Wednesday 30 September 2015

When God Intervenes to Save Mankind - The Trumpet Daily

Currency War: Dragging the World Toward World War III

This dangerous sequence of events is something the Trumpet has been warning about for years. It is something Herbert W. Armstrong famously forecast to millions of people on radio and in print. Throughout his 53-year work, he often described the conditions that would precede the biblically prophesied economic collapse of the United States.
Despite then being the most stable currency in the world, the American dollar would one day be in “jeopardy of being devalued,” he wrote back in 1968 (co-worker letter, March 26, 1968). When the dollar plummets, he warned, inflation will erupt and this will lead to “eventual economic collapse for the United States.”
Based on Bible prophecy, he warned that the beginning of World War iii would be “economic in nature.” About America and Britain in particular, Mr. Armstrong stated: “God prophesied a virtual trade war will get under way against the United States and Britain—and [that] our national economics will falter, and then collapse!” (ibid; emphasis added).
Over and over, Mr. Armstrong warned about the connection between trade war and world war. As far back as 1960, he said that trade war would be the first blow of the biblically prophesied nuclear World War iii.
In a 1971 Plain Truth magazine article titled “Trade War Looming to Trigger World War iii,” Mr. Armstrong warned that American businesses were increasingly moving operations to Asia due to greedy union demands. He warned that the result would be the erosion of good-paying jobs and economic decline. He said political pressure would inevitably build to “start raising high tariff barriers against other countries” (March 1971).
But if we engaged in the drastic protectionist policies needed to protect America’s high-cost labor, he warned, in time it would inevitably trigger nuclear war.
Mr. Armstrong based those predictions on prophecies in Ezekiel 7, Deuteronomy 28 and elsewhere. He said the siege God prophesied in Deuteronomy 28:52 symbolized America’s economy being battered by competition from foreign powers.
Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote about this in our December 2014 issue: “America’s enemies are going to cause economic problems and bring on destruction in many ways ‘until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee’ (verse 52). The real pressure is coming from without. ‘In all thy gates’ refers to a trade war. The enemies of America, Britain and the Jews will attack their currencies, their financial markets, and their economic might.”

A Time Before Time

The late Herbert W. Armstrong compared most people’s understanding of the Bible to walking in on a movie partway through. It is very confusing to start watching a movie an hour in, without knowing the context and the events that led up to that particular scene. The same principle applies to the Bible. To comprehend its true story, we must go back to the real beginning—which is not found in Genesis 1:1.

Eternal Prehistory

God inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15). He has existed with the Word forever, longer than time itself. John takes us back to a time before God created the angels and man, a time when He and the Word dwelled alone in the universe. That is the real beginning.
The real beginning of history can be found in John 1. These verses unlock and reveal so much about the Bible. They are the key to the entire book. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God” (John 1:1-2). John begins his epistles and his gospel account the same way: by pointing us back to the beginning, before any spiritual or physical creation, and perhaps millions of years before the re-creation of Earth depicted in Genesis 1:1.
“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life” (1 John 1:1).
The Apostle John is the only New Testament writer to refer to Jesus Christ as the Word. He was Christ’s closest companion. Christ gave John a deeper spiritual understanding than the other apostles.

