Wednesday 28 February 2018

It Takes Courage to Lead
One of Winston Churchill’s most admirable qualities was his courage. He was not afraid to stand his ground when he faced overwhelming opposition. His outstanding courage saved Western civilization and made him one of the greatest leaders in Britain’s history. On today’s radio show, we discuss the sad state of leadership in the West and what it takes to have courageous leadership.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Palestinians Invite Russia Into the Peace Process

The Bible forecasts in Hosea 5 and Psalm 83 that the reliance of the Israelis and the Palestinians on America will change. “When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah saw his wound, then went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb: yet could he not heal you, nor cure you of your wound” (Hosea 5:13). In his article “The Profound Secret of an Ancient Prophecy,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote that “modern Ephraim and Judah are prophesied to go to a nation known for its history of starting wars—including wars against Britons and Jews!” This is not the United States; nor is it Russia.
Mr. Flurry wrote in a 1996 articleDaniel 11:40-41 in Embryo Now” that “Europe is moving not only to be a cosponsor in the peace process—they want to gain control of it!”
Although Russia will not be the mediator of the peace process, the Palestinians seeking Russian involvement shifts power away from the U.S.
To understand what the Bible says about the deadly peace process, read “Can Europe Broker Peace in the Middle East?” and Chapter 2 of Mr. Flurry’s booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy, “Israel’s Deadly ‘Wound.’”

What Happens When We Let Children Lead

From law enforcement’s failure to act on dozens of tips to the lack of courage and leadership from sheriff’s deputies to the mainstream media giving teenagers a platform to lecture adults about what needs to be done—our Isaiah 3 nation has been on full display since the horrific mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida. Isaiah 3 prophesies that just before America’s collapse, it will lack strong men and courageous leaders. Isaiah 3 also says that children will “rule over” the adults. On today’s program we examine how vividly this prophesy is being fulfilled as a result of recent events.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Daniel 8:12—A Dual Prophecy

Something is dreadfully wrong with America today. To understand why, look no further than God’s own church. Nearly 30 years ago, a dark spiritual force overthrew this church from within. A prophecy in the biblical book of Daniel foretold the same outcome in America. America is now suffering a crippling attack on its spiritual values. Learn the root cause of America’s troubles. Understand the duality of prophecy—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ++++++++++++++ Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at: Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:G Learn more about Gerald Flurry here: ++++++++++++++ God hid the meaning of the book of Daniel from its author. He has finally unsealed this message in the end time. Daniel exposed how Satan always directs his most ferocious attack toward God’s people. To counteract the assault, God gives His loyal remnant a special understanding of the adversary. Request our free booklet Daniel Unsealed at Last! to see how Satan is using the same destructive strategy in America as he did within God’s church. Study this powerful booklet to increase your urgency in supporting the most important message this world has ever heard. America has taken a dramatic turn for the worse under the current administration. Request our free booklet America Under Attack to uncover the evil spirit being behind America’s fall. Learn the shocking reason why traumatic events have drastically increased in the past 30 years. Discover Satan’s motivation for attacking God’s church and the nations of Israel most of all. Prove that America’s problems are not the fault of any man, political party or demon army—but our sins.

The New 21st-Century Morality | The Trumpet Daily

The moral decline of the Western world is leading to its imminent collapse. History has shown us that even the greatest nations and empires of the past have all collapsed. Why? Is every civilization destined to decline and fall? Or is there a definite cause that brings down great nations? Historians identify many causes for national weakness and decline, but fundamentally it is universal sin—or failed morals—that causes universal destruction. On today’s program, we’ll look at the new 21st-century morality sweeping across the United States and Britain today and see where it is leading our nations.

Saturday 24 February 2018

The Unraveling U.S. Political System
The gun control debate following last week’s tragic shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School has only added to the bitter division in the United States’ political system. America is under attack—from within and without! On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses this attack and our incredible human potential. Tune in to today’s episode of the Trumpet Daily Radio Show for all this and more.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Has Eilat Mazar Discovered Archaeological Evidence of Isaiah the Prophet?

