Thursday 2 March 2017

Trade Wars Have Begun

Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet
By Gerald Flurry
(request a free copy)

Ezekiel also prophesied about this temporary Europe-Asia economic alliance. The end-time prophecy of Ezekiel 27 discusses a “merchant of the people for many isles.” It foretells Germany trading with Middle East nations (verses 9-10), with Russia (verses 12-13), and with Japan (verse 14).
The Apostle John delivered a similar prophecy. The theme of Revelation 17 and 18 is the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Revelation 18:3 describes the demise of this superstate, stating that “the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” This prophecy shows that for a brief period—just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ—a German-led Holy Roman Empire will sit at the nucleus of world trade.
We have just noted three distinct biblical passages, written by three individuals at three different times, discussing exactly the same end-time event. How can you explain this incredible fact?
We have been warned! And not just by Isaiah, Ezekiel and John.
For decades, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that trade wars would precede World War III and the return of Christ. In 1968, he described how the beginning of World War III would be “ECONOMIC IN NATURE. We have shown how God prophesied a VIRTUAL TRADE WAR will get underway against the United States and Britain .…”
Here is another warning, delivered in 1971. On this occasion Mr. Armstrong specifically addressed America’s protectionist policies. “Either we start raising high tariff barriers against other countries, STARTING A TRADE WAR WHICH IN TIME WILL TRIGGER THE NUCLEAR WAR THAT WILL DESTROY US—or, American workers are going to have to meet the competition of the workers in other countries, by lowering living standards. Obviously American workers are not going to choose to do the latter. And if they don’t—well, THE HANDWRITING IS ON OUR NATIONAL WALL” (Plain Truth,March 1971).
What a profoundly prescient statement. Mr. Armstrong foresaw the exact dilemma America faces today!
He did not use a crystal ball—he used Bible prophecy. And the Bible plainly shows that a nuclear World War III will be preceded by a global trade war.
In fact, Scripture is even more specific. It says that a German-dominated European power will temporarily align with China, Russia and other Asian powers to bring America down.
These prophecies are being fulfilled, dramatically, in detail, and astonishingly fast!
Viewed through the lens of Bible prophecy, the subject of global trade and commerce is riveting. But putting world events together with Bible prophecies needs to be more than just a rousing intellectual exercise. Seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled in such obvious and dramatic fashion ought to arouse curiosity in the Bible, in God’s existence and plan. IT OUGHT TO STIR US TO ACTION!
If a trade war is looming, then don’t you want to know how to escape the destruction? You can be protected. Your family can be protected. You can be there to witness the outcome of the trade war and full-scale military conflict and to witness the greatest event to happen in the history of the universe: the return of Jesus Christ. What do you have to do?
For the answer, read Acts 2:38 (New King James Version): “Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’” 

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