Trumpet Hour: How To Create A Better World For Our Children

Friday 25 September 2015

A World Soon to Rely on God

In the Western world mankind celebrates diversity, the expression of one’s self and independence. You must be allowed to choose for YOURSELF what is right and wrong, people say. Human nature does not want anyone telling it what to do.
The first two humans, Adam and Eve, bought into this philosophy. Satan wanted to make them think that God was harsh, squelching their individuality. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). You can rely on yourself, he told them in essence. You don’t need God!
Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in Mystery of the Ages that when Adam chose to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, “[H]E rejected reliance on God and chose the course ofSELF-reliance.” Adam opted for “independence.” What he did not realize was that the tree he chose would not give him independence—it would actually cause him to beHELD CAPTIVE. Eating from the tree of life, conversely, would have led him to reliance on God and God’s Holy Spirit.
Mr. Armstrong wrote in A World Held Captive, “Once [Adam] succumbed to Satan’sWAY of choosing to ‘do his own thing,’ in rebellion against a deliberate command of God, he became spiritually the property of Satan. … All humanity came out of Adam and Eve. The present world was FOUNDED in them. The WORLD has ever since been HELD CAPTIVE!” If we choose to “do our own thing” and rebel against God’s authority and government, then we are in danger of becoming “spiritually the property of Satan” and being HELD CAPTIVE by him!
Satan’s deception was so ingenious—disguising world captivity as do your own thing, be independent, no one can tell you what to do! Little does man realize that he is being influenced and even manipulated by the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2).
This point is clearly made in 2 Peter 2, discussing false ministers inspired by Satan: “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants [SLAVES] of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage”(verse 19).
If you told man that he would soon be dependent on a higher power, he would be insulted. But the astounding fact is, he IS ruled by Satan now and doesn’t even know it (2 Corinthians 4:4).
God gave man 6,000 years to prove that he could not make it “all by himself,” that he could not be “independent.” Resulting conditions will get so bad that God will have to intervene in man’s affairs to ensure that he does not annihilate himself! This is pictured by the Feast of Trumpets.

Promises of Peace Then Sudden Destruction

Seventy-six years ago, Britain declared war on Germany. The Allies were victorious in the war, but the victory came only after many years of suffering and sacrifice. Many of the mistakes leading up to World War II are being repeated today. The leaders working so hard for peace are actually causing war. We are again stumbling forward to our own peril. But there is one voice that is speaking the truth, issuing a warning of what is to come, and illuminating how the world will finally find peace. Request our free booklet Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman to learn more of these vital lessons from history.

Why Not Celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles Instead of Halloween?

Too few have ever stopped to deeply consider why they believe what they do, why they follow the customs they do, or where those customs came from.
One example is the celebration of various holidays and traditions. Take Halloween, for instance. Every year on the evening of October 31, millions of Americans participate in the nation’s second-most lucrative holiday of the year. It is the occasion for parties, pranks and children requesting treats or threatening tricks. Many masquerade in grotesque costumes and eerie disguises. Why? They don’t know. They just do it because that’s what others are doing.
It is clear to see that Halloween’s symbolism is based on darkness. But how did society come up with such a bizarre holiday? A cursory check of world history reveals that ancient pagans performed mystical rites and ceremonies in honor of the dead on their “New Year’s Eve” (October 31). This celebration helped preserve the false doctrine of the “immortality of the soul”—that the dead aren’t really dead.
Years ago, Halloween was simply the evening celebration in anticipation of “All Saints’ Day”—November 1—in honor of the “lord of the dead.” This was actually in honor of the devil, not God. The Holy Bible reveals that God isn’t the God of the dead, but of the living (Matthew 22:31-32). Nevertheless, the Halloween tradition has been perpetuated to this day and further popularized through commercialization.
God and true Christianity stand for the exact opposite of death and darkness—for light and life (John 1:4-5). No matter how much of a joke we make it out to be, Halloween is simply Satan worship. It is, in real fact, connected with rank idolatry and demonism.
The overtly heathen practices of Halloween—and even the subtly pagan customs associated with certain other supposedly “religious” holidays, such as Christmas and Easter—worked themselves into professing Christianity down through the annals of history and are still being celebrated today, with most people giving no thought whatsoever to their origin and few doing anything about it once they learn of it.
There are certain celebratory days, however, that worship the great God—days He instituted within the ancient nation of Israel that are still to be kept in our modern society. Many passages in the Holy Bible show us that Jesus and the entire New Testament Church kept the same annual feast days that the God of the Old Testament commanded His chosen people Israel to keep forever (Leviticus 23:1-36).
What could be better than restoring the observance of God’s holy days? Kept according to His instructions, God’s holy days are much more meaningful and fulfilling than all of the world’s “traditional” holidays put together.

