Monday 5 December 2016

What Can You Do in a Chaotic World?

If you have been reading the Trumpet and its forerunner the Plain Truth for a while, you have probably noticed that we foretold the decline of America. We warned that the outbreak of race riots would come; and that the U.S. would return to isolationism. We warned that Russia and China would unite, while smaller nations would be suppressed; that Britain would leave the EU; that Germany would dominate Europe and turn back to its Christian roots; and that Iran would provoke the whole world. How could we know? Read our free booklet He Was Right. (And if you aren’t already, subscribe to our monthly magazine the Philadelphia Trumpet.)
You might think: I admit your analysis is spot on, your facts are bulletproof, your forecasts are typically right, and the world is in chaos—but I don’t believe in fables! Bible prophecy? I am not crazy! I ignore your Bible references because I don’t believe in doomsday preaching.
Well, what is holding you back from looking into God’s Word? After all, people search for aliens. What’s wrong with searching for the truth? Why not request our free literature and prove to yourself whether there is a God who foretold the present state of this world? What do you have to lose? The literature is free.
Maybe you have studied Bible prophecy, and that’s what worries you the most. The prophecies of natural disasters, race wars, the mark of the beast and the coming nuclear holocaust are inconceivable and disturbing to you, and you don’t want to wrap your mind around them.
You have the choice! You have the choice between ignoring it and proving it. Your choice might change your life, just like the rising of the sun changes darkness to light.
Maybe you, as a longtime reader of the Trumpet,agree with all that we write, but you still wonder: What can I do?
If so, you are probably at the same point as so many of those the Apostle Peter addressed in the first century. Compare their reaction with yours: “Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37)
If your heart is “pricked” like theirs, you can read Peter’s answer in your own Bible, verse 38, and decide for yourself if you want to heed Peter’s advice and take the next step. If you do, start by requesting our free booklet Repentance Toward God and enter into a new life of overwhelming joy. 

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