Wednesday 31 January 2018

The End of the World Is Nigh! Say Experts

Alarming warnings. But how many are really sitting up and taking notice?
Back when the Doomsday Clock was moved forward to seven minutes to midnight in 2002, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote, “The world should have jolted out of sleep at the news. Headlines should have splashed across all the media. But no real alarm was sounded. The majority of the news media dismissed it. And many still slumber on as the world heads toward self-destruction.”
This year, there may have been headlines about the clock in the news for about a day. But it has had no real impact.
Herbert W. Armstrong also paid attention to the ticking of the Doomsday Clock. In 1984, just after the clock was adjusted, he wrote in a co-worker letter:
[T]he atomic scientists have now moved the Doomsday Clock one more minute forward—from four to only three minutes to midnight!
I mentioned before how the president of the United States had said it seemed we are fast approaching Armageddon and the end of this world.
Not too long ago, if anyone mentioned “the end of the world,” people would have thought him to be a crackpot doomsday freak. But today the sanest atomic scientists and heads of nations are talking about doomsday and the end of this world.
These sober men are not wild-eyed religious fanatics. They know what is actually happening. They know how the evils in this world are mounting. They know how the weapons of mass destruction have been produced that now can blast all human life into extinction.
And these sober leaders are worried! One said, “I am frankly scared!” They are bewildered, confused and perplexed. They see no way to stop what now seems inevitable!
The same is true today. The Doomsday Clock is one minute closer to midnight than it was back then, but how many are doing anything about it?
The trouble is, doing something about it is hard. Personally, I agree with all these reports. But am I living my life like it is two minutes to doomsday? Not really. The danger of the times is something we can know and agree with, but it’s still not something we want to think about.
Yet two minutes to midnight is a time that demands answers. Why is mankind so close to destroying himself? What is wrong with us that we could come to this point? Is there hope? Is there a solution? Or are we doomed to extinction?
The best way to take action in light of all this sobering news is to find the answers to these questions. Because these questions are all about the nature of man, the future of man, even the purpose of man. These answers can be found in your Bible.
To help you find the answers to these questions in your own Bible, order our free booklet Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door.’ It will show you the real dangers that you need to be watching, what the Bible says about nuclear World War iii, and the magnificent hope beyond.

Donald Trump and the State of Two Americas
United States President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address last night revealed just how massive the divide is in American government. Despite some of President Trump’s left-wing initiatives, like giving citizenship to 1.8 million “dreamers,” Democrats still viewed the speech as “divisive” and “hateful.” Democrats sat quietly throughout the speech, while Republicans repeatedly cheered on the president—an appropriate picture of two Americas. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, I discuss the president’s first State of the Union address and explain why he will not be able to heal America.

Interview With Dr. Eilat Mazar
I’ve just returned back to our regional office at Edstone after a whirlwind trip to Jerusalem. On this brief trip, I was able to tour the current excavation on the Ophel, visit with Herbert W. Armstrong College student volunteers, and interview archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, I give a brief history of the Ophel area as it’s mentioned in the Bible, and then play an interview I had with Dr. Mazar and AC alumni Brent Nagtegaal and Christopher Eames.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Building Godly Friendships
At a time of increasing global conflict, the American pursuit of entertainment seems to be keeping pace. The approaching Super Bowl offers a weekend of get-togethers for friends and sports enthusiasts, but it also will likely expose to millions their lack of true friendships. God does tell us how to build and cultivate Godly friendships.

