Saturday 16 December 2017

Trump’s Jerusalem Speech Is an Opportunity for Europe

The Bible contains specific warnings about coming dark times for Jerusalem. Many of these warnings revolve around a peace process. One of them is found in Hosea 5:13. It states that when “Judah saw his wound,” he went “to the Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb.” What is this talking about? Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains in his free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy:
The word wound is number 4205 in Strong’s Concordance. It means “in the sense of binding up: a bondage, i.e. remedy.” Gesenius’ Lexicon defines it this way: “the pressing together, binding up of a wound; here used figuratively of a remedy applied to the wounds of the state.” In other words, the remedy is the wound!
Another word for wound is also mentioned in Obadiah 7: “All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him.” This wound is number 4204 in Strong’sGesenius’ defines it as “falsehood; hence, fraud, insidious dealing … net, or snare.” It has the same root word as the word used in Hosea 5:13. In Obadiah the wound is directly related to being deceived by a peace pact!
This prophecy, then, states that Israel will have trouble with its peace pact and will turn to another power for help—to Assyria. This is the biblical name for Germany. (For proof of this, read our free reprint article “The Remarkable Identity of the German People.”)
Israel, then, is prophesied to turn to Germany! Exactly the situation we now see an opening for. Other Bible prophecies tell us what happens next. Daniel 11:40-41 talk about “the king of the north,” referring to this same German-led European power. This power “shall enter also into the glorious land,” referring to Jerusalem. Mr. Flurry explains: “The word enter in no way indicates the use of force. The Germans will undoubtedly be invited in as a peacekeeping force.”
In the short term, this does not turn out well for Jerusalem. But Hosea 5 says that this suffering will lead Israel to “acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early” (verse 15).
God is allowing this to happen for a glorious purpose. And Mr. Trump’s decision could pave the way for this important, prophesied event—Israel turning to Germany. For more on the prophesied outcome of these events, read “Israel’s Deadly ‘Wound’” in our free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy.

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