In 2 Kings 19, King Hezekiah responds to the threat of Assyrian invasion by praying earnestly and then dispatching servants to seek the counsel of “Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.” 2 Kings 20 records that King Hezekiah was struck with a fatal illness and that the prophet communed with the king in his private chambers. Later in this same chapter, Isaiah visits Hezekiah again, this time with a message of correction.
Hezekiah and Isaiah were more than just contemporaries. Outside of King David and the Prophet Samuel, this is the most influential and productive king-prophet relationship in the Bible. Whenever Hezekiah faced crisis or needed counsel, he turned to Isaiah. And the prophet, inspired by God, guided King Hezekiah—and all of Judah—through the crisis.
Consider this history and ask yourself: How likely is it that a bulla discovered within a few feet of King Hezekiah’s bulla and inscribed with the name Isaiah belonged to a man other than Isaiah the prophet?
Like the Hezekiah bulla, the Isaiah seal provides all humanity with a rare and wonderful opportunity. It brings to life some of the most extraordinary and inspiring history in Scripture. The history of King Hezekiah and the Prophet Isaiah is a story of ancient Judah’s repentance, redemption and national salvation. It is the story of how God, through a remarkable king-prophet alliance, saved a city and its people from terrorism, war and conquest.
And for some—sadly, too few—it is a story replete with lessons for today.

And Now, the Isaiah Bulla; Plus, CNN Advocates for Gun Ban
At a town hall meeting on February 21 in Parkland, Florida, students of Stoneman Douglas High School took center stage in an open discussion with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch about the need for gun control in the United States. It was a spectacle. Seventeen-year-old Cameron Kasky of Douglas High went so far as to compare Senator Rubio to the monster who murdered 17 people. On today’s show, we discuss this and Dr. Eilat Mazar’s latest incredible discovery in Jerusalem—a clay seal inscribed with the name of Isaiah the prophet. For all this and more, listen to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show with Stephen Flurry.

Interview with Dr. Eilat Mazar about the Isaiah Bulla

Israeli archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar announced on February 22 (local time) the discovery of what may be the seal imprint of one of the most important prophets mentioned in the Bible: Isaiah. Dr. Mazar gave managing editor Brad Macdonald a brief interview today on the site of her current excavation on the Ophel.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

China Weaponizing Isotope That Could Dramatically Worsen Nuclear War

‘Not a Single Person Will Survive’

Around 2,000 years ago, the disciples of Jesus Christ asked Him what would be the sign of His return and of “the end of the world,” as is recorded in Matthew 24:3.
“World” in this verse is a translation of the Greek word aiōn, which has several meanings. In this context, it means “age” or “era.” Christ’s disciples were asking when the age of mankind ruling over mankind would end, and when the era of God ruling over mankind would begin. They wanted to know what would signify that this seismic transition was near.
In verses 21-22, Christ speaks of a specific war that will occur that signifies that the end of the age of man is imminent and that His return is at the door: “There will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again. In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive” (New Living Translation).
At the time Christ spoke these words, a worldwide war that could threaten to end the life of every “single person” was not technologically possible.
During that era of Roman rule, warfare entailed hand-to-hand combat with spears, swords and pila. The closest thing to a weapon of mass destruction would have perhaps been a catapult. For centuries thereafter, the technological situation remained basically the same: The weaponry to wipe out all life on Earth did not exist.
But in the last few centuries, human beings have made major advancements in weapons technology. In the 1950s, as Szilard was warning the world about a salted “doomsday device,” a major prophetic milestone was crossed. At that time, enough atomic and nuclear weapons had been developed so that a war capable of extinguishing all human life from Earth was, for the first time, possible, and even perilously probable.
Today, nations continue to hold each other at nuclear gunpoint. If China is developing Tantalum 181-laced nuclear bombs, then mankind’s ability to wipe out life from the planet has increased even further—just as Christ warned would be the case in the end time.
Yet even as this global conflict approaches, there is hope! In Matthew 24, Christ says that the global war at the end of this age will be so devastating that it could kill all human life. Then He adds a crucial detail in verse 22: “But it will be shortened” (nlt).
World War iii will be interrupted! Before mankind fires enough weapons—salted or otherwise—to annihilate itself, Jesus Christ will cut the conflict short. Immediately after that time of unprecedented death and destruction, He will establish a new age of unprecedented peace and prosperity. Christ will rule Earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. He will usher in an epoch of worldwide peace. Regarding this future era of global harmony, Isaiah 2:4 says: “[N]ation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
Knowing how close that radiant future is can give us perspective that fills us with hope.
To learn more about the prophecies of Matthew 24 and the profound hope that saturates them, read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s booklet Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door.’

