Friday 30 December 2016

From terror attacks around the globe to massive political game changers like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, 2016 proved to be a year filled with dramatic events. Though these events seem bad, they are ultimately leading to the greatest news event in history. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry looks back at the prophetically significant events of 2016 and points out what to expect in the coming year.

From terror attacks around the globe to massive political game changers like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, 2016 proved to be a year filled with dramatic events. Though these events seem bad, they are ultimately leading to the greatest news event in history. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry looks back at the prophetically significant events of 2016 and points out what to expect in the coming year.

Is the European Family Breaking Apart?

In 1952, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote, based upon a prophecy in Revelation 17 and current events of the time: “The United States is determined, now, to let nothing stand in the way of building up a rearmed, independent Germany. This will be the heart and core of the united Europe that will revive the Roman Empire.”
Germany has been allowed to unite. And U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will probably open the door for a European core to unite politically and militarily around it.
In his Jan. 23, 1980, co-worker letter, Mr. Armstrong warned that the fear of Russia “will be the spark to bring the heads of nations in Europe together with the Vatican to form a ‘United Nations of Europe.’” He wrote on July 22, 1984, that a massive banking crisis in America “could suddenly result in triggering European nations to unite as a new world power larger than … the U.S.”
How is it that we are seeing a united Europe form exactly as it was foretold in various prophecies?
In “A Monumental Moment in European History!” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote:
But here’s the most astounding and inspiring part of Revelation 17: God put it in the minds of Europe’s leaders to do what they’re doing! Verse 17 reads, “For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” The church leading the Holy Roman Empire is not God’s true Church. But God does ALLOW this church to gain control of this German-led European beast power. Expect the Catholic Church to become more vocal and for this church-state axis to become more evident.
Contrary to what many EU skeptics say, we are living in a time when we have never been closer to the formation of a United States of Europe! The crises are perfectly laid out for Europe to become a superpower like the world has never seen. A United States of Europe is about to emerge, but it will not be like the one Churchill imagined.
The Bible foretells of 10 European nations that will unite with the backing of the Catholic Church to form a financial superpower more powerful than the U.S., a military union that will be able to stand in the face of Russia and solve the refugee crisis and terrorism in the Middle East. This Union will rule the world—until it is crushed at the return of Jesus Christ. 

Literature Offer

Week in Review: U.S. Ambushes Israel in UN, Xi’s Power Grab, Iran Presses Advantage, and Much More

• Barack Obama is making use of his last days in the American presidency—last week he struck a serious blow to Israel by allowing a strongly anti-Israel resolution to pass at the United Nations.
• Newly released secret documents show just how concerned UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was about Germany’s unification. Time has really proven those concerns justified.
• China’s President Xi Jinping is taking more and more power to himself, contrary to laws meant to prevent that from happening.
• We’ll also talk about America sanctioning Russia over allegations of cyberattacks—what the battle for the Iraqi city of Mosul says about Iran—how the Catholic Church response to the migrant crisis may be growing more strict—Japan’s prime minister visiting Pearl Harbor—and how America’s Big City mayors are uniting against Donald Trump.

How to Make America Great Again

“Make America Great Again” has been the most famous slogan of 2016. But in order to understand how to make America great again, we need to know how America was made great in the first place. In today’s program, Trumpet staff writer Richard Palmer examines the cause of America’s rise to superpower status.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Barack Obama’s Fitting Finish and the Remilitarization of Germany

Throughout his presidency, Barack Obama has abandoned allies, embraced enemies, and reacted coolly to earthshaking catastrophes. Bret Stephens wrote, “Strategic half measures, underhanded tactics and moralizing gestures have been the president’s style from the beginning.” On today’s show, Stephen Flurry discusses Mr. Obama’s legacy and how it will impact the future of the United States.

Trumpet Hour: 2016 in Review

• Today is our year in review, looking back over a wild 2016.
• We’ll talk about how America’s decline has created an opening for other powers to rise.
• We’ll discuss the implementation of the Iranian nuclear deal in January—how much that has changed the Middle East and the rest of the world.
• We’ll talk about how America’s allies in Asia peeled away in 2016 and began aligning themselves with China.
• We’ll talk about Brexit—Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, and how that jump-started several important aspects of unification on the Continent.
• We’ll talk about America’s election of Donald Trump, and how this is already accelerating a lot of important trends around the world.
• We’ve packed a whole lot more into this lively hour-long discussion.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Was President Obama Behind the Anti-Settlement Resolution at the United Nations?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told United States Secretary of State John Kerry that “friends don’t take friends to the Security Council.” And yet, that’s exactly what the U.S. did to Israel last Friday. On today’s program, Trumpet Middle East correspondent Brent Nagtegaal discusses the response from Israel and the stunning revelation that the Obama administration was actually behind the resolution itself.