Thursday 24 September 2015

The Real Missing Link

Evolutionists have been searching in vain for a missing link between animals and man. The real missing link, however, is between man and God! The discovery of this link will answer life’s most important questions. It explains why man was created and reveals the incredible potential in store for all humanity. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry explains the missing link between man and Creator.

CreationEvolutionMan's PotentialGodJesus ChristMissing LinkScienceOriginalGenesisBible ProphecyTrumpet DailyStephen FlurryPhiladelphia Church of GodHerbert W. ArmstrongSouth AfricaHomo Naledia

September 23

The Pope begins his visit of the United States.


Monday 21 September 2015

Why the World Is the Way it Is

Imagine coming into a movie right at the end. You wouldn’t know how you got there, or what events led up to that point. You would be confused. Man’s history is much the same way. How did mankind get to this point today? Knowing where this civilization started is the key to understanding our world. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry looks back to the genesis of this present civilization in order to explain why the world is the way it is.

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Friday 18 September 2015

Will Break the Pride of Your Power

Make God Real! - The Trumpet Daily

The Pope Visiting Cuba, Jerusalem Violence, Russia in the Middle East, the Fed’s Interest Rate

First up on the Week in Review is Pope Francis’s visit to Cuba tomorrow. Why is he visiting there before coming to the U.S.? We look at how this fits in with his critiques of America’s economic system.
We also cover the violence erupting on the Temple Mount. Who is promoting it, why now, and where could this lead?
Germany’s Angela Merkel tells the UK, We’ll give you a looser relationship with Europe—if you let us form a EUROPEAN ARMY.
With Russia increasing its presence in the Middle East, we talk about its interests there and what the effects will be.
Finally, the Federal Reserve threatened to raise interest rates—and this week said, Just kidding. The reason says a lot about the world economy.
All this and much more on today’s Trumpet Hour.

The Francis Revolución

As the Trumpet has repeatedly warned, Pope Francis intends to remake the global societal structure. Che Guevara’s days as the face of revolution are over. Latin America’s new revolutionary face is that of the first Latin American pope.

This year has already seen Vatican-induced changes to Cuba and the broader region. Now the stage is set for the attack on American capitalism to continue, only this time it will not be by the likes of Che Guevara and his guerrillas, but by the leader of the most powerful religious organization on Earth.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

How Failure Can Help

If we fail to learn from failure, we will keep making the same mistakes. What is your approach to failure? Do you examine what you’ve done wrong and strive to fix it? Or do you fail to learn the lessons and continue repeating the same mistakes? Our approach to failure has everything to do with how we grow. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry uses the Bible to explain how we can achieve success by learning from our mistakes.

SuccessLearnGrowFailureFightGodBibleTrumpet DailyStephen FlurryPhiladelphia Church of God

America’s Sexual Revolution of Teens, the Immigration Crisis in Turkey, and More

Today on the Trumpet Hour, we go mainstream. Pop stars today are espousing and promoting some shocking ideas and beliefs to young people. Extremely destructive ideas are becoming common in teens and youths. How aware of them are you?

Also, among all the refugees flooding out of the Middle East, millions are heading to Turkey. We talk to a man who recently traveled to that nation and got a firsthand look at this situation.

Big news is regularly coming out of Russia and China that has major implications for the future of the world. We have a booklet that will help you understand this important region—and we want to give you a copy free.

Finally, we talk about why babies and nations fight and the secret to peace.

