Sunday 12 March 2017

Who and What Is God?


This world does not know God. Learn why mankind has been in spiritual darkness for thousands of years. Discover how to develop a relationship with your Creator—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Debate rages about the origin of life on Earth. Were we created, or did we come into existence through some other process? Can the existence of God be scientifically proven? Where did the first life come from? Can we know whether God possesses mind power? Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s free booklet Does God Exist? for answers to these important questions. Before we can develop a relationship with God, first we must prove that God exists.

No other Gospel writer describes the God Family vision like the Apostle John. He was the only one to explain the eternal existence of God and the Word. John also showed why Christ’s sacrifice should inspire us forever. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book John’s Gospel: The Love of God to learn about these foundational spiritual subjects. When Christ was on Earth, He probably spent more time with John than any other apostle. This experience gave John unique insight into the depth and glory of God’s master plan. Only John wrote about: the mighty “I AM” God; the resurrection of Lazarus and how it relates to your incredible human potential; the Samaritan woman and what she means for the world; and why Jesus wept. To learn how to build God’s joy in your life, study the powerful message within John’s Gospel: The Love of God.

Human beings can have a relationship with their Creator, but most refuse. Request Herbert W. Armstrong’s booklet Human Nature: What Is It? to learn why mankind is naturally hostile toward God. Some say there is no evil in the heart of man; others say man was born with an evil nature. Prove how both of these assumptions are wrong. Learn about the human nature within every person. Discover where this unique spiritual entity came from.

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

Learn more about Gerald Flurry here:

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