Thursday 14 December 2017

Will Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Lead to Trade War?

With America pulling away from globalization, Germany is looking to China and other Asian nations instead. Germany and China are getting more and more friendly, and Bible prophecy indicates that this trend will continue. Ezekiel 27 prophesies a temporary Europe-Asia economic alliance that will arise in the end time. This alliance will not include America and Britain—in fact, it will be against these nations.
Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has shown that, as prophesied in Ezekiel 5, this Eurasian “mart of nations” will actually “besiege America, Britain and the Jewish nation.” How will they besiege America? Through a trade war. He writes in Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet:
The United States and Britain are going to be left out in the cold as two gigantic trade blocs, Europe and Asia, mesh together and begin calling the shots in world commerce. These nations of Israel are going to be literally besieged—economically frozen out of world trade!
Herbert W. Armstrong prophesied this coming trade war as well. In the March 1971 Plain Truth, he wrote:
Either we start raising high tariff barriers against other countries, starting a trade war which in time will trigger the nuclear war that will destroy us—or American workers are going to have to meet the competition of the workers in other countries, by lowering living standards. Obviously American workers are not going to choose to do the latter. And if they don’t—well, the handwriting is on our national wall.
That is exactly what we are seeing happen today! America is raising its tariffs against other countries. This move could lead to the trade war and economic siege that will destroy us! “We are clearly in the early stages of the trade war that precedes this siege!” Mr. Macdonald wrote. President Trump’s tax reform plan is leading toward that siege, although he doesn’t know it yet.
Trade war is not just a fantasy. It is fast becoming a deadly, dangerous reality. To learn more about the prophesied trade war and where it will lead, read Brad Macdonald’s article “Trade Wars Have Begun.”

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