Saturday 27 January 2018

The Book of Ruth

God is offering the greatest reward imaginable to a tiny group of people today. Learn how this tremendous reward relates to a specific throne on Earth right now—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: https: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: The biblical book of Ruth describes the miraculous physical origin of the throne of David. Request Gerald Flurry’s new booklet The Book of Ruth to learn about a marriage that changed the course of history. Understand the depth of Ruth’s undying commitment. You need to develop the strong character of Ruth. The story of Ruth ties directly to the future of mankind. Her marriage is a type of God’s Church marrying Christ, which will happen when Christ returns to Earth. The annual holy day of Pentecost pictures this spectacular event. The events of Ruth’s memorable life took place in physical Israel, but her righteous deeds actually built up spiritual Israel. She was the great-grandmother of King David. Jesus Christ descended from the physical line of King David, and He will soon return to rule from David’s throne on Earth! He will be King of kings and Lord of lords. Read Gerald Flurry’s The Book of Ruth to find out who those other kings and lords are. You will also receive a copy of the July-August 2017 Royal Vision magazine, the “New Stone and New Throne” special issue. About a year ago, God transferred the throne of David from the British monarchy to His Church. God’s loyal people today now have the awesome opportunity to present this throne to Christ when He returns! Study this issue for extensive proof that the throne has been moved. Learn why it happened. See how Satan continues to attack this throne. Discover the tremendous miracles that God performs to help and preserve His royal saints. The truth about the new stone and new throne is the most stunning revelation in this end time! Read the July-August 2017 Royal Vision magazine to understand how this revelation can change your life. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Book of Ruth and the “New Stone and New Throne” Royal Vision. Order now!

God’s Positive View of History | The Trumpet Daily

God’s view of history should determine our perception of the present. So many people today are losing their knowledge of the past. History isn’t taught in schools the way it used to be. Teachers aren’t excited about teaching the subject, and when it is taught, it’s often done without honesty or objectivity. As far back as 1985, the New York Times warned about the danger of forgetting our history: “A society without a sense of history is like an individual without memory.” History is very important to God and is a major theme in the Bible. It gives us incredible insight into our future—not just individually but for all mankind. On today’s program, we look at why understanding the past is so critical to understanding the future.

Friday 26 January 2018

The End Is Nigh! Say Scientists and Experts
The world is as close as it has ever been to total annihilation, according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. They moved the symbolic doomsday clock to two minutes to midnight yesterday—a level it has reached only once before: in 1953. But they’re not the only ones sounding this warning. Statfor published an article titled “The New Nuclear Age: A Journey Into the Unknown.” The Economist published “The Growing Danger of Great-Power Conflict.” Both warn that the world is getting more dangerous and nuclear war is probably on the horizon. On today’s show, Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer reviews this warning and points to the hope beyond.

Doomsday Clock Ticks Ahead: Two Minutes to Midnight

Back in 2002, when the Doomsday Clock was set forward from nine to seven minutes to midnight, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote about the deep significance of the move—and the lack of attention the news received: “The world should have jolted out of sleep at the news,” he wrote. “Headlines should have splashed across all the media. But no real alarm was sounded. The majority of the news media dismissed it. And many still slumber on as the world heads toward self-destruction.”
Mr. Flurry said the reason the move was so significant is because of what Bible prophecy says about a nuclear World War iii:
Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ prophesied about this global state of affairs. Yet with His warning, He gave us great hope. “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved [Moffatt: saved alive]: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:21-22). Jesus Christ was talking about a time when the annihilation of all human life would be possible. This has everything to do with the Doomsday Clock. Yet how many theologians discuss these two verses?
Mr. Flurry explained that, though the setting of the Doomsday Clock forward pointed to dark times in the near term, it also indicated that the most hope-filled event in mankind’s history is very near:
Still, seven minutes to nuclear annihilation really means seven minutes to the greatest possible news you could ever hear: It is all a sign that Jesus Christ is about to return to Earth—to stop mankind from destroying himself—and show the world how to have peace, happiness and joy.
Now, those seven minutes on the symbolic Doomsday Clock are down to just two.
To understand more about how near humankind is to an unprecedentedly devastating nuclear war, and why Christ will intervene in the conflict before it extinguishes all human life, read Mr. Flurry’s booklet Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door.’

