Why?
Though inspired by God, the Bible is the most misunderstood book in history—the most twisted, distorted, misrepresented, maligned and lied about. Why?
Jeroboam’s Religion, Merkel’s Party Battered in Bavaria, and the Next Global Financial Crisis
United States President Donald Trump had a busy weekend filled with interviews, German Chancellor Angela Merkel suffered another blow on Sunday when fringe parties made huge gains in the Bavarian elections, and how close is the world to the next financial crisis? I discuss these topics and more on today’s radio show.
United States President Donald Trump had a busy weekend filled with interviews, German Chancellor Angela Merkel suffered another blow on Sunday when fringe parties made huge gains in the Bavarian elections, and how close is the world to the next financial crisis? I discuss these topics and more on today’s radio show.
Friday, 12 October 2018
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
God’s one true Church on Earth forcefully delivers the most astounding and inspiring truth imaginable. Learn about the power source steadfastly backing God’s Church: the formidable, roaring Lion of the Tribe of Judah—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: Christ is getting ready to return to Earth. But how bad will events become before He arrives? Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Lion Has Roared to find out. Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Amos foretold unparalleled calamity and human suffering to befall the modern descendants of ancient Israel. God’s Church today delivers the same lion-roaring warning to America, Britain and the Jewish nation in the Middle East. To understand the chaotic, tragic events that precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, request The Lion Has Roared. There once was a time when the sun never set on the British Empire. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah was the empire’s guide and strength. Britain survived World War II by valuing that special advantage. But today, the British people have abandoned their faith in God. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The New Throne of David to learn where God has moved the throne from which Jesus Christ will soon rule the Earth. Because Britain no longer cares about the throne of David, God has replaced that throne with a new one—preserved by people who do care. You need to know where that throne is today. When the outlook for Britain in World War II was bleak, Winston Churchill said that the nation would rather die choking in blood than surrender. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet How To Be an Overcomer to learn how to apply that ferocious mind-set to your personal spiritual warfare. This booklet is the Christian soldier’s field manual for conquering the devil. For more about the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and other important biblical and prophetic subjects, be sure to tune in to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show every weekday at 7 a.m. Central Time. Listen as host Stephen Flurry gives God’s view on the most relevant news stories of the day. Increase God’s perspective and power in your life. Access the Trumpet Daily Radio Show for free online at or K-P-C-G.f-m. All our materials are available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Lion Has Roared, The New Throne of David, and How To Be an Overcomer. Tune in to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show. Act now!
Presidential Promise-Keeping
United States President Donald Trump is actually keeping many of his campaign promises—a rarity in modern politics. Mr. Trump has moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, brought about tax reform, taken America out of the Paris climate accord and Iran nuclear deal, and negotiated new trade deals to name a few. Despite strong opposition from political opponents and the mainstream media, Mr. Trump is accomplishing many of his goals. On today’s show, I talk about America’s temporary resurgence and explain what the Bible says about where this will end.
United States President Donald Trump is actually keeping many of his campaign promises—a rarity in modern politics. Mr. Trump has moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, brought about tax reform, taken America out of the Paris climate accord and Iran nuclear deal, and negotiated new trade deals to name a few. Despite strong opposition from political opponents and the mainstream media, Mr. Trump is accomplishing many of his goals. On today’s show, I talk about America’s temporary resurgence and explain what the Bible says about where this will end.
The Party of Violence and Hate
The Democratic Party is bent on bringing down President Donald Trump, but at what cost to the nation? Antifa-style tactics like harassment, intimidation and even violence are now encouraged by leading Democrats. Hillary Clinton, who was almost president of the United States, recently said that civility will only return when the Democratic Party regains power. Why is the left inciting hatred and violence? Bible prophecy reveals what is causing this and where it is leading.
The Democratic Party is bent on bringing down President Donald Trump, but at what cost to the nation? Antifa-style tactics like harassment, intimidation and even violence are now encouraged by leading Democrats. Hillary Clinton, who was almost president of the United States, recently said that civility will only return when the Democratic Party regains power. Why is the left inciting hatred and violence? Bible prophecy reveals what is causing this and where it is leading.
Thursday, 11 October 2018
How to Rejoice in the Midst of a Fiery Trial
Many people may view trials and tests as something to endure or just get through. But the Bible teaches that God uses trials to strengthen our faith and to help us build character. This is actually something to be very thankful for! I conclude today’s show with several practical points on how we can rejoice in the midst of sore trials and tests.
Many people may view trials and tests as something to endure or just get through. But the Bible teaches that God uses trials to strengthen our faith and to help us build character. This is actually something to be very thankful for! I conclude today’s show with several practical points on how we can rejoice in the midst of sore trials and tests.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
America’s Unraveling Cultural Norms
The pillars of Western civilization are being dismantled by numerous cultural revolutions. The survival of basic, tried-and-tested principles, like “innocent until proven guilty,” are now in question. The radical elements of these movements are transforming America for the worse. On today’s show, I discuss what is driving these changes and where it will ultimately lead.
The pillars of Western civilization are being dismantled by numerous cultural revolutions. The survival of basic, tried-and-tested principles, like “innocent until proven guilty,” are now in question. The radical elements of these movements are transforming America for the worse. On today’s show, I discuss what is driving these changes and where it will ultimately lead.
Monday, 8 October 2018
Archeology and Science Backs Up the Bible
America’s Fatal Culture of Dehumanization
For many Americans, any person with opposing political or ideological views isn’t merely incorrect or mistaken—he is inherently evil and dangerous, and must be destroyed. In today’s program, guest presenter Brad Macdonald considers the growing proclivity in America to dehumanize the enemy and the nation’s descent to full-scale civil conflict.
For many Americans, any person with opposing political or ideological views isn’t merely incorrect or mistaken—he is inherently evil and dangerous, and must be destroyed. In today’s program, guest presenter Brad Macdonald considers the growing proclivity in America to dehumanize the enemy and the nation’s descent to full-scale civil conflict.
Pastor: ‘If You Fear the Lord, You Should Fear Not Believing Women’
The Prophet Isaiah perfectly described our nations today: Children are their oppressors, and women rule over them (Isaiah 3:12). In the same Bible passage, God said He would take away strong, honorable male leadership (verses 2-3). The Brett Kavanaugh saga has brought this to light in a frightening way. In the age of “MeToo” and “your truth,” all men cannot be trusted and all women must be believed—no matter what they say. On today’s show, I talk about what’s really motivating the assault on Judge Kavanaugh.
The Prophet Isaiah perfectly described our nations today: Children are their oppressors, and women rule over them (Isaiah 3:12). In the same Bible passage, God said He would take away strong, honorable male leadership (verses 2-3). The Brett Kavanaugh saga has brought this to light in a frightening way. In the age of “MeToo” and “your truth,” all men cannot be trusted and all women must be believed—no matter what they say. On today’s show, I talk about what’s really motivating the assault on Judge Kavanaugh.
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