Monday 19 February 2018

America’s Military Is Not Enough

In The United States and Britain in Prophecy, Herbert W. Armstrong proved the identity of Israel’s descendants. They include the peoples of the British Commonwealth and the United States of America. They could still have God’s protection if they would obey His commandments.
But notice the dire consequences of disobedience in Leviticus 26:14-17: “But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments …. I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.”
According to a prophecy in Micah 5, God cuts off America’s armaments and throws down its strongholds at the moment it reaches the zenith of its power. Why? Because the people have turned away from Him to embrace false teachers who refuse to teach God’s commands.
For decades, both the Trumpet and its predecessor, the Plain Truth, warned America and Britain about what would happen if they denied the God who fought for them and instead trusted in physical weapons of war. Mr. Armstrong wrote the following in the October 1961 issue of the Plain Truth:
Military victories are not won by armies or by force of arms. The Eternal God determines the outcome of wars! It is He—the God you have forsaken—who gives victory or defeat! His holy Word says so! But you no longer tremble before the Word of God! God Almighty says in His Word, which you ignore and reject, that if you turn from Him in the way that you have done—if you profane His holy things, and trust in gods of munitions and enemy “allies”—that He will break the pride of your power! He will cause your prestige to be dragged in the mire, until you are ridiculed and held in scornful contempt by other nations.
God has broken the military might of America because of its sinful ways. If ever the descendants of ancient Israel want to reclaim the promised blessings, they must first turn back to Him. In a world moving rapidly toward total war, the only protection will come from obedience to God.

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