Germany’s Record-breaking Arms Exports
Germany’s arms industry is booming. Despite past pledges by the government to reduce arms exports, it recently approved massive weapons exports to nations involved in regional conflicts, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. The Trumpet carefully monitors Germany’s actions in the Middle East and North Africa, because Bible prophecy specifically identifies nations in the region that will ally with Germany in these last days. We discuss this and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

The Conspiracy Against Donald Trump Intensifies
As the FBI’s Special Counsel investigation continues looking for evidence proving United States President Donald Trump colluded with Russia or somehow obstructed justice; however, the real scandal is the intensifying conspiracy to bring down a duly-elected president! According to an Israeli newspaper, former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry recently met with a close associate of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in London and urged the Palestinians to stay strong and not yield to President Trump. Kerry reportedly said that Donald Trump could be out of office within a year. For this and more, listen to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show, with Stephen Flurry.

Israel’s Biblical Identity

In the mid-15th century b.c., the 12 tribes of Israel fled Egyptian captivity and resettled in the land of Canaan. By the 11th century b.c., Israel was led by a united monarchy. For more than 100 years Israel was ruled by kings Saul, David and Solomon.
When King Solomon died in the mid-10th century, he was succeeded by his son Rehoboam. King Rehoboam increased taxes, which provoked a rebellion. The rebel movement was led by Jeroboam, a formidable leader from the tribe of Ephraim.
By the late 10th century b.c., Jeroboam had successfully split Israel into two distinct kingdoms. The northern kingdom was led by Jeroboam, and was comprised of 10 tribes. This kingdom retained the name “Israel”—its capital was Samaria.
Two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, remained loyal to King Rehoboam and the house of David (1 Kings 12:20-24; Ezra 4:1; 2 Chronicles 11). Following the split, these two tribes comprised the southern kingdom, which became known as Judah. Jerusalem was the capital of Judah.
After Jeroboam’s rebellion, the Bible clearly distinguishes between the “house of Israel” and the “house of Judah.”
Today, the sovereign nation called “Israel” is comprised of Jews, the descendants of the tribe of Judah. Many secular historians acknowledge this truth. In his book Jerusalem: The Biography, Simon Sebag Montefiore writes, “Modern Jews are descended from the last two tribes who survived as the kingdom of Judah.”
This truth is critical to understanding Bible prophecy. When end-time Bible prophecies refer to Judah, they are referring to the nation known today as Israel.
For more on this subject, request our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, by Herbert W. Armstrong.

Anniversary of the Death of Winston Churchill—The Man Who Saved Western Civilization

Mr. Flurry has shown that, long before Churchill was born, the Bible prophesied of his history-altering leadership. In our August 2012 issue, he wrote:
Ezekiel 33 contains an amazing prophecy. God sends His prophet with a message about a time when a sword would come against the land, and “the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman.” God explains what will happen if this man warns the people of the approaching danger. Ezekiel’s prophecies are intended most of all for the end time (request our free booklet Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet for proof)—so this is prophecy primarily for this modern day.
I believe this prophecy was fulfilled by Winston Churchill. There has been no other watchman in this end time of similar stature.
Churchill became an outcast for doing so, but he bravely stood up and warned the world of the approaching danger. If Churchill did that, God must have prepared him in some ways to do that job. He was chosen by the people, but God used him in the political system to save his country and much of the Western world!
This 53rd anniversary of Churchill’s death is an excellent time to better understand the man, the individual to whom we are in debt for our freedom, and the God-ordained watchman: Winston S. Churchill.
It also presents us with an opportunity to consider the alarming absence of such leadership in the Western world today, even as the pillars of peace begin to crumble once again. As Mr. Flurry writes:
Where do we see a watchman like Churchill today? Where is there such a man who will stand up and challenge the whole government? And even the entire nation? Where is there a political leader who has the character to boldly proclaim to our people that they have degenerated into the sewer—at a time when the world is filled with unparalleled dangers?
Mr. Flurry’s booklet is available for download or you can request your free print copy here.
And don’t miss our episode of the Trumpet Daily, highlighting the crucial role Churchill played in saving the Western world and expounding on the dangers of the modern world’s failure to learn from that history.

