Monday 31 August 2015

The Largest Audience Possible

Herbert Armstrong finished Mystery of the Ages only six months before he died. He said this book was the second most important on Earth, after the Bible. He passionately stated that his church “must reach the largest audience possible” with this vital book. God’s Church today has picked up where Mr. Armstrong left off and is urgently working to dispense Mystery of the Ages to the “largest audience possible.” On today’s show, Stephen Flurry discusses the work of distributing Mr. Armstrong’s masterful work to the United Kingdom.

Week in Review: The Rise of Nationalism

The utopian promises of globalization are failing—and the world is returning to nationalism! As economies worsen and conditions become more dangerous, we’re seeing the rise in protectionism, anti-immigration, fence building, arms build-up. It’s a dangerous trend you need to understand. We’ll look at the effects in several places around the world but focus particular attention on Europe’s response to its migrant crisis
The Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas is gaining political legitimacy, changing the landscape in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
This week saw more racially motivated violence in the U.S. with the horrific murders in Virginia.
And scientists who tried to replicate the results of a hundred highly touted psychology studies found that two thirds of them were hooey!
All this and much more on today’s Trumpet Hour.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Prophetic History for YOU

The biblical books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings make up the former prophets. These books give a broad sweep of ancient Israel’s history, from Joshua going to the Promised Land all the way to the captivity of Israel and Judah. The name “former prophets” is deceptive—they are actually the earlier prophets, but still prophets with a prophetic message for us today. These books are not merely history.
God is determined that we understand the former prophets in this end time just before Jesus Christ returns. Christ is our chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). What does He have to say about the former prophets?

The Three Resurrections

What does the Bible tell us about the resurrections.

Throughout history, man has had a fascination with death and the afterlife. Will you and your loved ones live again? Do you have an immortal soul, as so many professing “Christians” believe? The biblical teachings on life and death have been primary targets of Satan the devil from the beginning. The first recorded lie was that man would not die (Genesis 3:4), and man has believed the “immortal soul” lie ever since.
Consider the domino effect of this one lie. If man has an immortal soul, he cannot die; if he cannot die, he cannot be resurrected! Furthermore, the Apostle Paul wrote that if we deny the resurrection of the dead, we deny the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, leaving us totally without hope (1 Corinthians 15:13-14, 19).

The Immortal Soul Lie

When Satan told Eve that she would “not surely die,” she was deceived. Both Eve and Adam subsequently chose to reject the revelation that God had given them. Man refuses to accept God’s revelation about death and resurrection to this day, relying instead on his own human reasoning. Modern “Christianity” commonly accepts the immortal soul lie without a shred of evidence and with plenty of proof to the contrary!
Genesis 2:7 says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” This word soul in no way implies immortal life. The word is nephesh in Hebrew and is translated “a breathing animal.” It is used throughout the Old Testament to describe creatures such as cattle, fowl, whales—and man. Ecclesiastes 3:19 shows that man dies just as the animals do.
The soul is physical, composed of matter, and it can die. We see this point emphasized throughout the Bible. “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (James 4:14). Our temporary physical existences are also compared to withering grass that is blown away by a gust of wind (1 Peter 1:24; Psalms 103:13-16).
The Bible shows that all who die—which is everyone—will eventually be resurrected. The question is not if a person will be resurrected, but when. “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order …” (1 Corinthians 15:22-23).
Jesus Christ was the first to be resurrected. He is the “firstborn among many brethren” (Romans 8:29), and has made the resurrection of everyone who has ever lived possible. A careful study of God’s Word reveals that there are three resurrections yet to come.
What follows is a brief overview of the biblical teachings concerning the resurrections.

The First Resurrection

The first resurrection is reserved specially for a) the dead in Christ and b) those who are Christ’s at His coming. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
These are those who belong to Jesus Christ; those who have repented and received the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9). These people will live forever and reign with Christ throughout the Millennium, as shown in Revelation 20:5-6.