International Relations Experts Leave Munich Without Solutions to World Problems
As world leaders and leading experts in international relations left Munich this past week after the annual Munch Security Conference, the only certainty is that world leaders are uncertain of how to avoid international catastrophe. Conference chairman Wolfgang Issinger said at the close of the conference, “I have not been fully reassured by the discussions over the last two and a half days.” He added that we need to get away from the brink of catastrophe, but that we haven’t heard enough “concrete steps” in order to achieve that. On today’s program we discuss the underlying reason man is unable to solve his problems—as well as the soon-coming solution.


Donald Trump Brings Bible Prophecy Alive in Jerusalem

America’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was a good one, but not for the reasons you might think.



How King Hezekiah Saved Jerusalem Anciently
The world’s attention is riveted on the Holy City as dangers increase. Some history shows how Jerusalem’s security could be guaranteed.

An Unremarkable Declaration
There shouldn’t be anything controversial about saying Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.


America’s Retreat From Global Leadership
A trend that is reshaping the world order

The Deadly Climate Change Deception
Analysts and experts have dangerously misdiagnosed the cause of devastating weather disasters.
U.S. Economy: Germany’s Next Crisis
Conditions are in place for bringing Europe’s strongest economy to its knees.
Will Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Lead to Trade War?
Why We Translate Into 10 Languages
The publisher of the Trumpet reaches beyond the English-speaking world.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Munich Security Conference: Calls for an ‘Army of Europeans’
Europe’s split with an America in retreat was a dominant theme of the Munich Security Conference this year. America is “retreating from the world stage” and “China has been filling this vacuum in political and economic terms,” Austria’s chancellor said. On today’s program we discuss the prophetically significant highlights from this year’s Munich Security Conference.

China Has Bought Brunei’s Silence in South China Sea Dispute

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has said that China’s takeover of the strategic South China Sea is “steering the world toward war.” In the July 2016 Trumpet issue, he wrote:
Since Japan’s defeat in World War ii, America has protected this vital trade route and brought peace to this part of the world. Now the American military is retreating, and other great powers are coming in to fill the vacuum. … China is intimidating the nations of Southeast Asia into submission to its will. It is forcing these countries to do what it wants. Everything is headed in the direction of war.
Mr. Flurry’s understanding of the South China Sea dynamic is based on Bible prophecy.
In Deuteronomy 28:52, God warns the nations of Israel that if they reject Him, He will hand control over the world’s strategic sea gates to their enemies:
And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.
Mr. Flurry explained that this warning in Deuteronomy is not for ancient peoples. “It is a prophecy for the modern-day descendants of Israel,” he wrote. “Two nations in particular represent Israel in this end time: America and Britain. … This prophecy and several others show that He will send foreign enemies to punish America and Britain!”
The fact that China has now essentially bought Brunei’s silence and compliance in the South China Sea, allowing Beijing’s ongoing takeover of the whole region, shows that the era of America ensuring peace to this part of the world is rapidly ending. It shows that this prophecy is now in the process of being fulfilled.
But Mr. Flurry made plain that this approaching war is closely linked to the best imaginable news. “All this prophesied destruction is what it will take for God to reach this world!” he wrote in that article. “After this, people will be ashamed—and they will get to know God! Ezekiel repeatedly talked about that inspiring conclusion (e.g. Ezekiel 6:7; 7:4; 11:10; 12:20; 13:9; 23:48-49; etc). Yes, there is a lot of bad news when you consider what it takes to get people to the point of knowing God. But ultimately, the outcome is spectacularly good news!”
To understand the details of these prophecies, and the profound hope that is tied to them, please request a free copy of Mr. Flurry’s book Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet.

Monday 19 February 2018

Russia’s Hacking Strategy: Divide and Conquer
The FBI announced on Friday the indictment of 13 Russians who attempted to interfere in America’s election in 2016. United States Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said there are no allegations in the indictment that any Americans were involved in the illegal activity or that those actions altered the outcome of the 2016 election. The Trump-Russia collusion story has dominated the mainstream media for over a year now. And all it has done is drive a wedge deeper, further dividing the American people. Russia’s goal from the outset is to sow division in America. On today’s radio show, we discuss where this division is leading.

