Wednesday 7 February 2018

Europe’s ‘Underground’ Army

Rising From ‘Underground’

Revelation 17:8 describes a beast, symbolic of a major world power, that “was, and is not.” This beast exists, then vanishes—only to then “ascend out of the bottomless pit.” You could say it comes out of nowhere—from “underground.”
Here is how Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains this prophecy in his booklet Prophesy Again:
“During World War ii, we saw the Hitler-Mussolini axis, but then it disappeared from the scene. It ‘was not’! And yet, God says, ‘it is’! The Axis powers lost the war, but as Mr. Armstrong preached time and again, they just went underground—into ‘the bottomless pit’ (verse 8). They’re still there—they’re just underground. God says, after that happens, they are going to ascend right back up!”
But this was not a one-off. Verse 10 states that this power will be ruled by seven successive kings. It rises to power, declines, goes underground, only to reemerge later. Revelation 17 also describes these kings as seven mountains with valleys in between (verse 9). They are not seven continuous kings. There are gaps—during which this power goes underground.
Compare the Bible’s language to quotes used in this article from historians and other experts. Germany’s rearmament deals with Russia “occasionally broke the surface.” The nation is “hibernating at times.” These are similar metaphors to the ones used in your Bible.
Mr. Flurry explains that this power began emerging from the underground in the early 1990s. But to this day it remains partially subterranean.
Now, however, this army is almost ready to burst onto the scene. “When you understand Revelation 17:8 and what is happening [in Europe], you have to say, That’s it! The beast is rising up right before our eyes!” Mr. Flurry writes.
Looking at these behind-the-scenes efforts Germany is making to build a European army, these statements from Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry leap into focus! As Mr. Flurry writes: “The Bible really comes alive when we know specifically what is happening.”
But there is much more to this story than the rise of Germany. Revelation 17 says that this European power will ultimately lose its final battle. It will be overcome by Jesus Christ Himself (verse 14). And the world can thank God for that! His return will mark the merciful end of the most violent, brutal holocaust the world has ever experienced!
The defeat will mean the final end of this power—no more going underground. This will be a liberation for the whole world—including the Germans, who will never have to suffer under this tyrannical power again.
This is the hope you can get only from the Bible. The power that is about to emerge into full view is soon going to disappear forever—to be replaced by the first truly good rule in the history of the world: that of Jesus Christ.
The Bible has proved to be stunningly accurate in forecasting power thus far. Its description perfectly characterizes the “underground” nature of this power in Europe. And it will prove just as accurate in forecasting the hope that follows.
Germany is getting ready to emerge from this bottomless pit. But the good news is, this also means that Jesus Christ is getting ready to return!

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