The Second Resurrection

Revelation 20:5 shows when the next resurrection will take place: “But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.” As we can see, at the end of the 1,000 years, two things will happen. Satan, who will have been imprisoned throughout the Millennium (verse 3), will be released from his prison for a “little season” and, after this, everyone else who has ever died will be resurrected. Most of humanity will be brought back to life in this resurrection. They will then finally have God’s truth revealed to them and be given their chance to become a part of God’s Kingdom. This period of time is called the Great White Throne Judgment.
Only one passage reveals the duration of the Great White Throne Judgment: Isaiah 65:17-25. In verse 20, we read, “There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.” From this point on, no more infants will be born. There will then be two classes of people: “the child” and “the sinner.”
“The child,” in this instance, refers to a person who is righteous. We are to enter the Kingdom of God as a little child (Luke 18:17). Why, then, does the Prophet Isaiah say that the child will die?
Because it is given to all men to die once. “[I]t is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). The temporal, physical existence of the righteous will end. Those that fall into the category of “the child” will become the Spirit-born sons of God, just as those who were Christ’s at His coming will have in the first resurrection. They also will be changed “in the twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).

Trumpets: God Confronts Sin

We must take on the same attitude toward sin that God has!

The concept of God confronting sin permeates Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. But the Feast of Trumpets is also about God confronting sin! And comparing these holy days shows some important similarities, and sobering differences.
It is one of the most dramatic stories in the Bible.
There was a slave nation of about 3 million—driven hard by their taskmasters, crying out for deliverance. One day, their deliverer came—and brought with him a host of terrifying plagues from the Almighty God: Water turned to blood, frog infestation, insects, boils. Plague after plague hammered their captors, yet they were protected.
Finally, one night, all the firstborn of the Egyptians died. The plague was so horrifying, so intense, they relented and granted the slaves their freedom.
The Israelites left with a high hand—escaping Egypt and starting their journey to a Promised Land.
This is history that God’s people memorialize each year during the spring holy days. It provides us a dramatic picture of our dealing with sin—how we must come completely out of it.
On Passover, we memorialize Christ’s sacrifice, which purged our sins and reconciled us to God. We remember how, if the Israelites hadn’t put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts, the death angel would have killed their own firstborn along with the Egyptians; by this we learn that it is only the blood of the Lamb—Jesus Christ—that saves us and removes that death penalty. We also remember how God inflicted the Egyptians with a series of plagues that, really, was a punishment on them for their sins.
Prior to the Days of Unleavened Bread, we get leaven out of our homes, which pictures getting sin out of our lives. We remember Israel’s exodus from Egypt, a type of our coming out of sin. At the end of seven days, we remember Israel passing through the Red Sea, a type of baptism, and the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit. We remember the drowning of the Egyptians in the sea, just like our sins are left buried in the baptismal waters.
Through this rich history, God has given us a spectacular illustration of what we go through during repentance, baptism and conversion.
The spring holy days show us just how serious God is about our getting the sin out of our lives. They force us to ask the important question: What is our attitude toward sin?
God commands that we examine our lives each Passover season (1 Corinthians 11:26-29). We must realize just how much Christ went through so we can be cleansed of our sin and reconciled to God—physically and spiritually. We go through this examination process year round, finding ourselves wanting, coming before God, confessing those sins, seeking forgiveness, and then living anew. Those in God’s Church are well acquainted with the process of repentance.
Now, what does all of this have to do with the Feast of Trumpets?

Spring and Fall Parallels

There are tremendous parallels between what we memorialize during the spring holy days and what is pictured on Trumpets! The story of the Israelites’ delivery from Egypt was not only a type of our coming out of sin: There will be a future fulfillment even more dramatic.
As we examine these parallels, we will see that both holy day seasons picture God confronting sin.
Again: What is our attitude toward sin? Do we hate it as much as God does?
The spring holy days show how God purges sin from His people. The fall holy days, beginning with the Feast of Trumpets, picture how God will purge sin from the world. The process is similar in many ways—but there are also some important contrasts.

