Wednesday 27 September 2017

Pivotal Power

Turkey at the Crossroads

“You watch what happens with Turkey and Germany,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry said in a television program five years ago. “Turkey’s going to be allied with Germany, and Germany is driving a wedge between those two great countries, Turkey and Iran” (The Key of David, May 4, 2012).
Now we are seeing headlines like “Turkish Military Power, Made by Germany?” Turkey is cultivating such an alliance, despite current tensions.
How could we have known this would happen? Bible prophecy describes an astonishingly accurate forecast of the future of Turkey.
Modern-day Turks are the descendants of Esau, also known as Edom. For proof, read our article “East, West or Neither?
Psalm 83 is a prophecy about Germany’s relations with a variety of countries in the Middle East. It’s an alliance that has never happened in history. That is because it is prophecy about Germany (modern Assyria) for today.
Edom is at the top of the list of German allies in this prophecy.
Turkey is also singled out in the book of Obadiah for a major warning. Obadiah says that Turkey will be “as one of them”—as one of the European attackers on Israel. The Plain Truth magazine wrote that “Turkey, a Muslim nation, will not be an integral part of the religious-political union comprising the restored Roman Empire, but most probably will be linked with it by a military pact or alliance” (June-July 1980).
Now notice an interesting statement in Obadiah 14: “Neither shouldest thou [Turkey] have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape ….” The crossway is certainly a reference to Turkey’s crossroads position between Europe and Asia—more specifically, it refers to the giant bridge spanning the Bosporus, a literal crossway between European and Asiatic Turkey. The Bosporus Bridge was completed in 1973.
In World War i, Turkey was the bridge for Germany, helping it reach out to other Muslim nations. As Turkey returns to Islam, could it play that role again? It is both geographically and religiously a nation that Germany can use to expand its power.
Turkey is emerging today in exactly the role the Bible prophesied.The book of Obadiah is one of the most sobering in the Bible. It applies to more than just Turkey, but it has some troubling passages about what Turkey will help Europe do to Britain and America—as well as what will come back on Turkey. Thankfully, it ends by saying that “saviours shall come on mount Zion” and that “kingdom shall be the Lord’s.”
If this book can prove so accurate about Turkey’s fate, then the part about saviors and a coming Kingdom of God can be trusted too. The events of the next few years are part of the process that will lead to the kingdom being the Lord’s.

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