Friday 4 September 2015

Three Reasons Why 90 Percent of Prophecy Is for Today

 Prophecy is dual.

The third reason why about 90 percent of Bible prophecy is for us today is that much of prophecy is dual. Many prophecies were fulfilled during or after the lifetimes of the prophets who gave them—but they were not totally fulfilled. These partially fulfilled prophecies still have an end-time fulfillment. The best example that illustrates this is in Luke 21, when Jesus gave the very detailed Olivet prophecy.
Christ’s disciples asked what the sign of His coming and of the end of the age would be. Christ answered that one sign would be the destruction of Jerusalem (Luke 21:20-24). Jerusalem was destroyed in A.D. 70, but this was only a partial fulfillment—Christ hasn’t returned yet! The Roman destruction of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago was a forerunner of the total fulfillment of all the prophecies in Luke 21.
This is one example, but duality is seen all over the Bible. There is an Old Testament and a New. There’s an old earthly Jerusalem and a new, heavenly one (Revelation 21.2). There’s a first Adam and a second Adam—Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:45-47).
When you believe in God and His Bible, you realize that the Bible’s prophecies are neither mystical nor outdated. If you read them for what they say and prove them against biblical and secular history, you will find that 90 percent of biblical prophecy is aimed at our generation. To prove this principle much more fully—and to find out who the modern Israelites are—request The United States and Britain in Prophecy by Herbert W. Armstrong. Like all of our literature, it is completely free of cost or obligation.

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