Miley CyrusBabies documentaryRussiaChinaRefugeesTurkey

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Sunday 13 September 2015

Day of the Lord (2013)

Britain's Stone of Destiny - The Trumpet Daily

The Dreadful Day of God’s Wrath

The Day of the Lord

Starting with the Great Tribulation—2½ years of Satan’s wrath—the world will suffer for 3½ years. Here’s how the Great Tribulation begins: “For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs” (Habakkuk 1:6).
The Holy Roman Empire has caused so much damage and killed so many people in its past six resurrections. The seventh and final resurrection is almost here! Led by a great false church, Germany and a united 10-nation Europe, it will vie for world domination one last time!
“That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers. And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung” (Zephaniah 1:15-17).
The Day of the Lord and the Great Tribulation are a time of judgment, distress, alarm and rivers of bloodshed! You can find terrifying prophecies about this in both the Old and New Testaments.
Here is what I wrote in the Habakkuk booklet: “Weapons of mass destruction are proliferating rapidly; terrorist groups are arming for religious war; the nations of Israel are collapsing morally, and will soon collapse economically, politically and militarily. Meanwhile, Europe is quickly moving toward a full-scale resurrection of its imperial past. The Middle East is ready to explode and drag the whole world into the deadly morass. And God asks, ‘[W]hy will ye die, O house of Israel?’ (Ezekiel 33:11). Nations are going to die if we don’t wake up and heed God’s warning!”
Look around. Russia is conquering parts of other nations. China is unexpectedly allying itself with Russia and displaying similar aggression in the South China Sea and other areas of Asia. Germany is being flooded with Syrian refugees and dealing with a financial crisis on the Continent. Iran is racing toward the nuclear bomb. The Gentile powers are asserting themselves now much more than in 1995 when I wrote about this!
Man’s governments today think they are better off without God. They go their own way, which leads them to the brink of nuclear annihilation! (Matthew 24:21-22). The Day of the Lord is all about Jesus Christ supernaturally intervening in this end time. He will plague the nations, pass judgments for their sins, and crush them forever!

The Good News

We must look beyond these earthshaking events to the wonderful vision encompassing it all. We need this vision to be able to see past the terrible plagues that are about to come upon this Earth. Unless men do some repenting, they’re going to have to experience that.
The book of Revelation and many other prophecies describe the Day of the Lord in detail. It is coming. But the good news is this: Once Christ topples the governments of man, He will return and set up His own Kingdom on this Earth, which will bring joy and happiness forever and ever. That’s the inspiring conclusion to this dreadful day of God’s wrath.

Fourteen Years On

Did America win the war—or press the snooze button and go back to sleep?
Nine days after 9/11, Benjamin Netanyahu gave a rousing speech in Congress before the House Government Reform Committee. In it, he posed a simple, straightforward question: “Do we rally to defeat this evil, while there is still time, or do we press a collective snooze button and go back to business as usual?” Fourteen years on, the Western world has definitely returned to business as usual. On today’s radio show, Stephen Flurry shows that the world today is much more dangerous than it was before 9/11.

Russian Troops in Syria, Congress Folds on Iran, Russia and China Grow Closer, and more!

Today’s week in review covers events in Syria, Iran, Europe, Asia and the United States.
The Assad regime in Syria is getting a huge boost from Russian troops who have joined the fight in order to keep the Syrian president in power.
In the United States, Congress has OK’d the nuclear deal with Iran, despite strong opposition. Congress aims to push the deal forward, full steam ahead.
The eurozone crisis is prompting European lawmakers to push for political union—but a key voice warns that if it isn’t done democratically, it will pave the way for a strongman.
The alliance between Asian giants Russia and China is strengthening—and signs are that its primary purpose is to oppose America.
The World Bank warns that the Federal Reserve not to raise interest rates lest it risk sending the global economy into panic.

Thursday 10 September 2015

The Deep Things of God

When we talk about thinking deeply, we’re talking about letting the thoughts of God—the deepest thinker in the Universe—rule our own thoughts.

Everything we do comes back to what is going on in our minds. What is the quality of your thinking? How deep of a thinker are you? Are you able to concentrate on the things you want to concentrate on? Or are you easily distracted? 2 Corinthians 10:5 says we must bring into “captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” On today’s show, Stephen Flurry provides tips that will help you develop a more godly way of thinking.

