Thursday 21 September 2017

What Is the Feast of Trumpets?

Believe it or not, the soon-coming fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets is going to greatly impact your life. Feast of Trumpets? What is that?
The Feast of Trumpets pictures the most important event in world history—the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
Your Bible reveals in detail the dramatic return of Jesus Christ in supreme power to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. Yet the world seems to understand almost nothing about this prophetic event—or the annual festival that pictures it!
Why not? Because the knowledge of this event was suppressed in the very first century of the Church by a false religious system. (For more information request our free booklet, Pagan Holidays—or God’s Holy Days—Which?)
The feasts God commands Christians to observe, which picture God’s plan of redemption for mankind, were replaced with holidays that mixed pagan traditions with Christ’s, like Easter and Christmas.
So what does this “Feast of Trumpets” picture?

How Trumpets Were Used

To understand the meaning of this feast day, it is important to understand how trumpets were used in Old Testament times. The literal blowing of trumpets was central to the religious life and safety of ancient Israel. In Numbers 10, God instructed Moses to make two silver trumpets and even specified their design. The trumpets were used to announce the feasts and new months, call assemblies, signal the starting or stopping of a journey (while Israel was in the wilderness), or to give warning of impending war (Jeremiah 4:19; Joel 2:1). In other parts of the Old Testament, the sounding of the trumpet represents warning messages given by God’s prophets (Isaiah 58:1).
Most importantly, the trumpets were blown on the Feast of Trumpets as a sign of great rejoicing (Psalm 81:3). The Feast of Trumpets always occurs on the first day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar, Tishri 1. In modern times, this festival has become known as the Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year.

Seven Angelic Trumpets

That is how the Feast of Trumpets was kept: with the blowing of trumpets, a holy assembly and a time of rejoicing. But what does this represent? This feast pictures end-time events, soon to occur!
The description of how God uses trumpets begins with the opening of the seventh seal (Revelation 8:1-2). Seven angels are given seven trumpets to blow. The blowing of the trumpets represents God’s intervention in world affairs immediately after the people of the world experience the Great Tribulation and heavenly signs (Revelation 6: 9-14). The successive angelic trumpet blasts and their associated world-shaking events represent God’s final warnings to a sin-soaked world.
Notice what happens with the blowing of the first four trumpets. After the blowing of the first, hail and fire mingled with blood are cast into the Earth causing a third part of the trees to be burnt up. After the second angel sounds his trumpet, a great mountain burning with fire is cast into the sea killing a third part of all the sea creatures and destroying a third of the ships on the sea. All sea traffic is halted because of the massive number of floating, dead and decaying sea creatures. When the third angels sounds, a third part of fresh water is made bitter, and men die from drinking that water. The fourth angel’s trumpet blast blackens one third of the light of the sun, moon and stars (Revelation 8:7-12).

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