Who Is Behind Turkey’s Raid on Northern Syria?
Turkey is using German-made tanks in its offensive against the Kurds in northern Syria. In past years, German arms sent to Turkey were limited to use in NATO operations only. Now Turkey is using German-made equipment to initiate its own offensives—and Germany appears willing to continue supplying it with weapons. Continue to watch Germany and Turkey reconcile past disputes and work closer together. We discuss this trend in Bible prophecy and other important news on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Young Men: Grow Up and Learn How to Rule Well
The age at which young people transition into adulthood is rising. A recent article published in the journal Lancet Child and Adolescent Health suggests that adulthood does not begin until age 24. The current generation is lagging behind when it comes to growing up. This is especially true among young men, who, in increasing numbers, find themselves living at home, unemployed and unmarried well into their 30s. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain why a strong society needs strong men of character!

Friday 19 January 2018

The Hidden Superpower

Your Bible prophesies of a strongman soon to take charge of Europe. The news media does not warn about this dangerous leader. Learn how he will rise to power seemingly overnight and shock the world—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: https: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: No nation on Earth has ever started more wars than Germany. Recently, this nation has become more subtle in its war-making. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans to learn how Germany exerted strategic pressure to cause Yugoslavia to erupt in violent warfare. Against the wishes of the entire world, Croatia and Slovenia declared independence from Yugoslavia. But Germany recognized their independence and forced the U.S. to cave to the German will. By giving in, America supported its World War 2 enemies instead of its allies. The Serbs assisted America and Britain in both world wars, yet America betrayed them. Read Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans to understand how German manipulation of this volatile region is part of a much larger plan. Since losing World War 2, the Nazis have gone underground. Recently declassified intelligence documents expose their plan to rise again and to win World War 3! Yugoslavia became the first victim of this war. Today, the German-led European Union has a stranglehold on the former Yugoslav states. The most shameful part of Germany’s dominance today is that America and Britain allowed it to happen! After World War 2, America and Britain pledged to prevent Germany from ever rising to power again. How quickly people forget history. You need to know where this dangerous ignorance is leading. Modern-day Germany draws inspiration from an ancient religious empire. Request our free booklet Germany in Prophecy to trace back to Germany’s earliest roots. Learn the remarkable accuracy of your Bible’s prophecies about the Holy Roman Empire. Throughout history, this empire has experienced six terrifying, violent periods of dominance. You can prove that it will rise one final time to start World War 3. But this story ends with the best outcome imaginable: the return of Jesus Christ! You will also receive a free reprint article about Germany’s whirlwind strategy. Your Bible describes the German-led European superpower as a whirlwind that will demolish Iran [ear-AHN] with shocking speed. But the word “whirlwind” is more than just a metaphor; it is an indication of a tangible, practical strategy. See how Germany has Iran surrounded. Learn how Germany is already planning Iran’s destruction! All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans, Germany in Prophecy and our article about Germany’s whirlwind strategy. Order now!

Looking to New Jerusalem | The Trumpet Daily

Visit Soon this city will be a symbol of peace for the entire universe! The faithful men and women of the Bible knew that physical life is just temporary. We are like tabernacles, as it says in the book of Hebrews, which is why Christians need vision that reaches beyond this life and even beyond the Millennium! Abraham, the Bible says, looked for a city whose builder and maker is God. He looked forward to the city built by God the Father. He saw new Jerusalem and God's eternal Family. On today's program, we study what the Bible says about new Jerusalem and the great plan God has in store for this city!

Be Fruitful, Multiply and Replenish the Earth
What is the purpose of family? Why human reproduction? Why male and female? Why mankind? Many of the things mankind takes for granted, like marriage and family, were actually instituted by the great God for a divine purpose! That purpose has been a mystery—but you can understand! On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show we explain the incredible truth about why God created man!

Thursday 18 January 2018

Israel’s Peace Process in Prophecy
Did you know that Israel’s failed peace process was prophesied?
The Prophet Hosea called the failed peace process, “Judah’s wound.” In Bible prophecy, Judah refers to the nation we know today as Israel. The prophecy in Hosea 5:13 reads, “When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah saw his wound, then went Ephraim to the Assyrian ….” The Hebrew word for “wound” means “binding up,” or a “remedy.” Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon says the term is used figuratively and applies to “a remedy applied to the wounds of the state.” In other words, the remedy Judah employs to solve its number one problem is actually a wound.
Hosea 5:13 is an end-time prophecy, and the term “wound” is discussing some sort of fraudulent deal or process—something like relinquishing land in exchange for the mere promise of peace. Bible prophecy says Israel will recognize its wound and will turn to Germany for help.

