Friday 29 September 2017

The Middle East Is in Chaos

The Islamic State, Iranian takeover of Iraq, civil war in Syria and Yemen, Egypt simmering, Libya in chaos, and Qatar and Kurdistan besieged—the Middle East is a mess! On today’s program from Jerusalem, Israel,’s Middle East correspondent Brent Nagtegaal discusses two more events that threaten to throw even more chaos into the Middle East mix: the Kurdish referendum and the acceptance of the Palestinian Authority into Interpol.
Is the Middle East Ready for an Independent Kurdistan? -…ndent-kurdistan
The counterfeit peacemaker -

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Pivotal Power

Turkey at the Crossroads

“You watch what happens with Turkey and Germany,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry said in a television program five years ago. “Turkey’s going to be allied with Germany, and Germany is driving a wedge between those two great countries, Turkey and Iran” (The Key of David, May 4, 2012).
Now we are seeing headlines like “Turkish Military Power, Made by Germany?” Turkey is cultivating such an alliance, despite current tensions.
How could we have known this would happen? Bible prophecy describes an astonishingly accurate forecast of the future of Turkey.
Modern-day Turks are the descendants of Esau, also known as Edom. For proof, read our article “East, West or Neither?
Psalm 83 is a prophecy about Germany’s relations with a variety of countries in the Middle East. It’s an alliance that has never happened in history. That is because it is prophecy about Germany (modern Assyria) for today.
Edom is at the top of the list of German allies in this prophecy.
Turkey is also singled out in the book of Obadiah for a major warning. Obadiah says that Turkey will be “as one of them”—as one of the European attackers on Israel. The Plain Truth magazine wrote that “Turkey, a Muslim nation, will not be an integral part of the religious-political union comprising the restored Roman Empire, but most probably will be linked with it by a military pact or alliance” (June-July 1980).
Now notice an interesting statement in Obadiah 14: “Neither shouldest thou [Turkey] have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape ….” The crossway is certainly a reference to Turkey’s crossroads position between Europe and Asia—more specifically, it refers to the giant bridge spanning the Bosporus, a literal crossway between European and Asiatic Turkey. The Bosporus Bridge was completed in 1973.
In World War i, Turkey was the bridge for Germany, helping it reach out to other Muslim nations. As Turkey returns to Islam, could it play that role again? It is both geographically and religiously a nation that Germany can use to expand its power.
Turkey is emerging today in exactly the role the Bible prophesied.The book of Obadiah is one of the most sobering in the Bible. It applies to more than just Turkey, but it has some troubling passages about what Turkey will help Europe do to Britain and America—as well as what will come back on Turkey. Thankfully, it ends by saying that “saviours shall come on mount Zion” and that “kingdom shall be the Lord’s.”
If this book can prove so accurate about Turkey’s fate, then the part about saviors and a coming Kingdom of God can be trusted too. The events of the next few years are part of the process that will lead to the kingdom being the Lord’s.

Merkel’s Coalition, NFL Millionaires and the Truth About Injustice and Inequality

On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry discusses the repercussions of the German elections and the coalition that German Chancellor Angela Merkel may not be able to form. Also on today’s program: Israel’s worry over the rise of the far right in Germany, Roy Moore’s Senate victory in Alabama, and what inequality and injustice looks like from a global perspective.

Media Insert Race Into NFL Controversy and Guttenberg Reacts to Germany’s Stunning Election

There’s a lot of talk in the United States about the need to have unity. Many see unity in National Football League owners and players locking arms and taking a knee during the national anthem. But is that the sort of unity that will heal America? Meanwhile, the major media are doing everything they can to inject race into the controversy between President Donald Trump and the NFL. Why is America experiencing such division? We discuss this topic on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, as well the aftermath of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, the Kurdistan referendum and Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg’s reaction to the German election.

Monday 25 September 2017

Donald Trump Feuds With the NFL While a Political Earthquake Rocks Germany

While America squabbles over sports and politics, earthshaking events are occurring around the world. This weekend, Germany witnessed a far-right political party enter the Bundestag for the first time since the fall of the Nazis. The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) took nearly 13 percent of the vote in Germany’s general election and now has over 90 seats in the Bundestag. This is a dramatic shake-up for German politics. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, host Stephen Flurry and Trumpet contributor Richard Palmer discuss the rise of the AfD and what it means for the future of Germany.

