Friday 7 August 2015

What Is the ‘Key of David’?

\Here are seven points, straight out of the Bible, to help you understand this vital truth. 

Revelation 3:7 says Jesus Christ has “the key of David.” What is that?
I present a weekly television program called The Key of David. We took that name right out of Revelation 3:7 and a couple other scriptures. I have written a booklet on the subject that we offer readers for free.
Do you know what the key of David is? It is one of the deepest truths in the entire Bible, but it is a mystery to most Christians. However, the more you understand it, the more it stirs your imagination. It is a message from God—the message that Jesus Christ gives His Church to deliver to this world in this end time.
The key of David message is actually Christ’s gospel—the good news He brought when He came to Earth! It gives you a specific understanding of that gospel, and it adds a royal dimension. The firstfruits—those saints called out before Christ’s Second Coming—will share the throne of David with Christ during the Millennium. If you are going to be in the Kingdom of God, you mustunderstand the real gospel: this key of David message!
Revelation 3:7 is part of a message from Jesus Christ to His Church. These are literally His own words, in red letter: “And to the angel [or messenger] of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth.”
Christ is “he that hath the key of David.” This message comes directly from Him. He gave it to His Church, and He expects His people to share it with the world.
If you want to find God’s true Church, it has to be where the key of David message is. And where you find the key of David message, you will find Jesus Christ!
This is not the easiest truth to understand; it takes study and meditation. However, you can grasp quite a lot about it just by studying this passage in Revelation 3. Here are seven points from this short passage that will help you to understand what God is trying to show us in this end time.

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