Europe’s Immigration Crisis: A Clash of Civilizations

The immigration crisis is already pushing Europe in this direction. As Trumpet columnist Brad Macdonald noted last week, that crisis is not going away any time soon. The next major terrorist attack will only add to the enormous pressures that are already building.

This crisis is going to change Europe’s foreign policy. But more fundamentally, it is going to help transform the very culture of Europe—its modern identity as a liberal, secure, tolerant and generally easy-going continent.

This crisis is as big and transformative as Europe’s economic crisis. The economic crisis put the Continent’s economy under a strain not seen in its modern history. That crisis is not over and it is already in the process of transforming Europe’s economy. The migrant crisis is the greatest challenge for Europe’s culture and society since the fall of the Berlin Wall—and maybe since the end of World War II. It will transform that culture and society.

Religion will play a great part in the solution to that crisis. It’s hard to foresee exactly how—just as it would have been hard to foresee Muslims turning Christian in order to incur the death penalty—but it is too deeply embedded in the crisis to not play a role.

The best way to get a sense of what comes next, is to understand Europe’s history, especially its Christian roots. We’ve just produced a brand new book on this subject. Order your free copy of The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy by clicking here.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Why Didn’t the British Monarchy Collapse Along with the Empire?

Today Queen Elizabeth II becomes Britain’s longest-reigning monarch. The empire is long gone—but the world’s oldest throne remains.

Queen Elizabeth

The Inspiring Truth About Queen Elizabeth, Europe’s Refugee Crisis, and the EPA’s Power Grab

Today, Queen Elizabeth ii passes Queen Victoria as the longest-reigning monarch in England’s history. We discuss why Britain’s royal family has endured while so many other monarchies have fallen. After that, Trumpet writer Brad Macdonald, based in Britain, tells us about Europe’s refugee crisis, why this is so concerning, and what it means for Europe’s future. You really need to understand the significance of this story. Next, we cover the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s most recent discovery: It has a lot more power than it thought—and it plans to use it! We talk about the effects this could have on America’s economy. Finally, Joel Hilliker gives some simple advice about the last thing you do at night—this can really make your day.

EPAQueen Elizabeth IIEurope refugees

The Inspiring Truth About Queen Elizabeth—the Longest-Reigning Monarch in English History

The details of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation are replete with similarities with the way that Solomon and the monarchs of Israel were crowned anciently—because it is the same ceremony for the same throne.

“For over 70 years we have proved repeatedly and in convincing detail that Britain descends from ancient Israel, specifically the tribe of Joseph,” wrote Mr. Flurry. “Among the descendants of Israel, England has by far the most enduring and prestigious monarchy. The reason for this is simple and stunning: England’s royal family descends from King David.”

“This institution … is living, breathing proof of God’s existence!” he concluded.

The history that connects Queen Elizabeth with King David can build your faith and confidence in the authority of the Bible, and in the God who made those promises to King David.

But even more inspiring is what the Bible reveals about the future of that throne.

In the immediate future, there will be a difficult period of correction. Remember, God’s promise to David was not only to preserve that throne, but also to chasten those who inhabit it when correction is needed. God has made good on that promise in the past, and will do so in our generation. There is definitely much evidence to show that Britain and its royal family are in for some tough times.

But ultimately, what will happen with that royal line—and that throne—are full of spectacular hope.

Notice this promise made to Mary about Jesus Christ: “And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Luke 1:31-33).

That throne is enduring—and God is going to give it to Christ, who is also of the royal line of David! The fact of that throne’s existence on Earth today actually points to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, because He is going to rule from that very throne!

If you have never studied into the truth about the British throne, visit the links below this article. Request also your free copy of Herbert W. Armstrong’s fantastic book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. It tells the remarkable story about the British throne—its enduring past and glorious future.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

The True History of God’s True Church

When Jesus Christ founded the New Testament Church, He said the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He prophesied of seven successive eras it would undergo before His Second Coming, and even foretold the predominant character of each.


