Friday 26 October 2018

Media Blame Donald Trump for the American Mail Bomber
It wasn’t long after news broke about pipe bombs being sent to prominent Democrats that the mainstream media blamed President Donald Trump. Despite knowing virtually nothing about the bombs or the bomber(s), the media rushed to judgment, accusing the president of inciting violence with his verbal “attacks” on the media. The Washington Post ran the headline “Amid Incendiary Rhetoric, Targets of Trump’s Word Become Targets of Bombs.” Is the media without blame, though? What about all the ways the media has incited violence, like the New York Times running fictional stories about assassinating the president, or commentators comparing Mr. Trump to Adolf Hitler, or comedians holding a decapitated head of the president? I talk about this story on the first half of today’s show, and then follow up with more letters from the Personal Appearance Campaign in London.

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