The First Six Seals

The book of Revelation describes the end-time events culminating in Christ’s Second Coming and the establishment of God’s Kingdom. Let’s look briefly at this chronology.
First, the Apostle John describes in the opening verses of Revelation 5 his vision of a book sealed with seven seals. Jesus Christ is the only one worthy to loose these seals and open the book, which He does.
In chapter 6, we see that each seal being loosed represents the fulfillment of a terrifying prophetic event. Within this one chapter, the first six of these seals are described. They begin with the four horsemen of the apocalypse—false religion, war, famine and pestilence—which are riding even now in their early stages of fulfillment (verses 1-8).
The fifth seal describes the Great Tribulation and the martyrdom of the Laodicean saints (verses 9-11). This is the full expression of Satan’s greatest wrath. Here at the end of this 6,000 years of the age of man, God allows him virtually free reign. His most powerful instrument, the Holy Roman Empire, will be at the height of its power, wreaking excruciating suffering upon both physical and spiritual Israel for a period of 2½ years. During this time, the nations of Israel will go into captivity and slavery in Gentile lands.
Then, the sixth seal introduces the fact that something totally different is going to happen next. A sequence of supernatural events—a great earthquake, a darkened sun, a blood-like moon, falling stars—petrify the inhabitants of the Earth with fear, so much so that they cry out for death: “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (verses 15-17).
The seventh seal is about to be opened, which will propel the world into the Day of the Lord.

Two Groups Spared!

But before that seal is loosed, something else happens. Revelation 7 is the chapter of the “two companies”—the 144,000 and the great multitude.
In verses 1-8, the 144,000 Laodiceans are “sealed.” Malachi’s Message says that means their eternal salvation is placed beyond doubt—they have made it. At that point, the Laodicean era ends. The Tribulation, terrible as it was, was successful in turning half of the Laodiceans back to God, to rise in the first resurrection and become a part of the bride of Jesus Christ.
Then it talks about a great, innumerable multitude. “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands” (verse 9). These are the people who will repent in the Tribulation (and, as we will see, even the Day of the Lord) and live over into the Millennium. Many of them will have heard the pcg’s message. They will have recognized the fulfillment of the very things Herbert Armstrong and Gerald Flurry prophesied about! As Mr. Armstrong wrote, “We of this ministry well know that our real reward in the harvest of precious lives will mostly come after our labors are finished!” (The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last!). This is why it’s so important to reach the largest audience possible right now, even if we can’t see the fruits.
Among these people will be Israelites captive in Assyria, Egypt and other Gentile nations. God protects them from the punishments that are about to happen, even though they will still be in the middle of it—just as the Israelites in the middle of Egypt while it was being besieged by plagues were protected.
In all these events, God’s goal is to have as many people repent as possible.
We’ve already seen that there will be a significant number who repent during the Tribulation. So although the lesson was painful, God must consider that a success. The angels rejoice when one sinner repents (Luke 15:10). This will be multiple tens of thousands—innumerable persons, in fact—who, while experiencing the agony of the Great Tribulation, will accept the correction, and will then repent and begin submitting to God. That’s what He wanted all along from them. It took the Tribulation, but they made it.
Now, as great a success as that will be, God isn’t finished. He wants to see if He can possibly convict the hearts of a few more individuals before Christ returns and forces this evil age of man to a crashing end.

The Day of the Lord

“And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets” (Revelation 8:1-2). The Day of the Lord lasts for one year, and includes these seven trumpets.
Mr. Armstrong explained, “These symbolic trumpets portray, then, the Day of the Lord—the day of God’s wrath! The day God intervenes in world affairs to punish this world for its evil—the day God pleads with all flesh in the physical language it can understand!—and, as Zephaniah 1:16 says: ‘A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced [that is, fortified, or defended] cities, and against the high towers [that is, military fortifications].’
“The trumpet was always blown as a warning of war, or approaching armies. It signifies war and destruction. When Israel turned a deaf ear to all God’s prophets—rejected God’s loving pleading through preaching—God punished ancient Israel by sending the armies of Assyria to conquer them. When Judah disobeyed worse than Israel, God Almighty sent the armies of the Chaldeans to conquer them. As God steps in to punish the whole world—yes, all nations, for their evil, which is destroying them and bringing such suffering and unhappiness on all their peoples—the trumpets, or alarms of war, are sounded” (ibid).
This is no longer Satan’s wrath. This is God’s wrath poured out on mankind for all their sins.
Here is where we begin to see how God purges sin from mankind.