2018: A Year of Conflict for Europe
Conflict is brewing in Europe. The euro crisis and all the enmity it has brought continue to simmer. Catalonia threatens to flare up again. Germany is getting ready to throw its weight around. And Austria and Italy could soon find themselves with a major border dispute. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer asks, Will 2018 be a year of conflict for Europe?

A Generation Without Historical Memory
America is losing its knowledge of the past. History is undervalued in schools and teachers aren’t excited about teaching the subject—when it is taught, it is often done without honesty or objectivity. As far back as 1985, writers like Diane Ravitch at the New York Times were warning about the decline of teaching history. “A society without a sense of history is like an individual without memory,” Ravtich wrote. When individuals forget their past, they repeat the same mistakes—the same is true of nations. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain why an understanding of the past is critical to understanding the future.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

January 16 the fight for Mystery of the Ages and honoring Hebert W Armstrong
Herbert W. Armstrong died 32 years ago today. Even before his death in 1986, the church he founded was in the process of dismantling his legacy and destroying the powerful work he’d established 50 years prior. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we remember the legacy of Mr. Armstrong and the history of the Philadelphia Church of God’s battle to print his works.

Tuesday 16 January 2018


Why the German Media Hates Donald Trump
“Humanity as a whole is being set back just because of one single person,” one of Germany’s largest magazines, Der Spiegel, wrote this week. “Where is the world supposed to start again if it manages to survive Donald Trump?” The latest cover of Der Spiegel depicts the de-evolution of human beings ending with United States President Donald Trump. Bashing the U.S. president has become commonplace in the West, but no nation’s media is more hostile toward Mr. Trump than Germany’s. On today’s program, we explain why the German media hates Donald Trump.

Friday 12 January 2018

The Prophesied Prince of Russia

Your Bible prophesies of a dangerous end-time leader called the Prince of Rosh. He will amass an army larger than any in the history of mankind. Find out who this dominant man is, and how he will affect the lives of every person on Earth—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: Vladimir Putin is Russia’s most dominant leader since Joseph Stalin. His record proves that he is equally as evil. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’ to learn what your Bible has to say about this terrifying man. These prophecies, made thousands of years ago, are shockingly accurate and extremely alarming. Putin is a product of the infamous KGB intelligence agency. He considers the collapse of the Soviet Union to be the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. Read The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’ for an in-depth look at the deception and espionage he has used to gain a stranglehold on power, both inside and outside Russia’s borders. Prove what your Bible has to say about the unprecedented 200 million-man army that Putin will soon lead. What has happened in former Yugoslavia over the past several years reaches far beyond the boundaries of that region. It is so shocking that the nations of this world would be paralyzed with fear if they truly understood! Shamefully, America is its chief architect. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans for proof of Russia’s behind-the-scenes involvement in the region. Understand why Russia, normally a bitter rival, supported Germany in the Balkans. The Yugoslav wars started with Germany’s recognition of Croatia and Slovenia as independent states in 1991. These peoples supported the Nazis in World War II. America was against German involvement in the Balkans at first but eventually caved to the German will. Read Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans to learn how Germany’s meddling in the region was part of its plan to form the seventh resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Your Bible says the Holy Roman Empire will start World War III, just like it started the first two world wars. You need to know the details of this European empire and how Germany is at the heart and core of it. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia’ and Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans. Order now!

