Sunday 23 August 2015

Dangerous Currency War Dragging World Toward World War III

The world is goose-stepping toward full-scale trade war. This is something theTrumpet has been warning about for years. It is something that Herbert W. Armstrong famously forecast to millions of people on radio and in print. Throughout his 53-year work, he often described the conditions that would precede the biblically prophesied economic collapse of the United States.
Despite being the most stable currency in the world, the American dollar would one day be in “jeopardy of being DEVALUED,” he once wrote. When the dollar plummets, he warned, inflation will erupt and this will ultimately lead to “eventual ECONOMICCOLLAPSE for the United States.”
Based on Bible prophecy, he warned that the beginning of World War III would be “economic in nature.” About America and Britain in particular, Mr. Armstrong stated: “God prophesied aVIRTUAL TRADE war will get underway AGAINST the United States and Britain—and [that] our national economics will falter, and then COLLAPSE!”
Fast forward to today and that prophesied worldwide trade war could be now.
And as history and prophecy both show—world war could be next.

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