The Goal of Our Work

We are getting ready to help Christ rule this world and the universe!

 A God from the northern heavens came to Earth and became flesh and blood, risking the loss of eternal life. Failure would have left the Father as the only remaining God forever.
Spend more time and ponder what failure would have meant to our Father—the rest of eternity spent as the only God in the universe! Then you can better comprehend the kind of love He has for His creation.
Can we fathom this loving sacrifice by God? This universe-shaking truth challenges our imagination. We are the recipients of this unparalleled act of love.
An “eternal life,” which was God, the Word, came and died for us. This ought to excite mankind beyond anything we can imagine. It was the beginning of what will probably become billions of sons in God’s Family.
Because we teach this God-ordained message, we are almost glutted with new revelation! This should show us what this message means to the Father and the Son. Revelation comes because we honor our Father and Husband.
The deepest kind of UNITY comes from God. This is the unity God and the Logos have had for eternity. And it is the only future life there is. Every­thing else is about eternal death!
The 12 disciples saw, touched and handled this Word—God in the flesh. John says they were overwhelmed with joy. They understood how God and the Word became the Father and Son—and what that means to every human being.
The goal of our work is to bring all humanity into fellowship with the Father and Son! Please read that again.
The Ephesus Church members quit doing God’s work because they lost their first love. The Laodiceans today stopped doing this work because they became blind to this vision. Anybody who fails to see why we do this work is blind!
We are the very elect of the firstfruits. Soon the whole world will be filled with second-fruits from the fall harvest. All mankind will have one mind, one faith, one love and one hope. Each person will be a witness for God!
This is not a limited human vision, but an UNLIMITED GOD VISION. This vision erases all racial hatred and national boundaries. We all become one Family of God.
What a stirring future! It doesn’t get any deeper than this. I hope you will prayerfully study these epistles of “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Then you will see how Christ was ­loving all of us through John.
What a vision of love. What a vision of eternal majesty!

Friday 28 August 2015

The Most Important Book Since the Bible - The Trumpet Daily

Salvation is Creation

Many traditional Christians mistakenly believe that salvation is God’s attempt to restore civilization to what it once was in the Garden of Eden. They assume God and Satan are engaged in a back and forth struggle for the souls of men. But this idea makes Satan out to be stronger than God! On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry explains what the Bible says about God’s awesome purpose and plan for mankind.

The Demise of Globalization and the Rise of Nationalism

What it means for the world when nations begin to look inward.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Expert: ‘I’m Absolutely Confident!’

“I’m absolutely confident, absolutely confident, that the fundamentals of the Australian economy and the global economy are still good, are still good. Without doubt, that is the situation,” Australia’s Finance Minister Joe Hockey said on a recent television interview. “In fact there is no crisis now. It is a correction.” Each day it seems the global economy manages to avert a disaster. Can it last much longer? Is this system really working? Find out what Bible prophecy says about how the economy is being managed on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Fear in Global Markets, the Europe of the Bible Takes Shape, Live by Every Word and More

In this Trumpet Hour, global markets are panicking—the volatility index is off the charts—investors are jittery—yet economists are telling us not to worry. How much trust can you put in them?
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong made dramatic forecasts about EUROPE—forecasts that are coming true before our eyes. A new policy paper by a European think tank shows even more of those forecasts will be coming true.
Do you want to clear up some misunderstandings and get to know the Bible better? Then you’re going to enjoy a new program about to start on this radio station—we’ll talk to its host. Also, why you need to literally stick together with your mate.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Nourished by Good Doctrine

Are you spiritually healthy? Physically we try to eat healthy and stay active, but do you realize that God expects the same of us spiritually? The life of a true Christian is active—God expects us to go after His truth, to take in a steady diet of spiritual nourishment each day. Tune in to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show to learn more about how to sustain a healthy spiritual lifestyle.