Friday 22 September 2017

Answered Prayer

As hurricanes and fires wreck and ravage America, the question must be asked: Is God answering our prayers? Discover the vital key to answered prayer—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. God is cursing America with natural disasters in this end time. These curses are far more terrifying than a lion on the attack! Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Lion Has Roared to learn the fate of the greatest nation in the history of the world. The Prophet Amos wrote the strongest warning message in the entire Bible. He foretold the catastrophic events rocking America today. Read The Lion Has Roared to understand why this nation is being punished. Discover the inspiring conclusion to today’s horrifying headlines. Catastrophic, nature-related phenomena are forcing their way into American life with troubling frequency. Request our free booklet Why ‘Natural’ Disasters? to learn whether earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, super-storms, floods, droughts and wildfires are actually increasing. If so, is it merely coincidence—or is there a cause? Both religion and science struggle to answer. But there is an answer—and it gives profound and even inspiring meaning to these seemingly random disasters! Read Why ‘Natural’ Disasters? to understand how. America today is heavily burdened by sin. Sin is the cause of all human suffering in the U.S. and around the world. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Repentance Toward God to uncover the difference between godly repentance and worldly sorrow. Learn how true repentance will help solve all world problems. Read Repentance Toward God. It could change your life dramatically! You will also receive a copy of our free reprint article “Will God Respond to America’s National Day of Prayer?” All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Lion Has Roared, Why ‘Natural’ Disasters?, Repentance Toward God, and “Will God Respond to America’s National Day of Prayer?” Order now here:

++++++++++++++ Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at: Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here: Learn more about Gerald Flurry here: +++++++++++++++

Europe’s Next Charlemagne | The Trumpet Daily

A strong German leader coming in the spirit of Charlemagne is imminent. In recent years, we have seen some strong leaders rise to the top in Russia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. But what about Europe? Today, Europe is divided. It faces many social and political problems that threaten its existence—the migrant crisis and banking crisis are just a couple of the monstrous burdens the European Union must deal with urgently! Did you know that your Bible talks about a fiercely powerful king who is going to rise in Europe and shock the whole world? This leader is prophesied to unite Europe and deal with many of the problems that plague the EU today. In fact, this leader is to unite Europe socially, politically, militarily, religiously—but not without paying a terrible price in the end. On today’s program, we will examine that prophecy and see how closely it connects to Jesus Christ’s return to this Earth! ++++++++ Request the FREE literature offered in this program: Visit

Obama’s Police State and America’s Religious Awakening

Sharyl Attkisson put together a frightening article this week laying out the extent to which the Obama administration spied on private citizens during its time in the White House. Attkisson herself was a victim of the Obama police-state-style surveillance and has been trying to expose the administration for years. Irrefutable evidence is mounting against the previous administration that it broke the law. Yet the major media is dead silent when it comes to covering these shocking revelations. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss Attkisson’s article as well as the trending topic of America’s religious revival.

Is the World Finally Starting to Embrace Israel?

“Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, we're in the midst of a great revolution. A revolution in Israel's standing among the nations.” That is how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his speech before the United Nations on Tuesday. On today’s program—recorded in Jerusalem, Israel—Trumpet Middle East correspondent Brent Nagtegaal analyzes Mr. Netanyahu’s speech in light of this revolution and discusses whether it will last.

Thursday 21 September 2017

What Is the Feast of Trumpets?

Believe it or not, the soon-coming fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets is going to greatly impact your life. Feast of Trumpets? What is that?
The Feast of Trumpets pictures the most important event in world history—the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
Your Bible reveals in detail the dramatic return of Jesus Christ in supreme power to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. Yet the world seems to understand almost nothing about this prophetic event—or the annual festival that pictures it!
Why not? Because the knowledge of this event was suppressed in the very first century of the Church by a false religious system. (For more information request our free booklet, Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which?)
The feasts God commands Christians to observe, which picture God’s plan of redemption for mankind, were replaced with holidays that mixed pagan traditions with Christ’s, like Easter and Christmas.
So what does this “Feast of Trumpets” picture?

