Saturday 27 October 2018

The Measure of Music

Good music is proven to provide many benefits for your mind, body and spirit. Learn how music is central to God’s plan—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.
It is often said that humans are musical beings. No matter your background, age, class or social standing, music appeals to you. But which kinds of music are best for your physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health? Why is the great God of the universe so interested in music? In what ways can good music make you more like God? How important is music in the grand scope of history, prophecy and God’s plan for mankind? Request our new free booklet The Measure of Music to explore music’s importance as revealed in Scripture. Learn why God used so much space in the Bible for specific descriptions of godly music and dance. Understand why God prefers some kinds of music but condemns others. Investigate the Bible’s various references to music—its history before man, its journey through Old Testament Israel and the New Testament Church, its modern manifestations, as well as its future as described in Bible prophecy. Discover how music—as a component of godly culture—is actually an essential part of your personal enrichment. Learn how to use music to improve your relationship with God. Read The Measure of Music to unlock the answers to foundational historical questions in music: Where did music come from? Which ancient civilization was most responsible for cultivating and developing it? How advanced were melody and harmony in the ancient world? Was it a steady evolution, with mankind stumbling along from one serendipitous discovery to the next until we finally reached the musical “advancement” of today? What is God’s view on the many genres of music in our world? The Holy Bible records the answers to all these questions. More than a fascinating view of history, our new booklet The Measure of Music represents essential knowledge in the worship of the true God. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request our new booklet The Measure of Music. Order now!

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