Britain Pays for Repairs to Embassy Iranian Mob Ransacked

Britain’s embassy in Tehran was closed in 2011 after a mob vandalized and trashed the building. The British government said relations wouldn’t be restored unless Iran footed the bill. However, four years later, Britain has sent its foreign secretary to reopen the embassy in Iran, and guess who’s paying to rebuild the embassy? For more on this story, listen to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Sunday 23 August 2015

The Mystery of the Two Trees

Will the Unthinkable Happen Again? - The Trumpet Daily

The First-Century Apostasy

The book of Acts was intended to expose a growing religious movement prophesied to threaten God’s Church. This religious system, begun by Simon Magus and calling itself Christian, was a remake of the ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion. On today’s show Stephen Flurry looks back to a time in history that is clouded in mystery: The first century of God’s Church. He explains the battle waged between this great false church and God’s true Church, and why history is so silent about this era.

Europe Besieged by Immigrants, Poland Turns Pro-Germany, and More

Asylum seekers and immigrants are overrunning Europe, putting pressure on European countries economically, culturally and politically. Trumpet Hour discusses why this is such a major story.
Poland’s new president, Andrzej Duda, took office two weeks ago. He’s moving this Eastern European nation to an anti-Russian, pro-German stance, which will have significant impact on Europe.
Next, Syrian immigrants are flooding Lebanon making this tiny nation vulnerable to incursion from the Islamic State. What might this mean for this strategically important nation? Trumpet writers give you the answer.
Finally, the Trumpet Hour discusses the currency war the world is waging and how it points back to disturbing history and threatens world war. All this and much more on today’s Trumpet Hour.

Dangerous Currency War Dragging World Toward World War III

The world is goose-stepping toward full-scale trade war. This is something theTrumpet has been warning about for years. It is something that Herbert W. Armstrong famously forecast to millions of people on radio and in print. Throughout his 53-year work, he often described the conditions that would precede the biblically prophesied economic collapse of the United States.
Despite being the most stable currency in the world, the American dollar would one day be in “jeopardy of being DEVALUED,” he once wrote. When the dollar plummets, he warned, inflation will erupt and this will ultimately lead to “eventual ECONOMICCOLLAPSE for the United States.”
Based on Bible prophecy, he warned that the beginning of World War III would be “economic in nature.” About America and Britain in particular, Mr. Armstrong stated: “God prophesied aVIRTUAL TRADE war will get underway AGAINST the United States and Britain—and [that] our national economics will falter, and then COLLAPSE!”
Fast forward to today and that prophesied worldwide trade war could be now.
And as history and prophecy both show—world war could be next.

Germany Wins Again: Greece Agrees to Sell Airports and Other Assets

Germany is clearly benefiting from the Greek crisis. Not only has it become richer through investor “flight to safety,” but it is now essentially taking possession of key Greek assets at rock bottom prices. James A. Garfield, 20th president of the United States, said that whoever controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation. Based on this conclusion, Germany looks like it’s on its way to controlling Greece.
As long as Germany is a net benefiter, expect the economic crisis in Europe to continue. Germany wants total domination of Europe—Greece is only the beginning. To find out more about how Germany is dictating Europe’s destiny, read our article “The Greek Crisis Was Planned!

Thursday 20 August 2015

The Europe of the Bible Takes Shape

This starting point matches exactly what the Trumpet and Plain Truth have been saying for decades.
How? The Trumpet relies on Bible prophecy to forecast world events. It’s a starting point many are reluctant to accept, but it is proving more and more accurate as time goes on.
As more and more current events align with what we’ve been teaching for years, you need to acquaint yourself with what the Bible forecasts for the near future. For a good outline of what is prophesied to happen around the world, read our free booklet “He Was Right.” 