How Trumpets Were Used

To understand the meaning of this feast day, it is important to understand how trumpets were used in Old Testament times. The literal blowing of trumpets was central to the religious life and safety of ancient Israel. In Numbers 10, God instructed Moses to make two silver trumpets and even specified their design. The trumpets were used to announce the feasts and new months, call assemblies, signal the starting or stopping of a journey (while Israel was in the wilderness), or to give warning of impending war (Jeremiah 4:19; Joel 2:1). In other parts of the Old Testament, the sounding of the trumpet represents warning messages given by God’s prophets (Isaiah 58:1).
Most importantly, the trumpets were blown on the Feast of Trumpets as a sign of great rejoicing (Psalm 81:3). The Feast of Trumpets always occurs on the first day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar, Tishri 1. In modern times, this festival has become known as the Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year.

Seven Angelic Trumpets

That is how the Feast of Trumpets was kept: with the blowing of trumpets, a holy assembly and a time of rejoicing. But what does this represent? This feast pictures end-time events, soon to occur!
The description of how God uses trumpets begins with the opening of the seventh seal (Revelation 8:1-2). Seven angels are given seven trumpets to blow. The blowing of the trumpets represents God’s intervention in world affairs immediately after the people of the world experience the Great Tribulation and heavenly signs (Revelation 6: 9-14). The successive angelic trumpet blasts and their associated world-shaking events represent God’s final warnings to a sin-soaked world.
Notice what happens with the blowing of the first four trumpets. After the blowing of the first, hail and fire mingled with blood are cast into the Earth causing a third part of the trees to be burnt up. After the second angel sounds his trumpet, a great mountain burning with fire is cast into the sea killing a third part of all the sea creatures and destroying a third of the ships on the sea. All sea traffic is halted because of the massive number of floating, dead and decaying sea creatures. When the third angels sounds, a third part of fresh water is made bitter, and men die from drinking that water. The fourth angel’s trumpet blast blackens one third of the light of the sun, moon and stars (Revelation 8:7-12).

Trump Calls for a Global Reawakening and for God to Bless All the Nations of the World

At the end of his United Nations’ address, United States President Donald Trump called for a “great reawakening of nations.” He called for the “revival of their spirits, their pride, their people and their patriotism.” He asked for God to bless the nations of the world. The UN has a 70-year track record proving it is utterly incapable of solving the world’s problems. But will the nations, chiefly America and Britain, be able to keep the world from spinning into chaos? Bible prophecy actually forecasts the exact opposite—America and Britain are leading the world down! On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain why it’s too late for a revival of the world’s nations and give God’s solution to the problem.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Our Maker’s Instruction Book

We are living in an age where the accepted explanation for man’s existence is evolution—the idea that our world happened by some fortunate accident. Of course, if that is the basis of our knowledge, then it means there are no set rules for how mankind is supposed to live—no moral code. The fruits of this thinking are evident in the mess of confusion, violence and moral depravity occurring around the world. It is clear that humanity does not know how to live! This world is suffering for a reason and it's because it rejects God, the Creator, who made man to live according to His laws! On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss why humanity rejects God’s instruction book: the Holy Bible.

Most Americans Know Absolutely Nothing About the U.S. Constitution

Sunday was Constitution Day in the United States. While many Americans are celebrating that document, a staggering amount of Americans don’t know a single thing about it. Abraham Lincoln said that the Declaration of Independence defines the purpose of the American republic and that the Constitution reveals its method of operation. Americans’ ignorance of the nation’s founding documents is a monumental crisis that receives little attention. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss why forgetting history is a more deadly crisis than almost any other crisis America faces.