President Obama’s Last Assault on Israel and a Nativity Scene That Predates Christ by 3,000 Years

United States President Barack Obama took his parting shot at Israel last Friday by directing the U.S. to abstain from a vote condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The U.S. traditionally uses its veto power to support its ally in the Middle East. This recent move, however, exposes the Obama administration’s real attitude toward Israel. Listen to Stephen Flurry discuss the administration’s latest snub on today’s show.

Austrian Cardinal: ‘We Can’t Accommodate All Refugees’

The first prophecy, recorded in Daniel 11:40, shows that Jesus Christ’s Second Coming will be precipitated by a colossal clash of civilizations. The scripture reads, “And at the time of the end shall the king of the southPUSH at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.”
In his free booklet The King of the South, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains that the king of the south refers to radical Islam led by Iran. The king of the north is a German-led superstate now being built in Europe that will operate under the overarching influence of the Catholic Church.
The key word in Daniel 11:40 is push, which in Hebrew means to gore, thrust at or WAGE WAR. The king of the south will goad the king of the north into war and be destroyed in a blitzkrieg-style invasion.
The second prophecy, recorded in Psalm 83, shows that the end-time Assyrians will make an alliance with the Edomites, Ishmaelites, Moabites, Ammonites, Gebalites, Hagarenes and others to destroy the nations of Israel. As Mr. Flurry explains in The King of the South, this is an end-time prophecy about Germany allying with a confederation of anti-Iranian Arabic and Turkish regimes in a bid to destroy end-time Israel, particularly America, Britain and the Jewish state. This confederation won’t fully form until after the king of the south has been destroyed.

Saturday 24 December 2016

Great Again


Following the U.S. presidential election, the political conversation has centered on Donald Trump’s promise to make America great again. Will he succeed? America will return to glory, but not because of any man. Find out how: next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

United States President-elect Donald Trump touched the hearts of millions of Americans with his campaign slogan: “Make America Great Again.” His intentions may be pure, but his promise will prove impossible to keep. Request Gerald Flurry’s new booklet Great Again to find out why. Discover the root cause of America’s cursed policies, both at home and abroad. Learn where America’s moral collapse is leading. See beyond the doom and gloom to the bright future that awaits America. Study our free booklet Great Again to prove who truly will make America great again.

Over the past eight years, America has withdrawn from the world scene. This trend figures to continue under Mr. Trump, although for different reasons. Request our free reprint article “The Times of the Gentiles” to learn who will fill the power void as America turns inward. America has been the unquestioned world leader for decades, but that is about to change. To understand why America’s power is rapidly slipping away, read “The Times of the Gentiles.”
You will also receive a special Trumpet letter from Gerald Flurry. Curses have descended upon America. You need to know why. Understand how God is carefully measuring punishment for the world’s greatest nation. Discover the only way to escape impending disaster. Learn the formula for spiritual success during the world’s darkest days.

All of our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Great Again, “The Times of the Gentiles” and your copy of Gerald Flurry’s special Trumpet letter. Order today at!

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Knowing the Spirit - The Trumpet Daily


The Apostle Paul concluded the book of 2 Corinthians by saying, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14). This is the only verse in Paul’s writings that lists God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit together.

However, the Holy Spirit is mentioned in the context of communion, or fellowship, not as a third distinct being in the Godhead. Contrary to the popular belief of mainstream Christianity, the Holy Spirit is not a separate entity of a so-called trinity.

The Holy Spirit is what the Bible defines it to be: the power of God! And the Bible tells us to commune with that power! On this episode of the Trumpet Daily we examine what it means to commune with God’s Holy Spirit. 
Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio. 

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Friday 23 December 2016

The Daily Pilgrimage

Jesus Christ’s perfect success while on Earth depended on His relationship with God the Father. Mark 1:35 says, “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” You could say this was Christ's daily pilgrimage. The success of His ministry depended on His relationship with God. Following Christ’s example of prayer is how true Christians grow stronger! On today’s show, Stephen Flurry discusses the vital importance of praying daily.

Berlin Attack, China’s Drone Theft, Iraq Concedes to Iran, America Sidelined in Syria, and Much More

• Germany experienced a horrific terrorist attack this week, yet to this point, the government has done almost nothing in response. How long before the German people lash out?
• China illegally stole an American surveillance drone. It’s another sign of tension between China and the United States in anticipation of a Trump presidency.
• Several important nations are meeting to forge a peace deal for Syria—but the United States was not invited.
• The Iraqi government just voted to incorporate an enormous Iranian-controlled Shiite militias into its own national security forces.
• We’ll also talk about Vladimir Putin boasting Russia is stronger than any potential aggressor on Earth—the oldest bank in the world being on the brink of bankruptcy—India’s economy overtaking that of the United Kingdom—and CNN fanning public hatred toward the police.

