Monday 22 October 2018

Joshua's Dual Crown

In all of history, only one human has possessed the authority of both a king and a priest. You need to know who this man is. He is a sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Learn more about this sign—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

The Prophet Zechariah wrote about Joshua’s dual crown. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Zechariah—The Sign of Christ’s Imminent Return to learn about two end-time churches of God. Learn about the one true Church that is doing God’s Work. God has placed a king-priest with a dual crown in the midst of this loyal remnant of saints.

This Church has built a majestic physical house for God, a symbol of fulfilled prophecy, which proves that God’s master plan always prevails. That royal house is a symbol of endless hope. God’s government rules within His Church and is about to rule all mankind and bring joy to the universe forever.

But Zechariah also wrote about another church that has failed to do God’s Work. Understand the cause of its failure. Discover the one key difference between the loyal Church and the rebellious church.

God gives his loyal Church today a physical type of the king-priest positions they will fill for all eternity. Request our free booklet Just What Do You Mean… Born Again? to understand your purpose here on Earth. Discover the true value of your physical existence.

Realize how you can become a king-priest in embryo, about to inherit a spiritual position of limitless power. The Bible tells of a spiritual nation soon to be born in an instant. Learn what must be done to be a part of that awesome nation.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Zechariah—The Sign of Christ’s Imminent Return and Just What Do You Mean… Born Again? Order now!




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