Tuesday 2 January 2018

Donald Trump Brings Bible Prophecy Alive in Jerusalem


Where It Will End

Prophecies in Daniel 11 and Matthew 24 also discuss Germany’s involvement in Israel, and specifically in Jerusalem. Daniel 11:41 says that following its clash with the king of the south (Iran-led radical Islam), the king of the north (the German-led European power) immediately enters the “glorious land,” or Jerusalem.
In fact, as Mr. Flurry writes in Jerusalem in Prophecy, there is a “strong indication that the [Daniel 11:40] war was triggered over that city.” Jerusalem is the German-led king of the north’s “main concern.” “The Vatican and Germany are the heart of the Holy Roman Empire,” writes Mr. Flurry. “They have conquered Jerusalem several times before. And they are destined to do so one last time!” (ibid).
The issue of Mr. Trump’s decision and its repercussions is such a paradox. On one hand, there are many, many tragic repercussions. It is inciting greater hatred of Israel, and uniting much of the world against the Jewish state. It is also causing America, Israel’s primary ally since World War ii, to be sidelined from the peace process. Finally, it is driving Israel into the arms of the nation responsible for the Holocaust, a nation with a long-standing history of anti-Semitism.
This decision thrust us much closer to the coming of the Messiah!
On the other hand, this decision accelerates the fulfillment of some key end-time Bible prophecies. Prophecies in Daniel, Isaiah and Matthew 24 clearly warn that events in Jerusalem are the catalyst that initiates the return of Jesus Christ.
Jerusalem, Mr. Flurry has stated, is the primary “thermometer” we use to detect when the Messiah is about to return. And the thermometer reading is off the charts!
To learn more about what to expect in the Holy City in the time ahead, request our free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy.

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