Friday 23 December 2016

Berlin Attack, China’s Drone Theft, Iraq Concedes to Iran, America Sidelined in Syria, and Much More

• Germany experienced a horrific terrorist attack this week, yet to this point, the government has done almost nothing in response. How long before the German people lash out?
• China illegally stole an American surveillance drone. It’s another sign of tension between China and the United States in anticipation of a Trump presidency.
• Several important nations are meeting to forge a peace deal for Syria—but the United States was not invited.
• The Iraqi government just voted to incorporate an enormous Iranian-controlled Shiite militias into its own national security forces.
• We’ll also talk about Vladimir Putin boasting Russia is stronger than any potential aggressor on Earth—the oldest bank in the world being on the brink of bankruptcy—India’s economy overtaking that of the United Kingdom—and CNN fanning public hatred toward the police.

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