The Psalm 83 Alliance

The Psalm 83 Alliance

A prophesied military alliance is about to come on the scene and shock the world.
In recent years, Germany has steadily improved relations with moderate Arab nations. Multiple bonds have developed, including weapon sales, energy deals and military agreements. The development of this German-Arab alliance is fulfillment of a specific end-time prophecy. The Trumpet terms it “the Psalm 83 alliance.”
Verses 6-8 of Psalm 83 reveal the ancient identity of the nations in the alliance. Historians and Bible scholars recognize that these nations have never formed an alliance. That is strong evidence that this is a prophecy—yet to be fulfilled. A study into national origins reveals generally who these nations are today:
  • Assur—Germany
  • Edom/Amalek—Turkey
  • Ishmaelites—Saudi Arabia (and other neighboring nations)
  • Moab/Ammon—Jordan
  • Hagarenes—Syria
  • Gebal—Lebanon
  • Tyre—Southern Lebanon (Hezbollah)
  • Philistines—Gaza
Because of Turkey’s inclusion in this prophecy, we also watch for the development of German-Turkish ties.
Psalm 83:4 states that the goal of this alliance is to destroy the modern-day nations of Israel. “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” God uses the Psalm 83 alliance, led by Germany, to punish the nations of America, Britain and Israel for their rebellion against His law (Isaiah 10:5).
Request our free booklet The King of the Southand our free reprint article “A Mysterious Prophecy” to learn more.

Is the Pope Right on Climate Change?

Of course, the new world political authority that Pope Francis has in mind would be guided and directed by the Roman Catholic Church.
Mankind does have a sacred responsibility to be good stewards of planet Earth. Yet the same Bible that Pope Francis paraphrased during his press conference says that weather disasters are actually curses sent by God to punish people for their sins.
“If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:13-14).
Rather than telling individuals that they need to repent of rebellion against God, the bishop of Rome is telling governments that they need to take more control over people’s lives.
Many Catholics don’t grasp that the Vatican is more than the headquarters of a religion; it is a nation-state participating in the political affairs of empires. As British political economist Rodney Atkinson wrote to late Trumpet writer Ron Fraser in 2013, “Imperial politics rather than the religion of the Roman Catholic Church have been its critical characteristic.”
Biblical prophecy describes a church existing in the end time that holds significant political influence with “the kings of the earth.” It will have particular power over a political-military union of nations described in symbolic terminology as a “beast” (Revelation 17).
This description can only apply to one church in modern history: a church that meddles in the affairs of nations and considers itself mother to all—a church that has repeatedly aligned with a particular empire in order to exercise political authority!
To learn more about this power that is increasingly throwing its weight around the world, read our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.

Sunday 17 September 2017


Friday 15 September 2017

Fatal Danger In Not Teaching History

In America and Britain today, history is becoming a forgotten subject. Learn why our leaders show contempt for history, and why our professors ignore it completely. Understand the devastating consequences of this grave error—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. History, both secular and biblical, is a crucial subject to study. Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The Former Prophets: How To Become a King to understand the vital history contained in the biblical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. Thousands of years of human experience show that mankind apart from God repeatedly follows the same failed patterns. Learn why even God’s chosen nation of Israel failed. This history is full of valuable lessons relevant to you personally. History repeats itself. The ancient nation of Israel is a cautionary tale. Yet, despite the bloody time of the judges and the treacherous rule of evil kings like Jeroboam, Israel still produced a handful of remarkable success stories. Read The Former Prophets: How To Become a King to grasp essential lessons from the lives of Joshua, Hannah, Samuel, David, Zadok, Elijah, and many more biblical heroes. Be inspired by their examples of bold leadership, godly child rearing, future vision, deep repentance, unshakeable loyalty, and absolute faith in the Almighty God. You will also receive a free copy of our reprint article “Defending Eilat Mazar—and the Biblical Record.” Scholars today scoff at the Bible’s account of historical events. But one archaeologist has found notable success simply by excavating where the Bible dictates. She has discovered King David’s palace, Nehemiah’s [Knee-eh-MY-uh’s] wall, the clay seals of Jeremiah’s captors, and many more exciting artifacts that prove the Bible 100-percent true. The Bible is stunningly specific and astoundingly accurate. Diligent study will prove that there are no contradictions in the entire book, despite it being written by dozens of authors over the course of thousands of years. Archaeology is a tangible, scientific method of reinforcing this fact. Read “Defending Eilat Mazar—and the Biblical Record” to uncover the hidden reason why scholars reject the piles of evidence confirming the Bible’s account. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Former Prophets: How To Become a King and “Defending Eilat Mazar—and the Biblical Record.” Order now here: Order the literature offered here:

++++++++++++++ Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at: Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here: Learn more about Gerald Flurry here: +++++++++++++++