The people of Charleston, South Carolina, showed the world the only way to have peace among the races.

A look back at how Iran came to rule the region 

The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy

The Holy Roman Empire has made pivotal and defining contributions to Western civilization-but its many reincarnations have also come with painful and catastrophic consequences. European leaders aim to unite the fractured continent of Europe by reviving the legacy of this extraordinary church-state combine. One of the great lessons of this empire is that it always comes back. There is always another resurrection. The Holy Roman Empire is not just a relic of history. It is about to play a central role in world events. Coming to understand about the nature and character of this powerful institution tells you as much about the future as it does about the past.

Mystery of the Two Trees

Europe Facing Worst Refugee Crisis Since Second World War

Dramatic events are shaking Europe at its foundation. The refugee crisis is exposing major flaws in the European Union. How much longer can Europe stand on these shaky grounds? Who’s going to solve these crises? Listen to Stephen Flurry explain how events are bringing Europe into perfect alignment with Bible prophecy!

Monday 7 September 2015

Hannah Explains: Why the Feast of Trumpets

This world’s women don’t think the way Hannah did!

There should be no chapter break at the end of 1 Samuel 1. Chapter 2 is a prophecy about the Feast of Trumpets, which pictures Christ’s return. The Jews still read this chapter on Rosh Hashanah even today. Notice what Hannah begins to prophesy after she has had this child. “And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation” (1 Samuel 2:1). A horn is a symbol of strength and power. We’ll see what Hannah meant by that a little later.
“There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God” (verse 2). The Hebrew word for God here is Elohim, which refers to the God Family. She understood so much about God’s Family. She probably understood God’s family plan more deeply than the most righteous women of God in the Bible—and this is before God gave her a child. When you understand their potential, you know those lovely children are gifts from God.
God used Samuel to deliver Israel anciently, as He will use the firstfruits to deliver Israel and the whole world in the future. We will give them a vision about the Rock—our Hus­band.
“Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed” (verse 3). God is watching all our words and deeds. When Christ returns, every person will be judged (Matthew 12:36). The time to rid ourselves of our vanity and arrogance is now. We are getting ready to rule the world and later the universe with Jesus Christ.
“The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength. They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble” (1 Samuel 2:4-5). Remember, this is an end-time prophecy.
The second and third chapters of Revelation describe seven successive eras of God’s true Church from Christ’s first coming until His Second Coming. (Our free booklet The Royal Book of Revelationwill explain this to you.) The final era, the Laodicean (Revelation 3:14-22), is a colossal failure. That is the era currently on the scene. Look at this spiritually. The Laodiceans are “full”; they are rich and increased with goods (Revelation 3:17). They have lost this awesome, magnificent vision God gave them through the end-time Elijah, Herbert W. Armstrong, during the Philadelphia era (Revelation 3:7-13).
Notice the phrase “they that were hungry ceased” in 1Samuel 2:5. There is a cutoff when a man such as the end-time Elijah comes along. While Mr. Armstrong was preaching God’s truth, people who were hungering and thirsting spiritually would come along to develop and grow as members of God’s Family. There were prospective members, donors, people who only had a slight interest in God’s Work. Then, all of a sudden, they that were hungry just ceased being fed. When “they that were full” turned away from God, it spelled disaster for the many people who were being nurtured spiritually!
If God’s people—those whom He called out of this world and gave this vision to—don’t get out and proclaim His message to the world, they will lose their own blood (Ezekiel 33:7-9). That is how important God’s message is. But on top of that, they will be guilty of the blood of those to whom they should have been giving this message—the whole world! This is all there is. This is why man. This is why God gives physical children. When people turn away from that, they turn away from God.
God’s Work always continues, though. We can’t escape the responsibility God has given us. It is up to us to do the Work. This world desperately needs the message God has given us to deliver. There is so much sadness in this world. Hannah said that the woman with many children is waxed feeble. The Hebrew means to droop or hang down the head, or a drooping heart. As tragedies in this world increase, a mother with many children who doesn’t know about Elohim will be bereaved. Look at what is happening to our children today with the drugs and violence in schools. Yes, many women are hanging their heads. Although they may have many children, there is something missing. Do they know about Elohim? Do they know about the God Family? If they do, are they heeding what Elohim says so they can become a part of His Family? This is the message God has been teaching man from the beginning—all the way back to Samuel and even before, to the very first man and woman.
On the other hand, Hannah said that if you are barren, and you go to God and try to understand this, He will give you seven children! Your joy will multiply.
This world’s women don’t think the way Hannah did!
“The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up” (1 Samuel 2:6). God kills, and He makes alive—He resurrects! He will do it even to people in His own Church. Many of them will be killed and brought back to life shortly after that. The Laodiceans who are full and have no need for God will soon face death. Because they have hired themselves out for bread, exchanging this God Family vision for the evil of this world, they will have to repent before God will resurrect them to a place in His Family. Otherwise, God will “bring them down to the grave”—forever!