America’s Military Is Not Enough

In The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong proved the identity of Israel’s descendants. They include the peoples of the British Commonwealth and the United States of America. They could still have God’s protection if they would obey His commandments.
But notice the dire consequences of disobedience in Leviticus 26:14-17: “But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments …. I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.”
According to a prophecy in Micah 5, God cuts off America’s armaments and throws down its strongholds at the moment it reaches the zenith of its power. Why? Because the people have turned away from Him to embrace false teachers who refuse to teach God’s commands.
For decades, both the Trumpet and its predecessor, the Plain Truth, warned America and Britain about what would happen if they denied the God who fought for them and instead trusted in physical weapons of war. Mr. Armstrong wrote the following in the October 1961 issue of the Plain Truth:
Military victories are not won by armies or by force of arms. The Eternal God determines the outcome of wars! It is He—the God you have forsaken—who gives victory or defeat! His holy Word says so! But you no longer tremble before the Word of God! God Almighty says in His Word, which you ignore and reject, that if you turn from Him in the way that you have done—if you profane His holy things, and trust in gods of munitions and enemy “allies”—that He will break the pride of your power! He will cause your prestige to be dragged in the mire, until you are ridiculed and held in scornful contempt by other nations.
God has broken the military might of America because of its sinful ways. If ever the descendants of ancient Israel want to reclaim the promised blessings, they must first turn back to Him. In a world moving rapidly toward total war, the only protection will come from obedience to God.

Friday 16 February 2018

Shakespeare, Churchill, Empire and True Education
William Shakespeare helped lay the foundation for the British Empire. His literary genius and deep understanding of the Bible helped prepare the British peoples for rule over the greatest empire this world has ever seen. Winston Churchill, a firm believer in the value of the British Empire, studied Shakespeare at great length along with other great authors. Churchill had a deep love for both history and empire. On today’s show we discuss the British Empire, its impact on the world, and the language that helped it export its values around the globe.

Your Mysterious Awesome Universe

Did you know that El Gordo, Mac, Lucy, Galaxy X and every star, planet, dwarf and comet in the universe is watching Earth, and waiting for you? Read Romans 8:19-23. The creation—all of it—waits in eager longing for the sons of God. So many of the sites on your voyage were in decay or dead: exploding stars, colliding galaxies, drifting planets, consuming black holes. But Romans 8:21 says you can deliver the universe from this bondage. Verse 22 says the creation is in pain, waiting to be saved, and its Creator wants you to be one of those to do it.
Isaiah 51:16 says that human beings will plant the heavens! The universe was not made to stay desolate. God created it to be inhabited! This is why Earth is so important. It is the staging ground for universal and eternal expansion! It is the base camp for the greatest expansion ever! And your potential is bound up in that plan.
We at the Trumpet often write on the subject of man’s potential as outlined in the Holy Bible. Herbert W. Armstrong’s book The Incredible Human Potential explains this in vivid detail. If you look at the universe and wonder about your place in it, then you need this book! And if you enjoyed this tour, request and read Our Awesome Universe Potential. This free booklet is an even grander universe tour. It explains in greater depth the marvelous universe around you—and our role in it.
Out there is a universe created with purpose—a universe of wonders and mysteries. And it is a universe waiting for you.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Florida Shooting: Unmistakable Evidence of the Power of the Spirit World
Nikolas Cruz, the shooter who killed 17 students at his former high school in Florida yesterday, was obsessed with weapons, and was lonely and angry according to those who knew him. One witness said, “I think everyone had in their minds if anybody was going to do it, it was going to be him.” Cruz obviously had a disturbing personal life. But what is it that really inspires young men to kill like Cruz did? On today’s program, we discuss the reality of the spirit world and the effect it has on the minds of human beings.


DEMOCRACY WITHOUT RULE OF LAW DIVIDES A NATION AND DESTROYS THEM. We need to look at America and Britain they are been destroyed gradually from within and that will make them very weak to be destroy from without. The EU and some nations will destroy America from without. The EU will be the next superpower after America and the world will regret because the EU will start World War III......and it'll be so bad that Russia,China and other Asian countries will fight the EU so they will be very week. During the final distraction of the EU something great will happen in the universe... And that will bring peace to this world forever and ever..

