Thursday 8 February 2018

The Turkish Betrayal

Turkey’s Future

Bible prophecy indicates that, indeed, there might be no other economic option for Erdoğan and Turkey. It also indicates that there might be no other political option for Erdoğan and Turkey—after whatever might remain from Turkey’s alliances with the United States, Russia and Iran.
We can expect Turkey to betray some of its alliances and align itself more with its western neighbors in Europe.
The Trumpet’s November 2011 article “East, West or Neither?” shows that the Turks descended from Esau, the grandson of the biblical patriarch Abraham. Esau was the grandfather of Teman, from whom the Turks derived the name of their Ottoman Empire.
The biblical book of Obadiah describes the Turkey of our time as being “as one of them,” allied with Germany, which leads a European power. In Psalm 83, the Bible describes an alliance of nations which “have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against” the United States, Britain and the Jewish nation of Israel, primarily. This Psalm 83 alliance says, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” In this prophecy (and in all other Bible prophecies), “Israel” doesn’t primarily refer to the Jews in the Middle East; it refers primarily to the Anglo-American nations. Request your free copy of The United States and Britain in Prophecy to understand more about these names and these prophecies.
The nation of Turkey is located in such a strategic region that it has to balance and counterbalance its relations with its neighbors and allies. The recent history of its relationships with friend and foe alike shows how these prophecies are nearing complete fulfillment.

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