Thursday 3 September 2015

Why Are Murder Rates and Violence Rising in American Cities?

We are witnessing the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ezekiel 7:23: “Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.” This foretells a time when crime and violence in the end-time nations of Israel would be so prevalent that one crime would literally follow another like links in a chain. That is exactly where the U.S. finds itself today.
We have brought it upon ourselves. By rejecting God, by refusing His solutions, by exalting our own perverse reasoning, by nurturing hate and division, by embracing lawlessness and sin, by dissolving our families and leaving our children to raise themselves—we have invited our own destruction.
Read the rest of Ezekiel 7 to see how God is going to punish this nation. The curse of violence within our cities is only the start. It will intensify, and continue to deplete our strength and sap our will as a nation. It is going to weaken us to the point where we are susceptible to being taken over—as this prophecy warns—by hostile foreign powers. That is where this terrible trend is leading us.
Is that the kind of justice we want? Because that is the kind of justice we are going to get.

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