Wednesday 24 January 2018

Anniversary of the Death of Winston Churchill—The Man Who Saved Western Civilization

Mr. Flurry has shown that, long before Churchill was born, the Bible prophesied of his history-altering leadership. In our August 2012 issue, he wrote:
Ezekiel 33 contains an amazing prophecy. God sends His prophet with a message about a time when a sword would come against the land, and “the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman.” God explains what will happen if this man warns the people of the approaching danger. Ezekiel’s prophecies are intended most of all for the end time (request our free booklet Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet for proof)—so this is prophecy primarily for this modern day.
I believe this prophecy was fulfilled by Winston Churchill. There has been no other watchman in this end time of similar stature.
Churchill became an outcast for doing so, but he bravely stood up and warned the world of the approaching danger. If Churchill did that, God must have prepared him in some ways to do that job. He was chosen by the people, but God used him in the political system to save his country and much of the Western world!
This 53rd anniversary of Churchill’s death is an excellent time to better understand the man, the individual to whom we are in debt for our freedom, and the God-ordained watchman: Winston S. Churchill.
It also presents us with an opportunity to consider the alarming absence of such leadership in the Western world today, even as the pillars of peace begin to crumble once again. As Mr. Flurry writes:
Where do we see a watchman like Churchill today? Where is there such a man who will stand up and challenge the whole government? And even the entire nation? Where is there a political leader who has the character to boldly proclaim to our people that they have degenerated into the sewer—at a time when the world is filled with unparalleled dangers?
Mr. Flurry’s booklet is available for download or you can request your free print copy here.
And don’t miss our episode of the Trumpet Daily, highlighting the crucial role Churchill played in saving the Western world and expounding on the dangers of the modern world’s failure to learn from that history.

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