Nuke Nightmare: “Fox Guarding the Chicken Coup”

An exclusive report from the Associated Press reveals that Iran will be able to use its own inspectors to investigate its nuclear site. Democratic Senator Bob Menendez said if this proves to be true, it’s the equivalent of the “fox guarding the chicken coup.” For analysis on these latest revelations in the Iran deal, and more, tune in to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show.
Topics covered on today’s show include:
(:45) Europe’s migrant crisis
(16:55) U.S. Federal government getting involved in local courts
(20:50) Latest developments in Iran nuke deal

U.S. Military Base Under Threat, The War On Manmade Climate Change, Dodo Birds, And More

An important military base the U.S. uses in its fight against terrorism is under threat. It's located in the small African nation of Djibouti at a strategic location right at the mouth of the Red Sea. Djibouti is becoming less friendly with the U.S. especially because it is being courted by another suitor: China.
Next, Trumpet Hour host Joel Hilliker interviews Trumpet writer Robert Morley about President Barack Obama's war against manmade climate change. New regulations will limit how much carbon dioxide power plants can produce. They talk about the devastating effects these new regulations will have on America's economy as they are put into place.
The dodo bird went extinct over 300 years ago, but it still has lessons for us today. Trumpet Hour answers a listener's question and ends with a couple of tips on how to be a deep thinker. All this on Trumpet Hour.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Doomsday Clock Counting Down for Global Economy

The global economy is on the brink of disaster. Nations and institutions have tried everything to keep the economy afloat, and now they’re running out of options. Where is this leading—and what should you do? Find out on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

The Whole Head is Sick

What does America see when it looks at itself? What does the world see when it looks at America? On today’s episode, Stephen Flurry examines theTOP stories coming out of America, as reported by BBC News. The headlines reveal how blind commentators are to the most significant prophetic events of our day. They also reveal America’s incurable sickness.

Systematic Rape as Theology

ISIS has turned sex slavery into a systematic industry. Over the past year, 5,270 Yazidi women andGIRLS have been abducted, and at least 3,144 are still in captivity. These women and children have been forced into a sickening infrastructure of slave networking that takes them from their homes and families to warehouses and sales floors where they’re inspected, priced and sold off to be repeatedly raped. All of this done in the name of a “religion.” For more on these barbaric acts, tune in to today’s Trumpet Daily.

Economy Doomsday Clock Strikes One Minute to Midnight

How will the world get out of this economic predicament? By vast MONEYprinting”? Extending borrowing limits? What will the solution be this time?
The global economy is quickly running out of time. Don’t be fooled by those who say things willGO on as they always have.
Jeremiah 17:5 says, “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man .…” In other words, there is no hope in man’s financial solutions. Four verses later, theBIBLE tells us why: “The heart [meaning the mind of man] is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked [meaning incurably sick] …” (verse 9). Individuals and nations deal selfishly and deceitfully with each other.
But there is hope! The late Trumpet writer Tim Thompson wrote extensively about the global financial crisis, and the hope that every individual can have—now and in the future. You can follow sound financial principles and be protected from financial trouble now! Start by reading thisSHORT but powerful booklet.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Rule Your Own Spirit - The Trumpet Daily

If human appetites and desires are not held in check, there is likely to be a wreck!

Listen to the Trumpet Daily each day at 7:00 am (CST) on

In looking at today’s world, we see evidence of undisciplined minds everywhere. We see wars and rumors of war. We see an epidemic of violent crime and murder. There is disrespect for authority at every level of society. In Western nations, there is physical prosperity—but there is so much unhappiness and misery, there is drug addiction and family breakdown. And look at the spirit of lawlessness and rebellion that is tolerated—even celebrated—within the youth culture.

In a world where people—young and old alike—have a disregard for self-control, God expects us to build discipline into our lives. The Apostle Paul said “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: …” (1 Corinthians 1:27). Proverbs 25:28 says “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.”

The Christian life is full of challenges and trials. It requires learning God’s will and following it, even against temptation and self-desire. It demands struggle and sacrifice. It is a life of overcoming and conquering sin. The Bible backs this up from the first chapters of Genesis to the final chapters of Revelation. Scripture frequently describes it as a struggle, a fight, a battle.

What Does America’s Fiscal Gap Really Look Like?

America is broke—and totally dependent on spending money it doesn’t have. Never has there been a wealthier, more affluent society than the United State of America. And yet, never has a society been more ignorant when it comes to managing that prosperity. What does God think about the way the United States is handling its finances? Find out on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.