Tuesday 5 September 2017

A Message From the Editor in Chief


Jesus Christ chided people for failing to discern the signs of the times (Matthew 16:1-3). The signs of His Second Coming are all around us—yet that same blindness afflicts virtually the whole world today. And most of the news media are the most blind of all!

That is why we feel such a responsibility to give you this understanding. God actually holds us accountable to proclaim it in an effort to save people!

If you saw someone you cared for carelessly heading into a disaster, wouldn’t you try to stop him? Wouldn’t you shout a warning, or do anything you could to save him?

As the Prophet Amos said, “The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?”

There is a lot of bad news in the world today. But if you discern the signs of the times, it is not depressing. It is corrective to recognize the chastening of God. It is exciting to realize that God is real and alive and active in carrying out His plan. It is moving to see events fulfilling the Bible’s prophecies.

And it is extremely inspiring to know what these signs actually signal: the very soon coming of Jesus Christ in power to set this sin-sick world right!

Keep reading the Trumpet. We will help you see how all these earthshaking events are actually signs of the greatest, most hope-filled event in history!

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