Thursday 11 January 2018

U.S. Economy: Germany’s Next Crisis

A Long-term Forecast

Both Plain Truth publisher Herbert W. Armstrong and Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry have written about the role an economic crisis could play in transforming Europe.
A “financial crisis in Europe … is going to bring a strongman on the scene,” Mr. Flurry said in a 2015 Key of David program titled “The America-Europe Financial Crisis.” He emphasized the dependence of the German economy on America. Now an expert in geopolitics is warning that a financial crisis in America could lead to Germany repeating the history of the 1930s. These men are giving the same warning!
For 80 years, the Trumpet and Plain Truth have blasted a very specific warning about Europe: Ten nations will unite under the leadership of a powerful German leader. That will be a big change in how Europe is constituted today—and it won’t be easy. For such a leader to rise up, a political revolution will have to occur in Germany. It will also require European powers, which have centuries of enmity among themselves, to overcome their differences to form a single superstate.
For decades, the Trumpet has said that a financial crisis—specifically one originating in America—could serve as a catalyst to revolutionize Europe.
For decades, the Trumpet has said that a financial crisis—specifically one originating in America—could serve as a catalyst to revolutionize Europe.
In fact, Mr. Armstrong discussed this with one of the EU’s greatest statesmen, the late Otto von Habsburg. He told Mr. Habsburg that he thought it would take a financial crisis to unite Europe. Mr. Habsburg agreed.
In 1984, Mr. Armstrong wrote that a massive banking crisis in America “could suddenly result in triggering European nations to unite as a new world power larger than either the Soviet Union or the U.S” (co-worker letter, July 22, 1984; emphasis added).
Mr. Armstrong “showed how the American economic danger and the European superpower will be linked,” wrote Mr. Flurry in the May-June 2015 Trumpet.
Our forecasts of this united power come directly from the Bible.
“The Bible’s prophecies about this final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire say that it will comprise a union of ‘ten kings’ (Revelation 17:12),” he wrote. “Ten leaders, representing 10 European peoples, will join together to forge a superstate more powerful than any Europe has seen for a long time. ‘These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast’—prophetic language for a mighty political and military empire (verse 13).
“What will cause these nations to unite so forcefully? It is very difficult to unite nations into ‘one mind’! That’s an incredibly challenging undertaking. But it is going to be done. In fact, it is taking place even now before our eyes.
“Mr. Armstrong had profound insight in specifically forecasting that the catalyst for this dramatic unification would be a massive financial crisis that starts in America and ripples out from there.”
With Germany’s politics already in crisis, just think of the effects that an economic crisis could have. “Watch the economic situation in America closely, and its effect on Europe—and see if this dramatic prophecy from Mr. Armstrong doesn’t come to pass just as he said it would!” concluded Mr. Flurry.
Nearly three years on, the stage is perfectly set for this to happen.

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