Tuesday 4 August 2015

Building a United States of Europe


All Forecast

This shrinking is also part of the forecasts made far in advance by Herbert W. Armstrong. All along, he said this superstate would be made up of 10 nations or groups of nations. In the 1960s, when the Common Market expanded to 10 nations, Mr. Armstrong wrote that “these are NOT the same 10 nations that will go together in one POLITICAL UNION of European nations.” Once Britain joined, he stated consistently that “Britain will be no part” of the coming European superpower. “The Common Market is preliminary” to this superstate, he wrote.
Germany, he wrote “will be the heart and core of the united Europe that will revive the ROMAN EMPIRE.”
For years, he also said that Eastern European nations would also be part of this superstate. In 1955, with the Iron Curtain firmly splitting Europe, he wrote: “Some of the Balkan nations are going to tear away from behind the Iron Curtain. Russia has lost already, to all appearances, Tito’s Yugoslavia. Russia probably will lose still more of her Eastern European satellites.”
The superstate that we’re seeing European leaders attempt to build matches exactly what Herbert W. Armstrong described decades ago.
There is still much that is yet to happen. As Varoufakis stated, it will require more crises and nations being forced out of the euro until the 10 nations are desperate enough to go all the way to superstate. But in the early stages of this state, we can already see Herbert Armstrong proved right.
If you’ve never heard of Mr. Armstrong’s forecasts, you can find out how and why he was able to predict the rise of this state before the dust had even settled on the ruins of the Third Reich.
Millions heard these forecasts, but most have forgotten them or dismissed them. They need to reacquaint themselves with what he said would happen.
Our free book He Was Right details Herbert W. Armstrong’s forecasts for Europe and the rest of the world. Request it, read it, and compare it with the world you see around you. As every year goes by, he is being proved more and more astonishingly right. 

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