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Broken Arrows: Will the World’s Lost Nuclear Weapons Trigger World War III?

Mr. Flurry’s statements are based on specific Bible prophecies that describe a coming nuclear World War iii that Iran’s pushing against Europe will soon trigger.
Daniel 11:40 says, “at the time of the end” a power called “the king of the south” will “push” at another power bloc called “the king of the north.”
Today, analysts around the world regularly label the Islamic Republic of Iran as the leading state sponsor of terrorism. Underwriting such brutal behavior is among the most confrontational or “pushy” policies a country could implement, and helps to pinpoint the “king of the south” as radical Islam led by Iran. Verses 42-43 indicate that, when the third world war breaks out, this Middle Eastern power will have some degree of partnership with Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia. Also pertinent is that most of the radical Islamists in these and other regions that Iran sways lie mostly to the south of Israel. (For detailed proof that the “king of the south” is modern Iran, request Mr. Flurry’s free booklet The King of the South.)
The “king of the north” in this passage refers to a united European power that will be led by Germany and guided by the Vatican. An examination of Revelation 17 makes this clear and delivers key details about this mighty church-state combine, which is already materializing today. Daniel 8:23-24 say this “king” will “destroy wonderfully.” (For thorough proof that the king of the north will be a German-led European power, request our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.)
This all makes clear that when radical Islam, as led by Iran, pushes against the united European power that is influenced by the Vatican, that push will be the spark that ignites nuclear World War iii.
Thanks in large part to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (jcpoa) nuclear deal that the Obama administration implemented with Iran on Jan. 16, 2016, the Iranians will soon be able to develop nuclear weapons without outside assistance. There is also ample evidence that assistance from North Korea could be hastening Iran’s race toward that milestone.
But what if Tehran, or terrorists from one of the many groups that Iran supports, were to acquire one of the Broken Arrow or Empty Quiver weapons lost by the U.S. or Russia? This would boost the capacity of the king of the south to intensify its push against Western powers. This would be the case even if the nuclear materials they obtained were only used to make a dirty bomb: a weapon combining conventional explosives with radioactive materials in order to contaminate the area around the conventional explosion with radioactive material. Such a detonation in a city like Jerusalem would be a history-altering event.
Whether or not the world’s stray nuclear materials end up contributing to the spark that ignites that final world war, Bible prophecy makes clear that it will be an unprecedentedly destructive conflict. In Matthew 24:21-22, Jesus Christ is recorded as saying: “For there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again. In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive …” (New Living Translation).
This could only be describing a global nuclear war with enough detonations to cause nuclear winter.

Cause for Hope

Yet as we see that utterly devastating and dark time of war approach, there is cause for profound hope! Continuing that passage in Matthew 24:22, just after Christ says that nuclear war at the end of this age will be so devastating that it could end all human life, He then adds a crucial detail: “But it will be shortened” (nlt).
Nuclear World War iii will be interrupted!
Before man detonates enough weapons to entirely obliterate himself, Jesus Christ will cut the war short. Following just after that season of unprecedented death, He will usher in an age of unprecedented peace. Regarding this future time of worldwide tranquility and prosperity, Isaiah 2:4 says: “[N]ation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” War, nuclear and otherwise, will then be a relic of a bygone era.

Germany’s Underground Push for an EU military
Germany’s new coalition agreement is very controversial. Almost nobody likes it and it is causing a lot of anger in the nation. The agreement commits Germany to increasing its military spending and stepping up its military involvement around the world. Even as France undergoes what Le Monde called a “colossal” military expansion, Germany has plan to set up a new NATO command center in its territory. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer examines where this military revival in Europe is leading.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

The New ‘New Morality’
The root cause of the collapse of the Roman Empire, according to historian Edward Gibbon, was its loss of civic virtue and individual morality. Gibbon believed the laws of morality were as constant as the laws of physics. Was he right? Or is it different today? A lot of people believe our society is too modern and sophisticated to collapse under the weight of what God defines as sin. But what if they’re wrong? On today’s radio show, we take a look at the new American morality and explain where the Bible says it is leading.

