Wednesday 30 September 2015

Currency War: Dragging the World Toward World War III

This dangerous sequence of events is something the Trumpet has been warning about for years. It is something Herbert W. Armstrong famously forecast to millions of people on radio and in print. Throughout his 53-year work, he often described the conditions that would precede the biblically prophesied economic collapse of the United States.
Despite then being the most stable currency in the world, the American dollar would one day be in “jeopardy of being devalued,” he wrote back in 1968 (co-worker letter, March 26, 1968). When the dollar plummets, he warned, inflation will erupt and this will lead to “eventual economic collapse for the United States.”
Based on Bible prophecy, he warned that the beginning of World War iii would be “economic in nature.” About America and Britain in particular, Mr. Armstrong stated: “God prophesied a virtual trade war will get under way against the United States and Britain—and [that] our national economics will falter, and then collapse!” (ibid; emphasis added).
Over and over, Mr. Armstrong warned about the connection between trade war and world war. As far back as 1960, he said that trade war would be the first blow of the biblically prophesied nuclear World War iii.
In a 1971 Plain Truth magazine article titled “Trade War Looming to Trigger World War iii,” Mr. Armstrong warned that American businesses were increasingly moving operations to Asia due to greedy union demands. He warned that the result would be the erosion of good-paying jobs and economic decline. He said political pressure would inevitably build to “start raising high tariff barriers against other countries” (March 1971).
But if we engaged in the drastic protectionist policies needed to protect America’s high-cost labor, he warned, in time it would inevitably trigger nuclear war.
Mr. Armstrong based those predictions on prophecies in Ezekiel 7, Deuteronomy 28 and elsewhere. He said the siege God prophesied in Deuteronomy 28:52 symbolized America’s economy being battered by competition from foreign powers.
Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote about this in our December 2014 issue: “America’s enemies are going to cause economic problems and bring on destruction in many ways ‘until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee’ (verse 52). The real pressure is coming from without. ‘In all thy gates’ refers to a trade war. The enemies of America, Britain and the Jews will attack their currencies, their financial markets, and their economic might.”

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