Friday 19 January 2018

The Hidden Superpower

Your Bible prophesies of a strongman soon to take charge of Europe. The news media does not warn about this dangerous leader. Learn how he will rise to power seemingly overnight and shock the world—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: https: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: No nation on Earth has ever started more wars than Germany. Recently, this nation has become more subtle in its war-making. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans to learn how Germany exerted strategic pressure to cause Yugoslavia to erupt in violent warfare. Against the wishes of the entire world, Croatia and Slovenia declared independence from Yugoslavia. But Germany recognized their independence and forced the U.S. to cave to the German will. By giving in, America supported its World War 2 enemies instead of its allies. The Serbs assisted America and Britain in both world wars, yet America betrayed them. Read Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans to understand how German manipulation of this volatile region is part of a much larger plan. Since losing World War 2, the Nazis have gone underground. Recently declassified intelligence documents expose their plan to rise again and to win World War 3! Yugoslavia became the first victim of this war. Today, the German-led European Union has a stranglehold on the former Yugoslav states. The most shameful part of Germany’s dominance today is that America and Britain allowed it to happen! After World War 2, America and Britain pledged to prevent Germany from ever rising to power again. How quickly people forget history. You need to know where this dangerous ignorance is leading. Modern-day Germany draws inspiration from an ancient religious empire. Request our free booklet Germany in Prophecy to trace back to Germany’s earliest roots. Learn the remarkable accuracy of your Bible’s prophecies about the Holy Roman Empire. Throughout history, this empire has experienced six terrifying, violent periods of dominance. You can prove that it will rise one final time to start World War 3. But this story ends with the best outcome imaginable: the return of Jesus Christ! You will also receive a free reprint article about Germany’s whirlwind strategy. Your Bible describes the German-led European superpower as a whirlwind that will demolish Iran [ear-AHN] with shocking speed. But the word “whirlwind” is more than just a metaphor; it is an indication of a tangible, practical strategy. See how Germany has Iran surrounded. Learn how Germany is already planning Iran’s destruction! All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans, Germany in Prophecy and our article about Germany’s whirlwind strategy. Order now!

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