Monday 12 February 2018

The Iran-Israel Clash in Syria: Where Is It Leading?
On Saturday, an advanced model Iranian drone entered Israeli airspace and was shot down by an Israel Defense Force helicopter about 90 seconds later. Israel then launched an air strike against the drone command center, which was situated in Syria. During the counterattack, Syrian antiaircraft fire took down one of Israel’s F-16s. It was the first time an Israeli aircraft has been shot down in more than a decade. Israel responded to the antiaircraft fire by conducting a wider attack on 12 targets in Syria. On today’s radio show, we look at the impact of the Iran-Israel clash and explain where this conflict is leading.

Friday 9 February 2018

Why Habakkuk Had Such Great Faith

In this dangerous age, no character trait is more vital than faith. Learn how a prophet of God who lived thousands of years ago developed deep, life-saving faith—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. ORDER FREE LITERATURE: https: READ MORE BY GERALD FLURRY: LEARN MORE ABOUT GERALD FLURRY: The Prophet Habakkuk possessed urgency, vision, joy and living faith. He prophesied specifically of an end-time legal battle in which God’s people were pushed to the limit of their faith. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet on Habakkuk to learn how God guaranteed victory in this court case a whole year before it actually happened. The Philadelphia Church of God now owns the copyrights to 19 books and booklets written by the late Herbert W. Armstrong. After his death, the leaders of the church he founded considered it their “Christian duty” to keep his writings out of print. Only the Philadelphia Church of God fought back. God gave His people the victory even though the appeals court ruled against them. It is the most miraculous event in the history of the PCG. Had the PCG lost, the foundational writings of Mr. Armstrong would have been suppressed. God’s message could not have been delivered to the world. This triumph in court revealed who believes God enough to fight for and deliver His urgent warning message! The most astounding part of it all is, this specific court struggle is discussed in the biblical book of Habakkuk [Huh-BACK-kuhk]. Read our booklet on Habakkuk to prove the remarkable accuracy of this prophecy. You will also receive a copy of our free booklet The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. Habakkuk prophesied of a brutal, war-making machine. He warned that a time would come when there are no people in the farmhouse, no animals in the stalls, and no fruit on the vines. Only nuclear annihilation could cause such desolate conditions! You need to know what the future holds in this regard. You need to know how Habakkuk remained intensely joyful despite receiving such a sobering vision. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Habakkuk and The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy. Order now!

Republicans Run Up the Deficit Faster Than Obama
Even with Republicans in charge, the United States is going deeper into debt—and at a faster pace! Today, Congress approved a record-breaking, budget-busting bill that increases federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars this year and next. Along with new tax cuts, this will push the federal deficit over $1.1 trillion this year. Congressman Paul Ryan warned six years ago that debt destroys empires, but you don’t hear him sounding that alarm today. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss this and more—including a brief review of the early history of our lawsuit over Mystery of the Ages and a few thoughts about President Donald Trump’s speech yesterday at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Thursday 8 February 2018

The Turkish Betrayal

Turkey’s Future

Bible prophecy indicates that, indeed, there might be no other economic option for Erdoğan and Turkey. It also indicates that there might be no other political option for Erdoğan and Turkey—after whatever might remain from Turkey’s alliances with the United States, Russia and Iran.
We can expect Turkey to betray some of its alliances and align itself more with its western neighbors in Europe.
The Trumpet’s November 2011 article “East, West or Neither?” shows that the Turks descended from Esau, the grandson of the biblical patriarch Abraham. Esau was the grandfather of Teman, from whom the Turks derived the name of their Ottoman Empire.
The biblical book of Obadiah describes the Turkey of our time as being “as one of them,” allied with Germany, which leads a European power. In Psalm 83, the Bible describes an alliance of nations which “have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against” the United States, Britain and the Jewish nation of Israel, primarily. This Psalm 83 alliance says, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” In this prophecy (and in all other Bible prophecies), “Israel” doesn’t primarily refer to the Jews in the Middle East; it refers primarily to the Anglo-American nations. Request your free copy of The United States and Britain in Prophecy to understand more about these names and these prophecies.
The nation of Turkey is located in such a strategic region that it has to balance and counterbalance its relations with its neighbors and allies. The recent history of its relationships with friend and foe alike shows how these prophecies are nearing complete fulfillment.