The Abundant Life | The Trumpet Daily

True religion is not boring—it is the path that leads to the greatest joy human beings can have. Why do so many religious people believe the Christian life is one of forsaking fun and enjoyment—that in order to please God, they must endure a life of gloom and doom? True religion, as revealed in your own Bible, is the way of fruitful abundance and overflowing joy. It is the way of God—His lifestyle. On today’s program, we will expound on the only way to real, abundant living. ++++++++ Visit Request our FREE literature:

The United States of Europe, the Daniel 8 Man and the Sins of Jeroboam

A European superpower is about to emerge. All that’s missing is a strong leader to get the project moving. With Britain on the way out and Europe entrenched in crises, the Continent is ripe for a confident leader to pull it out of this mess. Bible prophecy describes the qualities of this leader and the conditions that will give way to his rise. These prophecies are being fulfilled right now. We discuss this and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

America’s Self-righteousness Problem and the Coming United States of Europe

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker delivered the annual State of the Union address yesterday. Juncker said that the “wind was back in Europe’s sails” and, now that Britain is gone, it’s time for Europe to knuckle down and forge a “United States of Europe.” Trumpet writer Brad Macdonald discusses Juncker’s speech, as well as America’s problem with self-righteousness, or, what he terms, “America’s Job complex.”

Wednesday 13 September 2017

A World Hungry for Leadership

A new movie about Winston Churchill, Darkest Hour, is coming out in November. And judging by reviews from left-wing critics—that the movie “mostly plays as a rabble-rousing conservative fantasy in which it comes down to the powerful individual to single-handedly steer the course of history through his iron will”—it sounds like it might be pretty good! God used Winston Churchill to save Western civilization. Were it not for his powerful leadership and undeterred pursuit of victory, we wouldn’t have the freedoms we do today. The West desperately needs leaders like Churchill today. Sadly, all Britain and America can do is reminisce about the great leaders of history. Bible prophecy says America and Britain will experience a dearth of leadership just before their prophesied collapse. We discuss this and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

God Has a Controversy With Our Nations

It is clear that God is no longer blessing the nations of America and Britain. But Bible prophecy says God goes beyond just refusing to bless these nations—He actually has “a controversy” with them! (Hosea 4:1). God is cursing America and Britain. Why? After the Prophet Hosea was inspired to write that God has a “controversy” with our nations, he explained why: “[B]ecause there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood” (verses 1-2). Could there be a more accurate description of America and Britain today? On this episode of the Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss why God is besetting our nations with so many curses.

Monday 11 September 2017

Why Won’t God Answer Our Prayers?

After the Charlottesville, Virginia, tragedy in August, President Donald Trump and many in his administration prayed that God would heal America. Just days after their prayers, Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, inundating the city with water in what will likely be the most expensive national disaster in United States history. After Harvey, the Trump administration prayed again. President Trump even declared a national day of prayer in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. A few days later, Hurricane Irma, the strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded, hit the Caribbean and triggered a mass evacuation in Florida. Is God answering the prayers of America’s leaders? These events speak for themselves. The question now is, Why isn’t God blessing America? Why isn’t He healing our land? We answer these questions and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Friday 8 September 2017

2 Chronicles 7:14 Misquoted

One of America’s foremost leaders has twice misquoted a vital scripture in recent months. Learn how a proper understanding of this scripture would provide the solution to America’s horrifying problems—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry. America is on the verge of a second civil war. Meanwhile, Hurricane Harvey and other natural disasters are ravaging the nation. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Book of Chronicles to learn how to solve these crippling national problems. Discover how to avoid the suffering and captivity of ancient Israel and Judah. These nations paid a dear price for breaking God’s law. God wants to heal our land. But He will only do it if we turn from our wicked ways. That may be offensive for some to hear, but it is the only way for America to survive. Read and heed God’s warning in The Book of Chronicles. America today is more unsafe and unstable than ever before. The cause of this nation’s devastating problems is sin. It is too late for entire nations to repent and turn to God. But there is still time for individuals. Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet How To Be an Overcomer to understand how to win your war against sin. The Christian life is a constant struggle against a dark, perverted spirit being. Read How To Be an Overcomer for specific steps to repentance, conquering self-deception, vanquishing self-righteousness, and submitting completely to God’s will. The war against sin is yours to win. All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Book of Chronicles and How To Be an Overcomer. Order now!

++++++++++++++ Order the literature offered here: Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at: Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here: Learn more about Gerald Flurry here: +++++++++++++++