Thursday 22 December 2016

Once Again, the German Question

All eyes are on Germany. How will German Chancellor Angela Merkel respond to the terrorist attack in Berlin? How will the German people react to Ms. Merkel’s stance on immigration? All of Europe is anxiously waiting to see. “The question of Europe now,” as George Friedman wrote, “is again the question of Germany, or what it wants, what it fears, what it will and won’t do.” On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry uses history and Bible prophecy to explain what Germany’s next move will be and why this will affect the entire world.


Many believe this bastion of secularism will never again embrace religion. History shows otherwise.

To see what is ahead for European unity, look at what is behind.

Angela Merkel’s government is proving inadequate. For the right leader, this could be a terrific opportunity to seize control of Germany.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

In a World Full of Enemies, America Can Only See One at a Time

On this day in 1991, Russian General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev did something many in the West thought would never happen: He announced that the Soviet Union would be dissolved. While this event helped bring an end to America’s longtime enemy, it did not bring an end to the spread of communism. The United States put the blinders on and moved forward. But now, less than three decades later, Russia is led by a man whose aim is to restore the Soviet Empire. Yet no one in America is ringing the alarm bells. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry discusses how America’s ignorance of its enemies is bringing down this once great nation.

Trumpet Hour: Trump’s Relationship With Russia, Yemen’s Civil War, Alcohol and Your Health, and More

• Critics of Donald Trump are really concerned about his nomination of Rex Tillerson for secretary of state—a man who they say is too cozy with Russia. What if U.S.-Russian relations improve? This could significantly alter the geopolitical landscape for a lot of nations.
• The civil war in yemen is getting worse—up to 10,000 people have been killed, 2.5 million people have been internally displaced. This is important to watch especially because of how it shows the larger battle for Middle East supremacy taking place between iran and saudi arabia.
• How does drinking alcohol affect your health? Does it increase your risk of disease or lower it? It turns out that it all depends on how much you’re drinking.
• And I’ll conclude the program with a few words about how to make sure you’re accomplishing the important things in life.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Was This Germany’s 9/11?

The German people are grappling with a choice between who they want to be and who they need to be. They want to be tolerant, nonjudgmental and multicultural. But, as yesterday’s terrorist attack in Berlin shows, Germans will naturally feel they may need to be more skeptical, confrontational and nationalistic. In today’s program, guest presenter Brad Macdonald considers the Berlin attack and some of its ramifications.

The Collapse of the Soviet Union and No More Delay

When the Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991, the anti-Communist coalition wildly celebrated its stunning collapse. But as former chess champion Garry Kasparov pointed out in a recent opinion piece, authoritarian regimes are again thriving in the world of 2016. Some 2.7 billion people on Earth live under the tyrannical rule of a dictator. In Russia, the bloodthirsty Vladimir Putin has made great gains in his bid to restore the glory of imperial Russia! And this time around, there is no anti-Communist coalition resisting him. Many in the West even praise the likes of Putin for being strong and authoritative. For more on this distressing turn of events, listen to Stephen Flurry on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

The Middle East’s Forgotten Civil War

The Bible identifies a Middle Eastern power, a king of the south, that gains significant influence over the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. Iranian-led radical Islam is that power, and it will use its clout to terrorize other nations in the region and beyond. The Bible also identifies another Middle Eastern power, a group of nations that “confederate” for a common cause. Saudi Arabia and some of its fellow Sunni states will be part of that power. Everything is shaping up precisely as the Bible indicates. Mr. Flurry explains these developments in his booklet The King of the South. It’s free upon request.
“The Houthi takeover in Yemen proves that Iran is implementing a bold strategy to control the vital sea lane from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea,” Mr. Flurry wrote in his 2015 article. “We need to understand the gravity of this new situation in Yemen!” 

Literature Offer

Friday 16 December 2016

Hidden Danger In Keeping Christmas? (2015)


Christmas is celebrated by billions of people around the world. So often in its observance, the theme of family togetherness, Jesus Christ, and goodwill toward men is overshadowed by commercialism, greed, and debt. Where did this holiday come from? It is meant to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, but did you know that its origins go back long before Jesus was born? Traditions like Christmas trees, wreaths of holly, and Santa Claus have roots far more ancient than anything in the New Testament.

Learn about this history, and why you should be concerned about it—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Christmas is America’s favorite holiday. Family togetherness and the life of Jesus Christ are both wonderful, but it is easy to spot the greed, materialism and debt caused by Christmas observance. Did God command Christmas observance? What are its origins? Who invented this day? Is December 25th even Christ’s birthday? 

Request our free booklet The Truth About Christmas to thoroughly answer these questions for yourself. Discover how this pagan holiday not only fails to glorify God, but actually causes mankind to doubt His power.

Many mainstream Christians realize the pagan origins of Christmas. They say it’s acceptable to turn this heathen custom into a day of Christian worship. But what does God say? Request our free booklet Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which? God specifies exactly how His people should worship Him.

It’s up to each individual human being to heed those instructions. Study Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which? to understand the choice all Christians must make between the traditions of man and the holy days of God. Discover the stunning symbolism wrapped up in God’s holy days.

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

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