Saturday 16 December 2017

God's Purposes of Sex

America has been rocked by sex scandals in recent months. There is a solution. Learn the God-ordained purposes of sex that should be taught in every home and school—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. Human beings are vastly different from animals and from angels. Marriage and family are God-plane relationships that animals and angels will never experience. By getting married and starting families, humans receive training to become spirit-born children of God. Request our free book The Missing Dimension in Sex to understand the vital importance of sex in marriage and family life. Only when used properly within a strong marriage does sex achieve real meaning. Sex is a sacred institution meant to be kept pure and beautiful. Read The Missing Dimension in Sex to discover the inspiring, God-ordained purposes of sex. God created sex to strengthen marriages. Strong marriages produce stable, happy families. The physical family is a type of the spiritual Family of God. Christ came to Earth to declare the Father—the God Family. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The God Family Vision to grasp the incredible depth of Christ’s Gospel message. He didn’t come here to declare Himself, as this world believes. That deception is why this world doesn’t understand God’s plan for mankind. They are in the dark. And so are most of God’s own people! Christ’s Gospel message is the only one that will fill us with hope. It is about bringing God’s government and peace to the whole universe. It is the true Gospel that mankind has never understood. Is marriage on the way out? Is adultery still wrong? Is the institution of the home, with its family life, to disappear from society? How and when did the institution of marriage originate? Does it, after all, serve any necessary purpose? Request our free booklet Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete? for the answers to these important questions. Take an in-depth look at the institutions of marriage, the home, and family life. You will see a shocking truth which has been altogether overlooked by science, by religion, by education and by society! You will also receive a transcript of this Key of David program, titled “God’s Purposes of Sex.” All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Missing Dimension in Sex, The God Family Vision, Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete? and “God’s Purposes of Sex.” Order now!


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