Pillars of the Earth

“The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them” (verses 7-8). Hannah is prophesying about the first resurrection, when God will raise up His firstfruits from the dust. He will raise them from the dunghill and make them royalty. He will make them pillars and set the whole world on their shoulders.
These verses picture a time when Samuel, Hannah, Elkanah and many others will be resurrected as pillars at headquarters—pillars for God to set the rule of the world upon. Revelation 3:12 is a companion scripture, showing that God will make the Philadelphians into pillars.
Hannah also talks about them inheriting the “throne of glory”—David’s throne. In Revelation 3:21, Jesus Christ promises His Philadelphian bride that they will share this throne! In addition to being pillars, we will rule the world. We will be with Christ, ruling with Him, under our Father. That is the God Family vision.
This is what Hannah saw! She saw that she could have a son, and God would make him a firstfruit pillar—and God would resurrect him to set the whole world upon his shoulders. This is no fantasy—it will certainly happen! That is what God will do: raise people right up out of the dunghill—those the world so scorns and hates. They will be pillars. Most of the commentaries say Hannah was just being poetic. No, she was not! God will set the whole world upon those pillars—those Philadel­phians who remain loyal in this end time. They will be pillars at headquarters, and God will set the whole world upon them! The very purpose for our calling today is to teach and rule the entire Earth in the near future—and, after that, the universe. That is our incredible human potential as firstfruits today!
That is a lot of responsibility. If God is going to give us this kind of glory, He must try and test us to prepare us.
But notice: “He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail” (1 Samuel 2:9). We cannot get through this with human ability. God must keep our feet from slipping. So don’t worry about your trials and tests. You are Christ’s bride! He will not let you slip. He will not let you fall.

God’s Government in the New Testament

How was God’s government administered in the New Testament? Some say it was different from what is revealed in the Old Testament. Is there a difference?

Throughout the Old Testament, God always worked through one man who was directly under the one who became Jesus Christ. The examples of Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, David and many others thoroughly prove this. But what about the New Testament? Did Christ come and establish a new form of government, and in so doing, do away with the government of the Old Testament? Why did Christ ordain 12 apostles? Why not just one?
The question of how God’s government operates should be extremely important to us because it has so much to do with the soon-coming Kingdom of God. The Kingdom, after all, will be made up of God’s Family which will administer God’s government.
On May 2, 1974, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote a letter to members and co-workers of the Worldwide Church of God. In it, he said, “As we progress through the Bible on the question of government, theprinciple of government, from the top down, is consistent. But the application, or details of structurediffers, and varies to adapt to the time, conditions and facilities. The revolters from God’s Work confuse structural form with principle of government, which is always from the top (God) down. They are not the same.”
Many people confuse the structural form of government, which can change, with the principle of government, which never changes. With that in mind, let’s look more closely at Church government in the New Testament.

