Monday 7 September 2015

How Great is God Compared To Man?

How much water can you cup in your hands? God measured Earth’s oceans in the palm of His hand!

Learn About God

God is the greatest. Isaiah 45:5-6. God tells us He is the one and only God, but how does He prove this? What has God done that “none else” can do? Verses 18, 21. How great is God compared to man? Isaiah 40:12. How much water can you cup in your hands? God measured Earth’s oceans in the palm of His hand! Next to creation, God proves His greatness through prophecy, but who told God what would happen in the future? Verses 13-14. God asks rhetorical questions to show that His magnificence is unquestionable. Does God tire from all this physical and mental work? Verse 28. No matter how big the task, God can do it. No matter the depth of a question, God understands it.

A Productive Life

Be creative! How often have you complained to your parents that there is nothing to do? How long has God been alive? Isaiah 57:15. And yet, even with His eternal lifespan, God has never been bored! God isn’t bored because He is always creating something! Psalm 90:1‑2, 4. By considering the vast creation of God from the intricacies of a butterfly to the grandeur of the galaxies, we can glimpse God’s infinite creative capacity. Romans 1:19-20. Having nothing to do is plain laziness. Learn and perfect something new: a skill, a hobby, a sport, an instrument, a craft. Don’t give up just because it takes time. The planning process for this universe took God eons and eons of time, and yet we are thankful God went through with it! Ephesians 3:9. Don’t be bored; be creative—like God!
Establish your routine. 1 Corinthians 14:40. God demands that we be orderly. If you feel unproductive, maybe you need to establish a routine. Look to Jesus Christ’s example of a successful routine. 1 John 2:6. How did Christ start His day? Mark 1:35. He put His relationship with His Father first and began with prayer to Him. Did Jesus also make sure that He worked hard during the day, going about His Father’s business? John 9:4. Was Jesus balanced with His routine, making sure to plan time to attend social functions and spend time with friends? John 2:1-2. Although the Bible doesn’t mention His bedtime, we know that after a hard day’s routine, Jesus would have gone to bed early enough to ensure He could wake up early to pray. Christ was productive, not just busy. By building the same routine that Jesus lived, you too can finish the course set by God for you! John 19:30.

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