Saturday 25 March 2017

The Mystery of Man


The human mind is a mystery to science, education and religion. Discover the spiritual element that sets the mind of man apart from the brain of any animal—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Scientists have achieved some of the greatest developments in human history: the Internet, cures for disease, rockets in space, and more. Yet the greatest minds are also responsible for the godless theory of evolution and the proliferation of deadly nuclear weapons. Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s free booklet What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind to understand this puzzling paradox. Learn why even the most brilliant minds can’t solve the problems of mankind. Discover what makes the human mind different from the animal brain. This difference is the key to solving the world’s daunting problems.

The true gospel message of Jesus Christ was all about spiritual family. Physical human beings are destined to become much more. Why is mankind blind to this awesome potential? Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s free book The Incredible Human Potential to learn how the missing dimension of all knowledge has been withheld, and the whole world deceived. This dimension remains undiscovered by science, untaught by education, and unrevealed by religion. Study The Incredible Human Potential to learn the true gospel message of Jesus Christ. Discover the awesome purpose of human life and the way to lasting world peace.

Many professing Christians claim to be “born again”—but do not understand what Jesus Christ meant by those words. Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s free booklet Just What Do You Mean … Born Again? Being born again is more than an exciting physical feeling or a belief in your Savior. The true meaning of this phrase is startling. Read Just What Do You Mean … Born Again? to discover the awesome depth of this most important truth.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind, The Incredible Human Potential, and Just What Do You Mean … Born Again? Order now!

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