Peter—the Chief Apostle

After Jesus overcame Satan in the decisive battle in the wilderness (Matthew 4), He chose 12 disciples. They were eyewitnesses to the Messiah and His Work. They were right there with Him. One of the main things they preached in the first century was that Jesus had come and gone and was resurrected. They saw it all happen.
In the Old Testament, Moses was commanded by God to select 12 men, one from each tribe, to go and spy out the land of Canaan to see whether it was good or bad. They also were to bring back an eyewitness report.
Twelve is also used throughout the Bible to depict an organizational beginning. So after Jesus overcame Satan, He immediately began to organize what would later be the New Testament Church government.
Now notice how He dealt specifically with Peter, one of the original 12. “And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas [in Greek, Peter], which is by interpretation, A stone” (John 1:42).
The Greek word for Peter is petros and simply means “rock.” There is symbolism in Peter’s name. But first, let it be made clear that Jesus did not somehow “fade away” into nonexistence and give all authority of the Church to Peter, as many churches in this world believe.
In Matthew 16:18, we read, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The rock spoken of here in the Greek is not petros, but petra, which means large, massive rock, or rocky fortress. The “rock” here is referring to Jesus Christ (notice 1 Corinthians 10:4).
Christ is the Head of the Church, as is plainly stated in Ephesians 2:20: “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.” Christ is the chief corner stone of the pyramidal form of government in God’s Church. It is a government formed like a pyramid, from the top down. Peter himself plainly stated that in 1 Peter 2:6-8. Many other scriptures in the New Testament establish God’s government from the top down.
Simon’s name was changed to Peter because it symbolized the foundation of the Church. Notice Mark 3:14, 16: “And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach…. And Simon he surnamed Peter.”
Here is what Mr. Armstrong wrote in Mystery of the Ages: “A surname is, according to Webster, ‘an added name derived from occupation.’ The surname Peter had for centuries been a surname ortitle, designating a religious leaderhead or headquarters. Peter was the first and chief apostle.”
Christ names His leaders what they are! And among the original 12 apostles, Peter was chief. Of course he didn’t go around abusing his authority and firing people left and right. But he was given authority over the others. There wasn’t a 12-member doctrinal team that decided doctrine in the first century. Mr. Armstrong wrote, “So, at the very beginning of His earthly ministry, preparing the foundation for the Church, Jesus Christ chose His chief human apostle and the other original 11” (page 221).
We already read Matthew 16:18 where Christ said “thou art Peter.” The very next verse makes it even clearer that Peter was given chief authority. “And I will give unto thee [Christ is still addressing Peter] the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou [again, Peter] shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (verse 19). This is an important verse because all the other apostles were standing there, and yet Christ was specifically addressing Peter. Why didn’t He say this to all of them? As chief apostle, Peter was given the authority to “bind” and “loose.” Christ made this statement to no other apostle!

Difference Between Old and New Testaments

Let’s briefly look at the difference between the governments of the Old and New Testaments. They were only different in their structural form, as Mr. Armstrong wrote in the member letter quoted above. But the principle of government from the top down is the same in both cases.
In the Old Testament, God chose one man at a time who served directly under Him. This was because Israel was one nation in one location. Due to the conditions and facilities at that time, this was all that was necessary to administer the principle of government from the top down.
Now what about the New Testament? Mr. Armstrong wrote in the member letter, “But in the first century of the Gospel Work in the New Testament, God was sending the Gospel into many countries, over wide areas. So He organized His Work into two principal divisions, or areas—Israel and Gentiles. They were widely separated geographically. Communication was virtually nil, except by personal contact. Transportation was by foot, horse or muleback, or by camel or elephant, or sailboat.”
For this reason, God chose 12 apostles instead of just one. This enabled the brethren to be reached on a much more regular basis. But still, as we have already seen, Peter was chief of these original 12.