Thursday 11 January 2018

What Happens When China Stops Buying U.S. Treasury Bonds?
The United States economy appears to be doing better than ever. That is a facade. U.S. debt is skyrocketing. At the current rate, by the end of the decade, America could be spending more on interest payments than on the military. America’s debt is one of the most underreported threats facing the nation. What happens if nations like China and Japan decide to use that debt as blackmail against the U.S.? We discuss America’s dangerous debt addiction and other important stories on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

U.S. Economy: Germany’s Next Crisis

A Long-term Forecast

Both Plain Truth publisher Herbert W. Armstrong and Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry have written about the role an economic crisis could play in transforming Europe.
A “financial crisis in Europe … is going to bring a strongman on the scene,” Mr. Flurry said in a 2015 Key of David program titled “The America-Europe Financial Crisis.” He emphasized the dependence of the German economy on America. Now an expert in geopolitics is warning that a financial crisis in America could lead to Germany repeating the history of the 1930s. These men are giving the same warning!
For 80 years, the Trumpet and Plain Truth have blasted a very specific warning about Europe: Ten nations will unite under the leadership of a powerful German leader. That will be a big change in how Europe is constituted today—and it won’t be easy. For such a leader to rise up, a political revolution will have to occur in Germany. It will also require European powers, which have centuries of enmity among themselves, to overcome their differences to form a single superstate.
For decades, the Trumpet has said that a financial crisis—specifically one originating in America—could serve as a catalyst to revolutionize Europe.
For decades, the Trumpet has said that a financial crisis—specifically one originating in America—could serve as a catalyst to revolutionize Europe.
In fact, Mr. Armstrong discussed this with one of the EU’s greatest statesmen, the late Otto von Habsburg. He told Mr. Habsburg that he thought it would take a financial crisis to unite Europe. Mr. Habsburg agreed.
In 1984, Mr. Armstrong wrote that a massive banking crisis in America “could suddenly result in triggering European nations to unite as a new world power larger than either the Soviet Union or the U.S” (co-worker letter, July 22, 1984; emphasis added).
Mr. Armstrong “showed how the American economic danger and the European superpower will be linked,” wrote Mr. Flurry in the May-June 2015 Trumpet.
Our forecasts of this united power come directly from the Bible.
“The Bible’s prophecies about this final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire say that it will comprise a union of ‘ten kings’ (Revelation 17:12),” he wrote. “Ten leaders, representing 10 European peoples, will join together to forge a superstate more powerful than any Europe has seen for a long time. ‘These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast’—prophetic language for a mighty political and military empire (verse 13).
“What will cause these nations to unite so forcefully? It is very difficult to unite nations into ‘one mind’! That’s an incredibly challenging undertaking. But it is going to be done. In fact, it is taking place even now before our eyes.
“Mr. Armstrong had profound insight in specifically forecasting that the catalyst for this dramatic unification would be a massive financial crisis that starts in America and ripples out from there.”
With Germany’s politics already in crisis, just think of the effects that an economic crisis could have. “Watch the economic situation in America closely, and its effect on Europe—and see if this dramatic prophecy from Mr. Armstrong doesn’t come to pass just as he said it would!” concluded Mr. Flurry.
Nearly three years on, the stage is perfectly set for this to happen.

Your Truth Won’t Set You Free
A growing trend in our society is to ignore objective facts for the more favorable view of your own subjective truth. This is evident in recent developments such as journalist Michael Wolff's new book, Fire and Fury: Inside Trump’s White House, in which he makes many untrue and unsubstantiated claims, yet the book is still “held up” by many in the mainstream media. Perhaps no example is more pronounced than an excerpt from Oprah Winfrey’s recent Golden Globe speech where she stated, “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” On today’s show, we discuss the dangers of disregarding the objective truth and also how to find it.

Warning from Silicon Valley: Social Media is Destroying our Society
Millions of people worldwide are addicted to technology and social media. After already influencing millions of minds, high ranking social media employees are warning that these tools are ripping apart the social fabric of our society. The masterminds behind these media sites admit that they were created to consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible. On today’s show, we discussed the perils of such addictions and how to overcome them.

Legalizing Marijuana Won’t Solve America’s Drug Addiction
Many argue that legalizing marijuana will help solve America’s drug addiction—nothing could be further from the truth. America’s drug crisis is a threat to the entire nation, and the solution to this epidemic is not to normalize the use of it, as CNN did on its New Year’s Eve broadcast. On today’s program, we discuss the dangers of marijuana and why America’s glorification of this dangerous drug is bringing the nation down.